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Everything posted by IronJimbo

  1. Got a feeling this one is full Manhatten Projectode. Jim been splitting the atom longer than you've been alive... you [Mod Edit]!
  2. Off to see Dragon Ball tomorrow and the booking was packed. My cinema is normally empty.
  3. SW9 will make something between TLJ and TFA, but will love to see it make somewhere between Solo and TLJ.
  4. And with $200m dom, that's over a bil worldwide. Comfortably in the top 10.
  5. Lorddoubter I'm looking forward to your excuses, going to be beautiful.
  6. Yeah, imagine not putting Alita in your top 10.
  7. Yeah my local cinema is terrible for this. I watched Infinity War in 3D there and it was so damn dark. Once again this shows Jim is one of the few who actually use 3D to enhance the viewing experience, whereas of films are using it for the quick buck. I suppose part of Avatar's appeal is the visuals though and if people are watching it on dark screens they may not rave as much about it.
  8. Great news for Avatar 2. https://www.hsx.com/forum/forum.php?id=3&pid=467162 Fox is mandating that all screens showing ALITA in 3D must meet a minimum 4.5fl standard, will not license 3D showtimes to those that can't Thats a brightness level measurement, they are making REAL D send field auditors to check. This is likely a James Cameron requirement to sniff out bad 3D presentations ahead of AVATAR 2. They're laying the groundwork to stop people having crappy viewings of Avatar 2. Cinemas that cheap-out on the bulblife will get fucked and won't get to play Avatar 2 : )
  9. Yeah got my tickets, thanks tho bro. There's actually one Dolby cinema in the UK and they're having the premier there. ( Odeon Leicester Square)
  10. Funniest: @GraceRandolph MVP: @JamesCameronScholar
  11. Watching Broly next week when its released in the UK. Finally a good superhero movie.
  12. Not sure about Alladin, the rest is reasonable.
  13. Don't forget that fox put a fund aside from Avatar because it made so much money. The Avatar sequels are basically free.
  14. People are so much smarter than "Cameron Loonies" so when the loonies predicted it wasn't based on information just blind faith. So it doesn't count of course. This is exactly why I made that Alita club, still have people telling me I'm predicted as I do only because blind faith, despite having made the most detailed post on the project.
  15. I highly suspect so but it's not public knowledge. I misworded the previous post aswell. should have been to be clearer " So this talk of how much more Avatar 2 will obiviously make than Star Wars 9 could be void if the dates are contractly set. "
  16. Even if Star Wars 9 makes a gaint comeback from Solo and TLJ and makes say over $2b, that won't be enough to boot Avatar 3 off the Dec 2021 slot. Then you're forgetting that the contract has already been made between Jim and Fox and Disney have now taken ownership of that contract. So this talk of how much more Avatar 2 will obiviously make than Star Wars 9 is void because the date's could be contractly set.
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