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Everything posted by IronJimbo

  1. he would think it's hilarious and get in touch with Kal to see if he wants any signed goods.
  2. I suppose you're talking about me when you say butthurt about the DOM. Honestly it's just another country/region to me, the WW gross is the most important. It's cool to hate Avatar on the internet and cool to love Star Wars. Most people will hate on Avatar purely because they've being conditioned to do so, depsite thoroughly enjoying the greatest cinematic experience of the century. You're an outlier in my eyes. I will say this site has a lot less Avatar hate than others though!
  3. You don't have to read them, this is an Avatar thread afterall. Also I really don't care about DOM, as it's just one country to me. Look at Spain, Italy, South Korea and it's getting demolished. It won't beat Avatar in the most important stat, WW gross.
  4. How about for the first day of the new year, we all just put aside our petty differences and just say that Avatar is a freak of box office nature and Star Wars the longevity king. No more bickering....at least for today. I love this stats <3 Avatar WW won't be touched.
  5. I would say I'm around 20% less reasonable than Kal, if he says Avatar 2 will make 3.9bil, I think it will make 3.12B. Hope this helps. Wish I could frozen or something so I can wake up in December 2017
  6. Is he telling me that if I change my Avatar some star wars fans would think 23 trillion dollars is on the table?
  7. Well Cameron has been in talks in Peter about how he make 3 films at once and he is doing a similar process with the Avatar sequels. With a better director on the case we will have the biggest trilogy of all time on our hands. The world will become inhabitabal before this record is beaten.
  8. How about in I come in 2020 instead when the new Avatar trilogly has made 10b dollars.
  9. In my country dude isn't a gender neutral term, it's also a term for all Star Wars fans.jk
  10. 1.6 billion $ in a matter of days? This run is full of neverending suprises.
  11. Holy shit, it just doesn't stop! $23m on new years eve is absolutely ludicrous. Avatar made 14.7m on this new eve, then increased 71% to Friday. Star Wars has been out pacing it so lets say 75%, then if we take this number with the original 23m we hit very close to $40m, by the end of the weekend star wars will hit just under 800m. After the 3rd week Avatar had made only 40% of it's total gross, it's safe to say Star Wars is following this trend which means it will hit 1.8B DOM by the end of this run, now if we do the same for Star Wars over seas run and mutliply in the BB8 factor we can evalutate that it will make something close to 23 trillion dollars.
  12. He is an enviromentalist if you didn't know. He says Avatar was a message to stop damaging the enviroment. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/film/film-news/6782339/James-Cameron-says-Avatar-a-message-to-stop-damaging-environment.html Since Avatar he has also directed a climate change documentry. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Years_of_Living_Dangerously Cameron isn't the man you derserve but the man you need. Even if he only keeps the planet inhabitabal for an extra month, thats more good than any other director in history will have accomplished.
  13. Cameron is making the Avatar sequels to save the planet, not to make money for hollywood executives.
  14. All but demolished? You mean fallen short of Avatar. Avatar is still the highest grossing film of all time and will continue to be until someone releases something which isn't a soulless money grab with no vision. I would estimate Jan 2018 being the time Avatar is dethroned.
  15. Nothing like big blockbusters bringing the family together. My family hardly ever goes to the cinema but they saw Avatar 3 times, it was incredible.
  16. Kinda wish I loved Star Wars as much as you guys, I remember the joy of watching my 11th Avatar viewing. Where is RTH ;o
  17. megatron a meme director on here? Sorta like Nolan and Tarantino, the butt of everyones jokes.
  18. I'm not sure if Nolan will be able to compete even with the guy who recently brough us Lucy (epic great film). Cameron is the biggest director since the silent era.
  19. Thats one weak photoshop, honestly makes zero sense how Nolan can stand above JC (JESUSCHRIST/JAMESCAMERON).
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