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Everything posted by Daxtreme

  1. Now thanks to you I'm trying to picture Gandalf the Pink
  2. So I have big stomach cramps so all I can really do is stalk this thread hoping for some numbers from The Celestial. What a shame!
  3. Black Panther grossed over 1.3 billion worldwide. Like the ultimate finale to the most popular book series ever, Harry Potter... and more than a Star Wars episode. I mean, jesus christ It's nuts!
  4. A Wrinkle in Time trying to leg it out to $100M
  5. October still at $55M for Gravity But yes, I think it's quite obvious now that the month of release for a tentpole hasn't really anything to do with the gross for it. Infinity War would have made a truckload of money even in January or October
  6. Sorry Panda I will submit it soon I'm still watching about 1 movie every 2 days so yeah
  7. Yesterday when people said it would be cool if Saturday record went down, they didn't mean the Saturday record going down on Sunday Jesus christ Far from done deal but the fact it's seen as even possible based on actual numbers is an outright joke!
  8. Luke-Skywalker-I-Care.gif Great, now I have to see it a 2nd time even though I had no intentions of doing that 5 minutes ago! This movie stays with you, it really does. Well, if you enjoy that sort of thing
  9. Ok now if RTH or EmpireCity drop tonight with a Sunday record number that's higher than the previous Saturday record all hell will truly break loose. Lots of and will be had
  10. Imagine the spot Avengers Infinity War would be landing on if it was eligible for this top
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