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Everything posted by IronJimbo

  1. It's my flavour of the month thing to say but Jim was nominated 6/6 times for the vfx oscar on his big budget films, and won 5 of them. No one is more reliable to make something visually breathtaking.
  2. Which will all come with the sequels and time. Star Wars had sequels and Gone With the Wind was re-released over 11 times in a time before home cinema.
  3. Would it be fair to compare Avatar with films which have sequels? The argument that is repeated over and over is that Avatar's impact on pop culture is poor, comparing Avatar to say Shrek isn't exactly a fair comparison (which ever may be bigger) when this is the argument at hand.
  4. The Sun is basically the UK's Fox News, so take this with a grain of salt but... https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/5634805/star-wars-lord-of-the-rings-and-avatar-among-top-films-you-must-see-at-cinema/ reminder if you didn't watch this on the big screen you didn't experience it in it's ultimate glory.
  5. name a stand alone film (original, non sequel, non book, non franchise) with bigger "pop culture" from this century. This pop culture meme has been regurgitated endlessly ever since Scott Meddleson's article, of course franchises are going to have more memes and toys, who cares.. it doesn't relate to box office in any quantifiable way. Frozen is disney princess... I can't think of any others.
  6. Speaking of Tuesdays, did you know Avatar's second Tuesday made more than it's first? Wow. No wonder it went on to become the highest grossing film of all time that changed the course of cinema as we know it raising the bar on visuals as a whole.
  7. Not sure actually, thought it was in the summer holidays. Any Americans know if April 26th 2012 was in holiday season?
  8. There you go again! I could understand you thinking Avatar talk is annoying if it was an obscure film, but it's the highest grossing film of all time and we're on a box office forum.
  9. no one said it was... the untrained eye wouldn't have a clue if he's talking about Dom or OS or WW, imagine seeing tweet without knowing the exact numbers... you would be confused for sure.
  10. top grossing domestic super hero film of all time maybe, after all we don't call TFA the highest grossing film of all time, that's Avatar.
  11. The secret life of pets is maybe the only original film to make over $100m opening weekend.
  12. Worth noting that every other $200m opening was in a holiday so BP's weekdays will slow it down.
  13. People in the Last Jedi threads made the point to crucify anyone saying it's drop was massive, they said that not all schools were out.
  14. only in America Posting this while I'm asleep @EmpireCity... "I'm sorry guys but I won't be able to give you the latest numbers this Christmas, I'm off on a trip far far away" - EmpireCity December 2020
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