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Everything posted by IronJimbo

  1. I don't know what is worse, Scott Meddleson or the people which parrot him without critical thought.
  2. Despite Avatar being the highest grossing film of all time you're still misinterpreting what I said about objective measures.
  3. I had no doubt that the CGI would be kicked up a notch but ti's a matter of much, looks like it could be a big leap.
  4. @dudalb seems to be interpreting "the only objective measure is box office" to mean " the only way to judge the total worth of a film is box office".
  5. Literally never said any of this, I said the only objective measure in filmmaking is box office gross. Do you not understand the difference between this and what you just wrote? Also you switched from Jim is less interesting than Tarantino to Jim's films are less interesting, is this what you meant from the start?
  6. but.. without the visuals it would just be audio. Hey dudalb, you're yet to explain why you think Tarantino is more interesting than Jim.
  7. They fired Zach from Justice League? Well they reaped what they sowed, the film ended up as a mess.
  8. That looks better than Avatar World at night from what I've seen, impressive.
  9. "Avatar's story, which you think is a just copied from Pocohontas, how uncreative!" -Jimbo It's not an opinion. It's an objective fact. -Craig Could it be what you wrote and what you meant were two different things?
  10. You said it's an objective fact that Avatar is copied from Pocahontas. Firstly can you prove Cameron has even watched Pocohontas, then if you can do that you now need to prove he copied his work from Pocahontas. Sadly you can't do that.
  11. @dudalb Want to play a game, tell me something interesting about Quentin and I'll tell you two things more interesting about Jim
  12. On the contrary I think no story is original, it's all derived from something. Also do you know what an objective fact is? That's all besides the point, I'm talking about Jim being more creative and interesting than Quentin here.
  13. Why do you act like the rest of the world doesn't exist? Sorry I didn't read the first line and just skimmed through the numbers, apologies on my part. I didn't see the transformers big grosses so assumed you were listing their domestics. Removing Transformers? Are you sure you aren't the one trolling.
  14. It's weird I don't feel "roasted". I don't know about JSC but all I've said (in other threads) is that the only objective measure we have is dollars grossed (which is true), you're the one who added the artistic worth bit. Also calling Tarantino more creative and interesting than Jim? To me that means you don't really know much about him and are basing your opinion solely off Avatar's story, which you think is a just copied from Pocohontas, how uncreative!
  15. I think he ignored Jim on purpose, or perhaps the lack of knowledge is the reason why we see so many Star Wars Avatar's and few Jim ones.
  16. Aliens (2W 7N) Best Visual Effects Best Sound Editing Best Actress (N) Best Art Direction (N) Best Sound (N) Best Film Editing (N) Best Music (N) The Abyss (1W 4N) Best Visual Effects Best Cinematography (N) Best Art Direction (N) Best Sound (N) Terminator 2: Judgment Day (4W 6N) Best Visual Effects Best Sound Mixing Best Sound Editing Best Makeup Best Cinematography (N) Best Film Editing (N) True Lies (0W 1N) Best Visual Effects (N) Titanic (11W 14N) Best Picture Best Director Best Original Music Score Best Cinematography Best Film Editing Best Visual Effects Best Production Design Best Costume Design Best sound Mixing Best Sound Editing Best Original Song Best Supporting Actress (N) Best Actress (N) Best Make Up (N) Avatar (3W 9N) Best Visual Effects Best Cinematography Best Production Design Best Picture (N) (Robbed) Best Director (N) (Robbed) Best Original Music Score (N) Best Film Editing (N) Best Sound Mixing (N) Best Sound Editing (N) I've heard people tell me "if Cameron can replication the visuals of Avatar, maybe it could do well." Well have a little look above, he has made 7 films, had 6 visual effects nominations and 5 wins. Terminator was his first film and it had a low budget, so it's basically 5 out of 6 on being the best visual effects movie of the year, coming top 5 the other time. He's 5/5 for big budget Jim originals. If you think it's down to chance whether Jim makes Avatar 2 look gorgeous, maybe it's time you don't. Side note: Is Jim (James Cameron) the most acclaimed franchise as well as the objective best in box office Gross?
  17. Speak to me again when the trailer hits, let's see if you will post smug emojis then!
  18. I'm up to date on the manga, from the few episodes I have watched I would say the anime is an excellent adaption, one of the best. The problem for me is the source material is good but nothing special. It doesn't have it's own charm like OP or HxH.
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