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Everything posted by MCKillswitch123

  1. This is how it could go: #1 - Rogue One: A Star Wars Story - 500M+ #2 - Captain America: Civil War - 450M+ #3 - Finding Dory - 450M #4 - Deadpool - 360M #5 - The Jungle Book - 355M #6 - Zootopia - 345M #7 - Moana - 335M #8 - Suicide Squad - 330M #9 - Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice - 325M #10 - Independence Day: Resurgence/Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them/some other freak of nature breakout - 300M+ (OR NOT... this is definitely the big question mark here) @nilephelan Pets is gonna be HUGE, but I expect it to stop at 250M, maybe slightly more but no more. Seems like the schedule will be all too crowded for it to really go wild. It'll beat the 1st Despicable Me, but that's where I imagine they'll draw the line. But who knows, maybe it can freak out as well.
  2. I think ID2 has a slightly stronger chance at 300M than Fantastic Beasts. Both of these movies are, alongside Ghostbusters, easily the biggest question marks of the year in terms of range. But I think Resurgence benefits from a coveted mid June release date (even if it is a week removed off of what should be a bloodbath w/Finding Dory and Central Intelligence), potential major four-quadrant appeal and the ever so required Summer season D-porn. Plus, nostalgia. While FB certainly has potential, especially since every Harry Potter movie adjusts to over 300M, I don't think it will because it's tying in w/the main Potter franchise doesn't seem clear enough that the casual people who are unaware that this is in the same universe as Potter can get a clue of that until well after OW (which could indicate strong legs... oh wait, it's Harry Potter. Potter + legs = not a good match). And don't forget that the Hobbit trilogy seemed much closer to LOTR than FB seems to tie to Potter, and only the 1st movie of those (Unexpected Journey) crossed 300M DOM, and BARELY so at that (303M). I do agree that X-Men and Ghostbusters are also big time wildcards for 300M, albeit massively questionable ones on surface. I don't think they'll make it, but the potential is there. The former due to goodwill from Deadpool and DOFP if anything, but this all despite the fact that only Deadpool crossed 300M DOM for the franchise. And Ghostbusters, even though I personally hated the trailer so it's tough for me to admit it, because NOSTALGIA!!! and Melissa McCarthy, even though The Boss isn't doing so well right now, but hey, The Boss wouldn't ever have the same type of coverage as freaking Ghostbusters, now would it? None of these are anything close to locks, though, there's just a very, VERY small chance at that. Well, I know a good bunch of people who did find a new interest in this movie after this trailer. I for one find myself in same group, as while I found the 1st trailer bland and meh, this one looked much more appealing. Does this mean that this movie is gonna be the next Jurassic World? No, but it's slowly jazzing people up a little more than before.
  3. 2016 will definitely tie the record, as it's already up 3 w/Deadpool, Zootopia and BVS, and will feature 3 other locks in The Jungle Book, Civil War and Rogue One. You add the inevitable Finding Dory as well, and yes, record will undoubtedly be broken. 10 300M movies is a bit of a stretch, though. Suicide Squad has potential should it break out GOTG style (and since I expect it to have a 100M+ debut, the 1st one in August history, plus no competition - similar story to Jungle Book - I think it can do it), then you got Moana which could always reach it, assuming that it captures the hearts of people the way Frozen and Zootopia did. A 3rd one is tougher.... maybe Independence Day? Hype is surging after the last trailer, movie's definitely got four quadrant appeal and it could be the Jurassic World-ish nostalgiarific spectacle of 2016. It's possible, but I wouldn't really bet on it happening. Maybe this could be a club, though.
  4. I'm only hyped up for this weekend for three different things: - Zootopia's Japan debut; - The Jungle Book's hold; - The Huntsman potentially bombing.
  5. Yeah, Hemsworth does deserve better... but let's not even compare to the waste of Emily, Charlize and Jessica. My three favorite actresses in the world all together in one movie. I should've gone gangbusters over this, and I'm feeling completely apathetic instead. Great fucking job Anyway: Huntsman: 20.6M Elvis & Nixon: 3.7M
  6. I think Guardians 2 will make it before Pirates 5. I think it's possible for Pirates 5 to make it, but Guardians 2 is coming off of a 770M+ predecessor, it features arguably one of the biggest draws in Hollywood atm (Pratt) starring, and it's being released in that goldmine that is late April/early May, that has produced 4 billion dollar hits for Marvel Studios since 2012 (counting Civil War which pretty much has a spot totally waiting for it there).
