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Posts posted by Brainiac5

  1. 55 minutes ago, keysersoze123 said:

    25% ahead of Thor is not great. But staying ahead of BvS is good. Let us see where it ends. 

    Well if its 25% of Thor then 150mil should be the Tracking Number  which I don’t think is a bad Start until Thursday previews numbers hit and then That Number will rise.

    IMHO JL can /Will match BVS Thursday Number and if that happens then 170will be the floor.

    • Like 2
  2. 37 minutes ago, grey ghost said:

    I'd say the range based on BOT insiders is 125-150 m OW for JL.


    So when EC says JL might disappoint, he's not wrong considering most BOT predictions seem to be in the 150-180 m range.

    He didn’t say it would disappoint,He pretty much said JL presales aren’t looking too good.

    Im trying to figured out why is Theres suck a disconnect between the two.?

  3. 41 minutes ago, ZeeSoh said:

    Yes I don't know the source of EC's data but that does not make it any less accurate or the other persons info any more accurate than EC. Knowing EC and his track record I trust his info and insights.

     One guys says “JL presales aren’t looking to good”

    The other days “JL presales are really good”

    Somebody is wrong somewhere in there as the data either of them use shouldn’t be any different 

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, ZeeSoh said:

    Wrong thread for this. There already is a Monday thread. This thread is not for numbers but for buzz and tracking


    Don't know what data EmpireCity sees or has access to. But the other person's number are from a specific source that is only a part of the whole. It could be likely that they are both looking at different sources. And being worried about is subjective. Right now the PS suggest anywhere from 127 to 153 for JL OW based on comparisons to Guardians/Thor.

    To a person expecting 170-190 or more that could be worrying. To a person expecting 140-150 that seems just fine. 

    So in other words @Grimm22 has the more accurate info to use?


  5. 48 minutes ago, grim22 said:

    Posting during my vacation as Deep Wang provided an update today:

    - JL is ahead of BvS and about 25% ahead of where Thor was at the same point in time

    - Orient Express is fine I guess, higher than American Assassin

    - Daddy's Home 2 is bad, about a fourth of Bad Moms 2 and less than half of Orient Express

    - Wonder is the same gross number as Orient Express but has a week to go

    - Roman Israel has sold 1 ticket


    Alright, back to the pool. See you guys Thursday.

    One Question ,Why is it you and @EmpireCity isn’t on the same page about JL?

    Hes saying be worried about JL presales which indicates it’s doing bad and then you post this which means it’s doing good.

    What is gong on?

  6. 16 minutes ago, EmpireCity said:


    Doubtful.  If anything, the Justice League tracking should continue to worry people.  

    I’m not gonna start the JL conversation here but there’s a reason the words “Final May hit 300 dom”

    I think the reason for that is some don’t know how Thor will handle the competition.


  7. 9 minutes ago, YourMother said:

    Assuming a $210M by next Sunday, a 60% fall for the next weekend and around $14M for weekdays, Thor will be at about $247M before Thanksgiving and around $270M after. It should get there.

    I just figure another 30mil after a films 4th weekend while all the holiday films are being release will be a tough thing to do.

  8. 15 minutes ago, grey ghost said:

    I see 220 m by the time Justice League opens then soft drops over Thanksgiving week.

    So where would they have the film heading to?

    lets say 260mil after Thanksgiving.

    Will it have enough left to make it to 300domestic with all the December films on the horizon.

    Right now I’m thining it falls slightly short or maybe earn just over 300dom.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Brainbug said:


    I still believe that Thor and JL will not really hurt each other or their very similiar target demographic. They are (along with DH2 and Orient Express, which both will only post small numbers) essentially the only films playing then. If a film has great WOM, and Thor does, it wont fall apart just because another big movie is released.

    Two big movies 

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