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Everything posted by LinksterAC

  1. Agreed, but I will point out the TFA outdid TPM by about $150M. And really, though the reception towards TLJ is divisive, those are related more to the narrative and thematic decisions. No one thinks it was a badly made and poorly acted film like AOTC. EDIT: And I will add that I think with time TLJ's virtues will come to the fore, and people will come to love it.
  2. It makes one wonder how AOTC was as low as it was. Granted, TPM was not as well received as TFA, but TLJ will eclipse AOTC adjusted by 200mil.
  3. One thing I will say to the credit of TLJ, and one of the reasons I think WOM is not bad, is that it will obliterate the adjusted first run total of AOTC. Now THAT was a bad film.
  4. I think it's dropping. If it were going to see an impressive bump, Christmas would have been the day. TLJ is on a fantastic run, but it looks like it's losing steam faster than the usual day-to-day boosts can compensate for. Christmas had to be massive for me to believe there was some untapped well of demand waiting for it during the "real" holiday break.
  5. 27-28m seems really low to me based on the Sunday CE hold. In fact that number is downright confusing. Holy crapola at Jumanji. What a fun surprise! I'll have to check it out with my MoviePass once I get back to the States.
  6. Nothing proves anything about GA WOM. RT user scores and IMDB are worlds apart. And IMDB is a world apart from Cinemascore and comScore.
  7. It's too early to plot TLJ's final course, and the water is way too murky on the subject of its WOM. Everybody I speak to in person likes or loves TLJ. Die-hards I speak to on the internet are having roiling debates. I know that's anecdotal, but there's a substantial gap between RT and IMDB, and then again between IMDB and CinemaScore and comScore. I think we're all filling in those gaps with our own biases. Friday and Saturday numbers certainly are not stellar for TLJ. They're certainly not bad, either. We'll know a lot more on Christmas Day.
  8. Apologies, I'm not trying to harp on you. Just trying to highlight an example, because you're right, there is a lot that's already common knowledge for people on the board. I'd say it was an example of the moderators' complaints because: It discusses specifics about the contents of the movie Invites responses that would go into further specifics about the contents of the movie But I'll shut my mouth now and let the moderators do the moderating. I know how frustrating it is for people to get spoiled, and I was honestly just trying to protect their interests. Again, my apologies.
  9. It’s still too early to tell for me. I haven’t seen a convincing argument one way or another how it will perform relative to RO going forward, but if the latest 27.1 number holds I think it’s a sign that the difference in holiday schedules had a big impact on the comparison. Not only would TLJ have a better second week than RO, it would also mean a much stronger third week (because it would act more like a holiday week than it did for RO). After OW, my O/U for TLJ was 750, using RO’s multiplier. Personally, I’m not seeing enough yet to change that prediction one way or another.
  10. No way, man. I just want you to admit you don't like it.
  11. Good for you, buddy. Ready to admit you don't like it yet?
  12. I think that the people who don't like it, REALLY don't like it. Most people I've talked to in person love it.
  13. I love this film because it's a great film. I also love it because watching my Millennial nerd generation squirm like this is hilarious. Especially since I think future generations are going to hold this film in extremely high regard.
  14. Yes, this is great work. Based on this analysis, TLJ would have to defy our best historical examples to land in the 80s. Although, I do wonder what the school holiday schedules looked like in 2006.
  15. It seems like you're suggesting we should ignore the calendar selectively. The school holiday differences are arguably a significant factor. I'm not saying TLJ will hold any better or worse than RO. I'm just saying it's going to be hard to know until this weekend--at the earliest.
  16. Who knows? One one hand you have RO, that dropped 58%. On the other hand you have TFA, that dropped 39% (!) off of a $250M weekend with $57M in preview. What you suggest is the RO path, which is certainly possible. I'm just not sure why I'd pick that over stronger (or even weaker) legs at this point.
  17. True, but the second weekend will tell a lot. If it has a strong hold weekend-to-weekend (50%-ish drop) and a soft Saturday to Sunday drop, it'll point to really strong holiday legs.
  18. Same story in SoCal. Most schools are still in session. The holiday movie season hasn't really started yet, folks. We'll have a much clearer picture of TLJ's trajectory this weekend.
  19. For me, a second viewing of a bad movie has never made it better. It usually makes it worse.
  20. With regard to TLJ, my anecdotal experience is as follows: Divisive when I discuss it on the internet, universally loved by everyone I speak to in person about it. I didn't like it the first time I saw it. But that second viewing was pure bliss.
  21. By virtue of the numbers alone? I don't think that's logical at all.
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