  7. Well, to make up for that, no other year has even come close to touching 2016's record of FOUR 300M+ grossers released in the 1st Quarter (let's face it, TJB is pretty much locked for this). Most 1st Quarters struggle to get as much as a single 300M maker, 2016 got four of them. Not to mention that 2016 has over 100M more in DOM revenue than 2015 had up until this point, despite the much stronger number of 100M makers.
  8. Frankly, Trevorrow's direction was the least of JW's problems. To his credit, he managed to make the film consistently entertaining from start to finish (at least to me). Unfortunely, the script was kinda shitty, though.
  9. Oh, okay, thanks then. Hey, at least it's a fan pleaser. That's a step up for VG movies. More than shit like Doom, Hitman, and pretty much any piece of shit not called Mortal Kombat was capable of (though I did hear decent things about Lara Croft Tomb Raider and Silent Hill).
  10. I kinda do. And I'm somewhat curious to see if reviews actually peg it as watchable if not good, even though I know they won't because video game movies and fuck what I like. God, I hope Assassin's Creed finally puts the VG movie curse to misery.
  11. Is this official or just a prediction? Cause I'd assume we'd at least get some reviews and whatnot if the movie were out in some parts of the world already, like with Zootopia.
  12. 300M is pretty much locked already w/the crazy great WOM. After all, Zootopia had a 75M debut and it'll end up in the 330-350 range w/equally strong reviews. Alice had a slightly stronger OW but tepid WOM, and still made it. But to directly answer your question, I say it needs to say above at the very least 20M on week 4, which is the Civil War OW. Assuming that the 190-200M buzz comes to fruition, everything that's leftover will be taking a big time balls punch. If JB survives that w/little damage, 300M is an absolute given.
  13. I disagree w/that, I think they are locks indeed. Finding Dory is the sequel to one of the most beloved animation films of all time, has a heavy nostalgiarific feel to it thanks to the 13 years of distance from Nemo (TS3 was separated 11 years from TS2, and that didn't hurt it), will probably have TONS of publicity steeming from Ellen alone, and it's by far the biggest animation tentpole of the year. Whereas Rogue One... it has Star Wars in the name. And it has Darth Vader in it. That's all you need to know. We'll just agree to disagree, though
  14. So we've just seen the 3rd 100M+ debutant of the year, after Deadpool and BVS. Currently, the record of most 100M openers is being held by last year w/6 (Star Wars, Jurassic World, Age Of Ultron, Furious 7, Minions and Mockingjay 2). W/half that number matched without even breaking into Summer season, is it safe to say that 2016 will comfortably break that record? We've already got Deadpool, BVS and Jungle Book. Civil War, Finding Dory and Rogue One are locks for 100M+ too. So, w/a few breakouts here or there (I'm imagining something like Suicide Squad, or maybe, just maybe, Independence Day), it could become #1.
  15. Favreau will probably be given the Obi-Wan Kenobi or Boba Fett movie now (whatever Disney feels like greenlighting first out of those two). I mean, if you can make The Jungle Book open to 100M+, I think Disney will give you freedom to do whatever the fuck you want.
  16. UPDATE THROUGH THE 3RD WEEKEND OF APRIL TOP OPENING WEEKENDS (DOM) #1 - Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice (166M) vs. Furious 7 (147.1M) #2 - Deadpool (132.7M) vs. Fifty Shades Of Grey (85.1M) #3 - The Jungle Book (103.6M) vs. Cinderella (67.8M) #4 - Zootopia (75M) vs. The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out Of Water (55.3M) #5 - Kung Fu Panda 3 (41.2M) vs. The Divergent Series: Insurgent (52.2M) #6 - Ride Along 2 (35.2M) vs. Home (52.1M) #7 - The Divergent Series: Allegiant (29M) vs. Taken 3 (39.2M) #8 - 10 Cloverfield Lane (24.7M) vs. Kingsman: The Secret Service (36.2M) #9 - The Boss (23.6M) vs. Get Hard (33.8M) #10 - London Has Fallen (21.6M) vs. Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 (23.7M) EXTRA POINTS: The Revenant (39.8M) vs. American Sniper (89.2M) TOTAL without EP: 652.6M vs. 592.5M TOTAL w/EP: 692.4M vs. 681.7M TOP DOM PERFORMERS #1 - Deadpool (360M) vs. Furious 7 (294.5M) #2 - Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice (311.3M) vs. Cinderella (186.4M) #3 - Zootopia (307.4M) vs. Fifty Shades Of Grey (165.9M) #4 - Kung Fu Panda 3 (141.3M) vs. The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out Of Water (161.7M) #5 - The Jungle Book (103.6M) vs. Home (142.9M) #6 - Ride Along 2 (90.8M) vs. Kingsman: The Secret Service (125.6M) #7 - 10 Cloverfield Lane (69.7M) vs. The Divergent Series: Insurgent (120.5M) #8 - The Divergent Series: Allegiant (63.9M) vs. Taken 3 (89.1M) #9 - London Has Fallen (61.4M) vs. Get Hard (78.3M) #10 - Miracles From Heaven (56.9M) vs. The Wedding Ringer (64.4M) TOTAL: 1.566.3B vs. 1.429.3B TOP WW PERFORMERS #1 - Zootopia (882.3M) vs. Furious 7 (1.164.8B) #2 - Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice (827.3M) vs. Fifty Shades Of Grey (568.7M) #3 - Deadpool (758.6M) vs. Cinderella (457.8M) #4 - The Mermaid (552.5M) vs. Kingsman: The Secret Service (396.8M) #5 - Kung Fu Panda 3 (496.7M) vs. Taken 3 (326.4M) #6 - The Jungle Book (290.9M) vs. The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out Of Water (309.1M) #7 - The Monkey King 2 (193.6M) vs. Home (270.9M) #8 - From Vegas To Macau III (182.5M) vs. The Divergent Series: Insurgent (262.7M) #9 - London Has Fallen (160M) vs. Jupiter Ascending (182M) #10 - The Divergent Series: Allegiant (146.8M) vs. From Vegas To Macau II (152M) TOTAL: 4.491.2B vs. 4.091.2B So yeah, The Jungle Book kinda changed everything. Even the advantage that 2015 had last week, the opening weekends, got torn around to this year's side w/Jon Favreau's flick's epic opening. And while the gap in the WW side of things has been shortened thanks to the monstruous numbers pulled by Furious 7 (870M OS in just 3 weeks, unbelievable), 2016 still has nearly a billion's worth of money ahead of 2015. Kick-ass. And as we're heading in for a record breaking 1st quarter, w/no more than four 300M DOM grossers, and 2 potential billion dollar club members (Zootopia and Jungle Book), does this heat up the potential for 2016 beating 2015 as a whole (even without a Force Awakens or a Jurassic World)?
  17. Folks, question that will change your life: what are the chances that Huntsman doesn't crack the top 10 opening weekends of the year so far next week? Current top 10 sits at: Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice (166M) Deadpool (132M) The Jungle Book (100M+) Zootopia (75M) Kung Fu Panda 3 (41M) Ride Along 2 (37M) The Divergent Series: Allegiant (29M) 10 Cloverfield Lane (24M) The Boss (23M) London Has Fallen (21M) If it does less than LHF, it would have done pretty much a maximum of 20M, the exact amount that Snow White And The Huntsman did on its opening DAY, nevermind weekend where it did 56M, almost 3x as much as that 20M range
  18. To those worried about TJB's legs, here's an example of why there's no need for that: Cinderella's legs were pretty good, and that movie had the lowest of the debuts of these Disney remakes, arguably the fiercest competition from all angles, and decent at best WOM. The Jungle Book's debut isn't far from doubling of Cinderella's at this point, it has almost no competition whatsoever, and it has amazing WOM. People are being driven nuts by this, just going off social media alone. JB's legs will be great, nobody has to worry there.
  19. I don't know about Fantastic Beasts, man... Harry Potter has all but three of its flicks below 300M, and only one above the 325-330M I expect BVS to fall on (DH2). They seem extremely frontloaded over in America (here in Europe and in the rest of the world they are MONSTERS, not so much down there). Not to mention it is a spin-off that departs from the main series in a way that even The Hobbit didn't. Though to be fair, adjusting for inflation and 3D, even the lowest grossing one (DH1) did results pretty much on par w/BVS, so it's hard to judge here. Plus, it does look great from the trailers and from the team behind it (I don't love Yates as a director, but he did helm 2 of the best Potter films in the DH flicks, and I also liked Half Blood Prince; plus, JK Rowling writing the script is a very exciting prospect, although since it is her 1st movie script, there still is some skepticism from me). I'll be conservative for now and say FB will do about a solid 250M. Worldwide, it will probably beat BVS, but DOM, idk. Maybe I'll change my mind later, though.
  20. Kim Possible film would be EPIC. One of the few original Disney Channel shows that was actually good (usually the good ones are always the ones that adapted a movie, like Emperor's New School, Lilo & Stitch, Aladdin, etc.), and very popular too. W/the right marketing and the right talent, it would kick serious ass, especially in the current golden age of superhero movies where teen girls kinda want a role model of their own too.
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