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Everything posted by tonytr87

  1. Except this isn't the Me Too movement. This is different. Unless somebody wants to tell me with a straight face that Tarantino would never do this to a man, because he most definitely would. He's a maniacal filmmaker. We've known this. It's just unfortunate that it led to somebody getting hurt.
  2. And hey, maybe it's just me. I just can't get over the fact that Chalamet looks like he's 14 or 15 in the movie. The dude is tiny.
  3. As somebody who's been on many sets this incident doesn't make him "trash." He was definitely an asshole, but there's a lot of pressure on a director. This was a case of his vision blinding him from reality.
  4. I'm plenty calm. Also, both previous statements aren't exactly as you describe, particularly the Detroit bit. It would have flopped regardless of how it was received on Twitter. My point was about the myopia of the far left on the internet. I believe my point about CMBYN had to do with people refusing to even want to talk about the somewhat problematic nature of the subject matter, and THAT I chalked up to the gay-positive story (has nothing to do with "two men"). It's almost guaranteed that if the story were of an adult man like Hammer falling in love with a 17 year-old girl going on 14 there'd be critical think pieces galore. That's a double standard. I'm sure it's more than middle America too. Don't take everything so literally. It's just a box office forum.
  5. It's a little dirty that they coupled this with the Weinstein thing when they're two separate things entirely. Yes, Tarantino was overzealous and reckless and egotistical, but we already knew that.
  6. I just think it's amusing that middle America is gobbling up a movie about a con artist that pretends to be woke. The movie's a mess but I enjoyed parts of it.
  7. It's a crowdpleasing musical that ALSO makes white people feel good about "helping those who are different." It's a crock of shit, perfect for supporters of you know who.
  8. That's not entirely true. If it were a better movie that delved deeper into the reality of P.T. Barnum's life it could have been in the running. There was definitely room to make a cheerful musical while also presenting Barnum as a flawed character. Don't forget friggin Extreme Loud and Incredibly Close was nominated. Regardless, Barnum isn't the reason it's not in the conversation. It's a mess of a movie.
  9. I'm sure it'll be shit, but the 500 ghosts thing has me hooked. Might have hooked others as well.
  10. Gangster Squad was mediocre personified. And 30 Minutes or Less was shit. One good movie in Zombieland doesn't instill confidence.
  11. Visually looks like shit to me. You could easily shoot it on a better camera and still get that frenetic handheld vibe but with better cinematography.
  12. I agree. Split was better than Get Out in my opinion. I'm in an extreme minority but Get Out actually felt somewhat irrelevant to me in the Trump era. If it had been released during Obama's presidency I think it would have resonated more with me, which makes sense as Peele says he wrote it three or four years ago.
  13. Wish I could excited for this, particularly with Hardy who's perfectly cast, but...Ruben Fleischer.
  14. I'll say this about Jumanji and Greatest Showman...I wasn't the biggest fan of either, but box office-wise The Rock and Efron definitely made up for the Baywatch flop.
  15. All of his films up until now turned a profit, especially Prisoners and Arrival and apparently Sicario considering they made a sequel for no reason.
  16. It's a stylistic choice in keeping with the film's themes and the original film. People don't just like it because slow = deep. You're just stereotyping film nerds.
  17. I fucking hated that voice over with Deckard and Rachel driving off together. Final Cut every time for me.
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