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Everything posted by tonytr87

  1. This might be true, might not be true. What is true is the trailers weren't scary at all, the reviews have been lackluster, and when people are done with Halloween, they're done with it. It was a mistake to release this in November. More than any of those, Doctor Sleep is not that a famous as a book and no movie buff in their right mind wanted a sequel to a Kubrick film that isn't directed by Kubrick. I watch everything, and I'm not watching this. Why? Because I have no desire to see Shining-lite made by a TV director.
  2. Really hate this term. It implies that moviegoers are actively avoiding a certain actor. We know that's not the case.
  3. This is true. Anton Yelchin was cast as Kyle Reese in Salvation because he kinda looked like a young Michael Beihn.
  4. My most anticipated for next year, more so now after watching The King. I didn't bother with Call Me By Your Name, thought he was amusing in Lady Bird, and he proved himself a pretty good actor in a rather unlikable role in Beautiful Boy, but in The King I finally saw the guy everyone's been raving about. He's watchable at all times and never less than compelling in that movie.
  5. I don't know if it'll make 500 million WW. I don't judge success on budgets anymore. Studios are out of control with them so I consider it a little unfair. I understand that doesn't make sense to most people here, but that's how I think. Doolittle was never going to be some uber blockbuster. It's the studio's fault that such lofty expectations were placed on it, all because the director wasted away money. 150 mil domestic is doable though, and would be considered a mild success for this movie under normal circumstances.
  6. This is good. The more old franchise movies flop the more studios will be reluctant to continue them indefinitely.
  7. I don't think so. The internet is a bubble and the trailer isn't that bad, should appeal to families..
  8. Also, completely different scenarios for two completely different movies. There's never been a Top Gun sequel. There's been five Terminators before this one. Why compare them?
  9. Seriously. All this Cameron return talk means nothing if he's not directing it. The trailers were pretty pedestrian and the last two films disappointed/flopped. Studios need to learn a lesson: sometimes franchises need to end/die.
  10. No. As someone tweeted recently: the Golden Age of Television will become the Apocalypse of Streaming. Too many streamers is going to hurt that market, and to some extent everything will prove too confusing for consumers.
  11. Movie's pretty good. Could've used another hour as the story is an epic one and comes off a bit rushed in its sub-2 hour run time. Cumberbatch, Shannon, and Hoult are all quite good, but I wonder what this could've been with a better, more experienced filmmaker.
  12. There was a good movie to be had with showing the future war in full, but they chose McG of all filmmakers to tackle it.
  13. Okay, dude. Obviously "they" being the studio, who is the decision-maker when it comes to continuing a franchise. You can believe what you want to believe, but it's destined to lose money and the reviews aren't good enough to justify it on artistic merits either.
  14. You think that's worse than censorship and dictatorship? One is a simple comic scene not so much making fun of a legend but more or less portraying him accurately but satirically. One is...well, I don't have to explain.
  15. It's insane to me that they keep getting regurgitated. It's one thing to make endless sequels and reboots in a successful franchise. But to reboot again and again despite little financial and critical success? It's the definition of insanity. Salvation and Genisys were both failures, and yet here we are again.
  16. Spider-man, Toy Story, John Wick all outperformed expectations. Or at least, they outperformed the logical expectations. TS4 had zero buzz, still managed to gross more than TS3. What you saw was unnecessary sequels under-performing, and It Chapter Two, a mediocre sequel to a mediocre movie.
  17. I wasn't gaga for any of his flicks until Hostiles. That movie proved he is indeed talented.
  18. Seems like it oughta be bigger than that. Everyone over 30 has seen The Shining. Then again, releasing a horror movie AFTER Halloween is an odd choice.
  19. In terms of making money, it's easy going from animated to live action. Not so easy going from live action to animated. The 90's Addams Family are Halloween classics.
  20. I've never tried HFR so I think I'll spring for it this time. AMC Stubs is the shit.
  21. You guys put too much weight on Cinemascore. Wasn't it proven long ago it's based on relatively few exit interviews, and with questions based mostly on whether expectations were met or not?
  22. Wish I lived in LA. The appetite for movies there is so much greater.
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