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Everything posted by IronJimbo

  1. Unreal!!!! Two in the same day? Absolutely incredible.
  2. 100-150m OW, 400-600m DOM... This is your prediction?
  3. 4th week will be close (Avatr has small chance of winning) 5,6,7,8th all too Avatar
  4. Likely he logged on, saw how happy everyone was then didn't want to kill the mood. 25m fri confirmed
  5. It was a re-introduction to 3D. In the last 8 years what has there been? Only really Gravity did the 3d properly (used Jim's Cameras). Avatar 2 will be a re-re-introduction to 3D and will have even more impressive CGI than the first. Half the audience will break into cold sweat because it feels like Neytiri is actually in the same room as them.
  6. because the second Star Wars beat it already? Or are you trying to say you think Avatar 2 will make less than 1.5b DOM?
  7. "We all thought TFA's DOM was invincible but just look at the Avatar sequels all beat it within 5 years of TFA's release " - FutureCalBears
  8. RIP Horner. Jim films in general have great soundtracks, Titanics #1 though.
  9. The Abyss has some really great moments. It's hard ranking Jim films because it sort of implies I think The Abyss is bad. However I would give it a 85/100
  10. He could have made the Avatar trilogy and be making Battle Angel Alita by now if it wasn't for his deep sea diving. Goddamit
  11. I don't see him anywhere RTH anywhere, where has he joined us :
  12. I really love action films but everytime I watch titanic I get suckered into the love story and end up weeping instrumentalcrew is going down with the ship. I'll say T2>Titanic>Aliens>The Terminator>True Lies>The Abyss. I love True Lies aswell, a criminally underwatched film. The Abyss is the most disliked Jim film though, how do I know? Manually skip to 2m45s if starts from the beginning.
  13. It will have been 8 years since the first Avatar, technogoly moves far and Jim loves uses the best technology available. Gravity was made using the Cameron's cameras he designed. Also I don't really understand the wording of "amazing new gimmick", as if something amazing is just a gimmick. Calling the 3-D in Avatar a gimmick is dishonest, Cameron isn't trying to trick anyone. He firmly believes 3D is the way forward in cinema and was using the best technology he had available.
  14. The technology has improved so maybe you won't feel this in the second. Also it probably feels like a video game because the ship designs have been stolen from Jim in many games. http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_references_to_Aliens_in_Halo The dropships in Avatar look similar to her dropship in Aliens.
  15. Psshh see you at the OW my friend. Curiousity of seeing what Cameron has done will bring you there. It's over as soon as the first trailer hits and the following shows. DIRECTED BY JAMES CAMERON
  16. 35 35 27 = 97 40 should do it. I'm thinking 28-32 though.
  17. Cameron says we will shit our pants with our mouths open so I would imagin the world is going to be even more magical than the first. He also said that the enormous task of design is about finished about 2 years of work. I'm hyped. Avatar was an extremely immersive (literally Pandora on Earth) cinema experience. It's a film where my heart, brain and soul all come together for the perfect cinema ride giving a crescendo of endorphins through my body. I saw it on IMAX 6 times. They're poised to begin filming from the 1st this year my friends. I hope you're as hyped as I am.
  18. Well he will be doing 1 movie every year for 3 years. It's a shame he loves the ocean and enviroment so much, could have blessed us with 20 films. Also I'm still annoyed about Mexican Alita, I've got a feeling it will be bad.
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