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Everything posted by IronJimbo

  1. Watch from 37mins 50 seconds for the landing of the two mounted rockets, pretty big moment for reusable rockets and space travel. Oh those things are 150ft tall by the way.
  2. Wonder if the Camera can turn, would be a shame if we couldn't see Mars in it's drive by.
  3. For those who don't have a scooby doo what's going on with this Spacex stuff, they tested their Falcon Heavy rockets an hour ago. The Falcon Heavy has two important stages, 1st stage is three rockets to get the 2nd stage into space, then the 2nd stage has a smaller rocket attached to the cargo to accelerate it towards the destination. The 1st stage has one core rocket and two side mounted rockets which are all reusable, which is a big deal as it will reduce the cost of space travel. The two side mounts landed successfully but the core's thrusters started a couple second late and crashed into the landing site. The cargo in this test was a Tesla car as they couldn't put expensive cargo on it (satellites) because it's just a test which could have gone terribly wrong. The car is currently on it's way to an elliptical orbit around Mars which will last 11 million years before it plummets into the sun.
  4. those on there are actually all purple pilled
  5. Imagine it, your hands around that beautiful blonde european womens neck.. the feeling of dominance as her face goes red and blue. You can't let someone else get to do it! You're the director, its your show. Do the strangling yourself!
  6. Please no more delays! I wanna see that tesla orbit the sun...
  7. special silhouette technique version 2 desert man
  8. It's going to be hard to follow the first but the trailer does look hype, Mexican Brad Pitt is ruthless.
  9. Similarly Avatar is the highest grossing film in the known universe.
  10. Well I don't know about JCS but I think it's great the message Jim is putting forward with Avatar, he is doing his part to save humanity, we don't deserve him. I would be disappointed in JCS if he denied climate change honestly.1
  11. Well thank goodness you're not the entire general audience. We might have The Force Awakens with $4b.. yikes
  12. They can't be serious... Clover Field Lane isn't even 3 years old.
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