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Everything posted by angeldelmito

  1. Mkay but watch it end up with an 85% or higher, boo.
  2. The only reason I'm giving this a D and not an F is because i'm being lenient. God, I had such high hopes for this. I'm not one to label myself as a "Marvel" or "DC" fan, so I went into this on a blank slate (other than knowing that in someway Superman will die, lmao should've left the spoiler thread a long time ago). Sigh. For what it's worth, I really liked Man of Steel. Like really liked it. What happened with this? Why was this so extra and messy? Realistically, I'd give this a 40/100. But because I'm gay as fuck and those shirtless scenes got to me, I'm increasing it to 50/100. Still a bad score, but whatever. Pros: -We got a look at the Justice league. Loved seeing Cyborg, Flash, and Aquaman (AHHHHHH!!!) -Beautifully executed action scene at the end with Doomsday. (I fucking love the way Wonder Woman beat his ass.) -Wonder Woman was the best part of the movie, too bad she couldn't save it. -Ben Affleck's transformation into a daddy. -Ben Affleck's great acting. -BATMAN AND SUPERMAN SHIRTLESS. -The majority of the third act was entertaining. -Gaaaaah. Wonder Woman. I'm definitely looking forward to her solo film, and I am so glad that Snyder is not directing it. -My favorite scene was when the girl was trapped in the building in Mexico and Superman saved her, and everybody started to bless him or something, and then there was a montage of him saving people. That was really refreshing. -CGI was good or whatever but you'd expect that from a superhero film with a big ass budget. Cons: -Sloppily edited, like.... yikes -The movie started off way too sad. Like damn. And then that scene of the girl and her dead mom in the building.... yikes. -Superman dies. Personal con from me, I like Superman a lot. -what the actual fuck were those dream sequences. like what the actual fcuk -- what were all those weird ass monsters doing in Bruce Wayne's dreams??? -and oh my GOD don't get me started on that second dream sequence with the desert and the flying wasp robots and superman soldiers or some shit during an apocalypse, and then he wakes up to ANOTHER weird ass dream where there's this random ass dude?? In a time portal or something?? Like???? Snyder????? Wyd?????????¿? -the score is.... out there. I mean there are a few (and I mean few) scenes where the score is well done and goes well with the scenes (Lex Luthor and WW's theme). But yikes. - Awkward ass scene with Amy Adams in the bath fully nude and Cavill jumping in there with all his clothes on... like that's a bad idea in real life and visually, what the fuck. And then to have the nerve to show the glasses coming off with a splash of water. Girl, this disrespect. lmao -i'm religious so all that shit lex luthor was saying about God was uncomfortable... but that's just me -Unnecessary painting at the end of the movie was supposed to represent what?? -Damn, this movie was grim and unnecessarily dark. Like I'd expect this from films like Mockingjay Part 2, but not this... There was like only one happy scene in the movie, and that was barely happy as it is. -Lmao, WW and Superman over here doing the real damage to doomsday and Batman jus standing over there doing nothing. Instead of having Lois there, you should've made Batman get the spear so it felt like he did more than shoot a Krypton gas bomb thing. -They got the nerve to let Snyder direct Justice League... Sigh. 50/100 (D-)
  3. this is the most hilarious thing i've heard all day, alice in wonderland grossing more DOM than Batman vs Superman
  4. damn, what if this ends up making less than THG's WW. Lmao, I'd never thought that would happen.
  5. unless they're of a genre you're not fond of (well not hate, just dislike)
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