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Everything posted by IronJimbo

  1. That's really difficult to say as I don't know the individual markets current strengths, I rather know that overall Overseas - China is still healthy (as shown by IW). I think that Avatar 2 will run at a +20% performance compared to Avatar relative to each individual market size. (we're talking $4b ww here atleast) It's going to have a GIANT December then burn on until May, I'm expecting something really really ridiculous.
  2. The range is so huge because of some unknowns and badly Jim films smash previous records. Titanic doubled the previous WW champ and Avatar 2.5x the previous #2 (rotk). This is what makes it so difficult for me to say. For me the range is 3 to 4.5b+?? Dom 650 to 1100 China 600 to ????? Overseas-china 1750 to ???
  3. Imagine opening the front page and seeing 15+ comic book related threads.. become bad satire tbh
  4. I talk about films I like when they're brought up! It only seems to be the latest comic book news and Avatar in here though. Don't act like I drown discussion this thread goes 4 days unbumped without me.
  5. We have the same right in this thread as comic book films, which I find terribly exhausting (extremely exhausting).
  6. It's not derailing if Avatar is a topic! That's why they renamed it to fanboy wars.
  7. I'm thiking that's a terrible idea to try and suffocate important discussion on the most important franchise of the century. It got renamed the Fanboy thread for a reason... you can't avoid Avatar dee see, it's going to so damn huge.
  8. What about insincere doubt, if I were to spam "Avatar 2 will bomb because no 3d and no kne cares anymore" could I fuel Jim??
  9. feel like this could be bad... no one cares about Black Widow
  10. Thanks for that I needed a laugh. How many more times are they going to doubt Jim?
  11. hold up, HOLD UP are you meaning to imply that the Cameron Cult is bad?
  12. HElloooooooooooooooooooooo Nuggetheads! lootcrate gamer here bring u the latest gaming news, let's jump right into it shall we remember to like subscribe and leave a comment below
  13. Lang's favourite films of the decade of 00 (excluding Avatar) were Master in Commander and Apocolypto... strikes me as the films that Quaritch himself would like. Also talks about how he got the role.
  14. Yes in hindsight asking you what your favourite martial arts films would give away how this thread. I'll be staying tuned I've spent countless hours googling "best fight scenes" on youtube. I'll google some films to watch for now!
  15. Hey Daxtreme what are some of the best martial arts movies of all time? I've love this shit but I haven't watched much, the Raid and the Raid 2 are some of my most favourite films.
  16. How to get everyone's final estimates: Psychology for beginners by IronJimbo.
  17. sometimes I get told I have an obsessive personality...
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