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Everything posted by IronJimbo

  1. neither do i $140.0 million for second weekend.
  2. I never dodge that "issue"... always point out it's unquantifiable, vague, and has no distinct link to Box Office revenue. I don't get the point of this arguement either, do you actually think the number of quotable memes from Avatar will stop Avatar 2 making $3b dollars worldwide?
  3. you guys realise I was just quoting a comment right...
  4. Not watching Avatar until the end? I don't believe you, that's rarer than a MCU fan whose read the comics.
  5. Black Panther is leeching off Avatar's success?? Hmm makes sense.
  6. You realise it was shot in 3D right? It was made with 3D in mine, the film would be completely different without it, scenes would be different. I couldn't imagine what Jim would have done without 3D in mind, that's what makes him James Cameron and me just IronJimbo. The 3D was actually put in the film as part of the experience, not like hollywood which uses a 8 week post process 3D to snatch every last penny they can (see Marvel movies).
  7. Imagine a world where 9 years after Avatar only 1 film came within a billion dollars of it's world wide figure, and that film was still $750 million dollars away. oh.. right
  8. They were marketed as franchise films part of the comic book universe universe... Imagine a world where that Thor film was the first MCU movie, or worse.. the first superhero movie. It wouldn't have grossed half of what it did.
  9. You can say the marvel films made more money overseas than harry potter, but you can't say they were bigger without taking into account all factors. Such as the international market size increasing. For instance you could say that avengers was bigger than Avatar in China, but it's just proportionally wrong. Afterall Avatar held the highest grossing of all time spot in China for some years, despite the booming market.
  10. It only works because no ones actually read the comics
  11. Imagine EmpireCities dilemma when Avatar 2 is crushing records, he'll have to give me the good news to get his cherished inside man likes.
  12. Harpospokes brought up pop culture and Avatar.. then I escalated it They've split it up now, it's Avatar 2&3 in 2020 and 2021 then it's Avatar 4&5 in 2024 and 2025. The production isn't being done all at once. The scripts are all written though.
  13. I don't know what I get into the pop culture argument every time it's brought up... how are you meant to quantify Avatar vs Mean Girls? Where would I even start.
  14. when Tele posts the opposite to you and gets 20 likes.. does that mean you're wrong? or just Tele being Tele. (not that like count indicates correctness)
  15. at this rate the Tuesday 20th gross will go under a million by the end of the month
  16. It's pure speculation to say how memorable Shrek would be without it's sequels, Shrek 2 is pretty great. To me it's fair to say they wouldn't be remembered as well as they are without their sequels (not to imply no one remembers Avatar (they do))
  17. We got a Disneyland park, We got a mountain in China named after it We got a Cirque du Soleil show, In this new 12,000-square-foot entertainment and educational experience in Shenzen China We have Penang's Avatar Secret Garden All this for a stand-alone film not based existing films/book/comics... wow.
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