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Gavin Feng

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Everything posted by Gavin Feng

  1. Actuals will be given a few hours.The estimated number was higher than the real
  2. Age of Ultron could have done better if it opened on Friday(I meant midnights). Superhero films were not so hot before The Avengers released in China.I think AOU has reached the limit of Superhero films.
  3. Superhero midnights Age of Ultron - ¥29.8m(Tue) Civil War - ¥17m(Fri) Iron Man 3 - ¥12.4m(May Day) BvS - ¥8.8m(Fri) Apocalypse - ¥7.7m(Fri) Doctor Strange - ¥5.3m(Fri) Ant-Man - ¥4.65m(Fri) The Avengers - ¥4.61m(Sat)
  4. As far as i know, many female fans will book the whole theater
  5. Cameron came China 3 years ago and created a weibo account(like Twitter).He said he enjoyed the journey and was glad to answer some questions Chinese would like to ask.One of them commented if Cameron could remind Sherlock team because fans wanted to watch the next Sherlock season as soon as possible.Cameron said he knowed that Benedict was the pop star in China and he would try his best to “remind" the team.
  6. The OD pre-sale number become better now ($12m?) but it is difficult to beat Antman in US dollar(DS - $1=¥6.77 AM - $1=¥6.38).
  7. Original release date was Nov.18.But China changed the mind for protecting local films
  8. Wrong.I won’t tell you that AM gets 2.48× in 2015 and DOFP gets 3×.Competition becomes stronger year after year and the showings would be cut a lot when new movies open. Billy Lynn - Nov.11 Deepwater Horizon - Nov.15 Madame Bovary&The Warriors Gate - Nov.18 Allied - Nov.23 Fantastic Beasts & Moana - Nov.25 Miss Peregrine - Dec.2
  9. Comic Book Movie’s first Sat increase and Sun drop were mainly between 25%-30% in China this year. In other words, OW ≈ 3.2* OD.If DS OD do less than $12m(¥80m), $40m(¥270m) OW and $88m(¥600m) total can also be very dangerous. Civil War OW/OD = $96.59m/$30.46m = 3.17 Total/OW = $191.78m/$96.59m = 1.99 Apocalypse OW/OD = $58.48m/$18.02m = 3.25(best of 2016) Total/OW = $121.58m/$58.48m = 2.08(best of 2016) Batman v Superman OW/OD = $56.96m/$19.8m = 2.87(It’s not my fault.Only increased 21% on first Sat and dropped 34% on first Sun) Total/OW = $95.77m/$56.96m = 1.68 The competition would be strong and I don’t think DS could have 2.1×(Total/OW).
  10. According to the pre-sale number, Doctor Strange’s opening day wouldn't do better than what Jason Bourne did(¥78m=$11.81m, including $0.61m from midnights) but could be higher than Star Trek Beyond(¥65m=$9.68m, including $0.37m from midnights). If the OD do less than ¥85m, it will be very dangerous for the film to make ¥600m of a total.
  11. About $2.2m for DS first 5 days in Italy.Ant-Man did $2.25m by first 5 days and totally grossed $5.29m. CW - $6.58m(5 days) BvS - $5.7m(4 days) DP - $3.3m(5 days) X-men - $2.42m(5 days) SS - $2.2m(2 days)
  12. South Korea AOU - $27.98m for first 4 days(opened on Thu).$23.06m for FSS. CW - $28.7m for first 5 days(opened on Wed).$21.04m for FSS. The number Olive said means first 5 days.
  13. It is very likely that Doctor Strange will do less than Ant-Man in US dollar. The number Ant-Man earned in China was $105m(¥670m).I think Doctor Strange may make around $88.6m(¥600m).
  14. I don't think that Moana will be the highest grossing import film of 2016.
  15. 2017 predictions 1.Dunkirk - $600m 2.Transformers 5 - $375m 3.Journey to the West: Demon Chapter - $350m 4.Fast 8 - $300m 5.Kung Fu Yoga - $250m Rogue One - $190m Guardians of the Galaxy - $185m War of the Planet of the Apes - $175m Spider-Man: Homecoming - $165m Pirates of the Caribbean 5 - $140m The Mummy - $135m Logan - $130m Thor 3 - $125m Justice League - $110m Wonder Woman - $95m
  16. Cameron said that he made some tests and found that using HFR would be unnecessary for Avatar sequels.
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