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Posts posted by Daxtreme

  1. 15 hours ago, The Futurist said:

    It is funny how Star Wars Force Awakens is like the worst offender of everything  people say is wrong with Hollywood right  now but hey, it s Star Wars, so it gets a free pass from everyone.


    I don't expect Star Wars fans to develop any kind of self awareness any time soon.




    15 hours ago, DamienRoc said:


    What's weird is that after watching Rebels, I find myself quite a bit more excited about Star Wars, digging into the history and little plot points and such, but TFA still leaves me cold, even if I can find a lot of things in TFA to be exciting and interesting. I think it's because there's a way it could have been something that both acknowledged and felt true to the history of Star Wars while not enslaving itself to that history, but it really didn't try to be anything other than a nostalgia cannon.


    What's fun though, if you watch the "theory about film music" video, is you see that Lucas himself was fueled by nostalgia. Not just the music, but also various other things. Kurosawa's an obvious one (plot taken from The Hidden Fortress, and all), but then you get into the classic science fictional concepts, like Edgar Rice Burroughs' John Carter stories and such. The thing is, he was using that nostalgia as fuel for his own creation, however derivative all those elements are, the made-up whole is something invigorating, if not exactly new.


    But now, nearly forty years on, you get TFA, which is only fueled by the nostalgia of the original trilogy. So even if there are a few fresh elements, like a female and POC main characters, the actual execution feels like little more than regurgitation of the, well, delight that someone felt watching one of the OT films in the theater for the first time. And while that's momentarily good, it doesn't have that element of synthesis that was present before.


    Lucas, for all his later career troubles, was still attempting to do something new with the prequel trilogy. He misstepped, sure, and needed someone to tell him no on occasion, but he was pretty strongly dedicated to expanding the world and creating new layered, context to it. So the PT very much felt like it was taking place somewhere different than the OT, except for the direct connection scenes on Tattooine. Naboo, Coruscant, Geonosis, and so forth were all different. But what do we have in TFA? A desert planet that is not Tattooine, a forest planet that is not Endor, and a snow planet that is not Hoth while also being a Death Star that is not the Death Star. Was there any particuarly story-driving reason that Jakku had to be an equally barren, sandy wasteland rather than, oh, a rugged mountain-scape of archeological adventuring a-la Machu Picchu?


    So it's frustrating, but at the same time, there are all the non-movie things that are showcasing how good Star Wars can be. I'm becoming convinced that Ahsoka Tano is one of the greatest characters in the entire franchise, full of pathos and tragedy, but not mired in in. Some of the stuff with her in Rebels season 2 sent legit chills down my spine it's so good. Plus, man they do some great work with lightsabers. Part of me would be overjoyed if she actually showed up in one of the films, but part of me is like, no, I want her story to continue without a spoiler reveal.


    But, to bring it back around, I don't think the problem is that Star Wars gets a free pass, I think it's that dedicated fans of pretty much any property are willfully blind to the faults in that property. Star Wars isn't unique in that regard, it's just bigger so the effect is magnified.


    And why can't you just accept that some people really like TFA, and that's the end of it? Personally, I don't care if it re-threads ANH. Originality is only a fraction of what makes something good. Something really original can be horrendously bad. Something unoriginal can be really well made.


    Telling people they're close-minded for liking something they shouldn't... is pretty close-minded to me.

    • Like 4
  2. 1 hour ago, Napoleon said:

    When the people who think you are shit are just a little group of sad, pathetic losers, it kinda doesn't matter what they think.


    55 minutes ago, Napoleon said:

    I didn't insult anyone, I'm talking about any situation. If the people who think a movie is bad are just some few dudes living in their mom's basement, does it matter what they think? They can believe they're right and the rest of the World is wrong, but nobody cares.


    When you say that the people who are part of a group are pathetic losers, you are insulting everyone who are part of that group. So yes, you did insult someone.


    Probably millions of people, in fact, according to the definition of your group, which is "dudes living in their mom's basement"

    • Like 2
  3. 8 hours ago, Thegun said:

    18. Speed II Cruise Control (1997)


    Of the top of your head, and pretty much anything else you can think of, this is still one of the most absurd sequels ever made.  It is a major fall from the first film, but I still almost give it a pass for two reasons.  Keanu said no.  I mean, holy shit if Keanu says no you know you are in a shitstorm. It actually would have benefited greatly from him appearing.  You just don't care right off the bat.  Secondly they took a small 30 million thriller and greenlit a sequel costing 120 million. Twister and the original gave DeBont so much there like, he can do it. There is a lot of cool things actually, none of them involving people. Except of course William Defoe.  This is quite possibly the most brilliant awful acting ever.  The guy puts leaches on him for healing, uses golf balls for bombs, and Defoe's hair itself deserves applause. This an awful plot.  He is going to kill a thousand people so he can steal diamonds (Even though he will be dead soon anyway???) Sandra Bullock took her paycheck and quietly moved through this film, because quite frankly she's hardly a main character despite being one of the things you loved most about the first film. What a slap to her face, which of course Defoe does many times in the film. You are left with Jason Patric who tries, and I'd even say out acts Reeves, but he is only there in enthusiasm to be in a big movie.  There is nothing worse than to look at your hero and just no everything was written for someone else.  The effects are big and still hold up.  The ship into an island ending is two parts ridiculous, 3 parts ridiculous (I mean if they could turn the boat manually to not hit an oil tanker, why wouldn't they just turn again, oh that's right we need a big finish.) This is a stupid film that had it not been called speed II, may have been a B movie masterpiece.  But as a sequel to Speed, where your film and vehicle moves at a snails pace, you are screwed.  Maybe they should have called it Stalled.  More and more people I hear from are hate this film just from the title alone. And Cruise Control might be the worst secondary title of all time. 






    This... EXISTS?!






    Sounds terrible. :ph34r: 

  4. 6 minutes ago, Johnny Tran said:

    Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man 


    True, but it's not only him though, how else can you explain the bump between


    Iron Man 2

     Worldwide:  $623,933,331  




    The Avengers

     Worldwide:  $1,519,557,910  


    Obviously, some other factor that's not RDJ's Tony Stark came into play here. 


    I think the next $1B CBM will be GOTG Vol. 2, but only by a thread.

    • Like 3
  5. 1 hour ago, ThatOneMorgan said:


    Considering Ozymandias is the name of a character from Watchmen, something tells me it's either 1. Someone who coincidentally has the same name as him and is a fan of Watchmen or 2. It is him and you're overreacting about these posts.


    Considering his profile picture is Walter White from Breaking Bad and that this show's highest-rated, most famous, and most circlejerked episode is named "Ozymandias"...


    I'd say Watchmen has nothing to do with it. :ph34r: 

    • Like 2
  6. I loved Catching Fire. I shouldn't have liked it, it's not my kind of movie, but I did. I guess it's just well made enough! I had high hopes for the sequel.


    And then, this turd happens. Almost didn't finish the movie, but finished it anyway. 


    A shame, especially when you think that it's the same director. What a let down. I was ready to accept the so-so first installment if that meant more movies like Catching Fire.


    There really is not much redeeming about this movie. It's just boring. :sadben:

  7. 40 minutes ago, Johnny Tran said:

    TV Shows  - DC by an inch. Flash and Arrow etc. are just ahead of Daredevil because Agents of Shield is trash and Jessica Jones was underwhelming.

    Comics - DC by a wide margin.

    Animated - DC by a wide margin.

    Film - Both have their +'s and -'s




    Wasn't Arrow so bad last season that the fans changed their whole website to a Daredevil fan website? There were various petitions as well.

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