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Everything posted by IronJimbo

  1. It sucks it really does.. wonder who will attempt it. I'm not really knowledgable on composers myself.
  2. Weird I feel just fine.. what is being destroyed supposed to entail? Thanks for taking that on face value Jandrew, however my actual point was that it's daily intake will have dropped super low in a month (just like other Marvel films).
  3. error reasoning not found.. those are not the first films of their character. My point was that the Marvel brand contributes massively to Black Panthers success, and just like every other Marvel film we should be expecting big drops to come.
  4. I really don't see that happening, no chance. The reason WW could get a 4x multiplier is because it only made a $100m in it's opening weekend AND was released in the summer holidays. Just like every other Marvel film, it will be forgotten in under a month.
  5. 1) Domestic is just crazy Americans, world wide is my figure, after all Avatar is the highest grossing film of all time. 2) I very much doubt it will beat Avatar's domesetic 3) This is going to struggle to make 0.5A, just like The Last Jedi
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