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Everything posted by tonytr87

  1. That flag controversy was...stupid. And the movie was great. https://italianimposter.com/2018/10/15/first-man/
  2. My only issue, and I get that it's a nitpick, but Aladdin's clothing is way too clean. He looks like he's wearing a costume, like he's not an actual street urchin from centuries ago who should be wearing well-worn, tattered clothing. Disney's sterilization evidently filters down to the costumes as well.
  3. True, but he oughta be a Dicaprio-esque draw is all I'm sayin'
  4. Man, Gosling can't catch a break. One of the greatest movie stars of his generation and soulless American don't care.
  5. My review: https://italianimposter.com/2018/10/08/a-star-is-born/ A modern classic. Bradley Cooper is for real.
  6. One of the most idiotic sentences ever uttered on this forum. Why does this forum suffer fools so gladly?
  7. You can't really compare it to those. Bad movies in the 80s and 90s were next level bad. These days you don't see anything like that, because pop culture evolves. For today's standards, Venom is pretty bad. It's not Adam Sandler Netflix movie bad, but it's close.
  8. It does amaze me that something so incompetent could inspire enjoyment, but to each their own.
  9. Seriously...do you Venom fans know how to read? I couldn't give a shit if people like it. I'm just predicting that they won't. Also, those audience scores don't always translate in terms of box office.
  10. Good for you. I don't care if people like it. I was bitching about something else. Learn reading comprehension.
  11. Good god do I hate it when media or cast members or whoever say something like "it's for the fans" or "it's for audiences." I complain about dumb people in Trump's America, but it's a complete insult to moviegoers. It's like saying as long as you put pretty colors and a big brand on the big screen the lemmings will follow. The odds are pretty good that audiences will hate it nearly as much as critics.
  12. We knew it wouldn't be art, but it's also not good entertainment either. Visit my site for a full review, just trying to gain a humble following... Venom Ain't Art
  13. Movie's pretty bad, but Hardy's quite entertaining. He single-handedly makes some of the comedy bits work. You know it's a bad movie when the mid-credits scene is the best part.
  14. Creed will drop from the first and make less than 100 mil. Count on it. Widows is a wild card and Green Book is the next Help or Hidden Figures.
  15. The producer's job is to rep the studio, but within reason. Learn how filmmaking works. It's not about what I expect. I know what the reality is...I'm merely voicing what I think should be the case. Motherfucking business school grads don't know a damn thing about making movies.
  16. Producers yes, bean counters no. You'll never convince me that it's a good idea for bean counter executives and shareholders to have a say...but actual producers are integral to the process.
  17. The thing is...you have to be blind and deaf not to believe in auteur theory. Film is a collaborative process, yes, but a great director often means a good movie, and a lesser director often means a bad movie. Plus, just take a look at every famous director...nearly all of them have quirks/signatures/styles unique to only them, even the much-maligned ones like Bay. That's auteur theory.
  18. The problem with Venom is that Eddie Brock is interesting but once he becomes Venom he's just a slobbering alien creature.
  19. Great trailer. Little worried that the performances will come off a little too SNL but I like the tragicomic vibe.
  20. We live in a country that elected Trump. Lot of people out there who will see a turd, eat it, and tell you it actually tastes good.
  21. Indeed. You can all the way back to Superman Returns which performed almost identically to Batman Begins, but the reception was quite different.
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