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Posts posted by Brainiac5

  1. 1 minute ago, Nova said:

    This is what deflection looks like. I’m sure the WB execs are talking about Thor 3 dropping 64% in its third weekend and not about how their response to the Avengers is a disaster of epic proportions 

    The conversation between me and the other was about me saying all week JL was gonna cut into Thor legs and that’s what I responded to.

    Theres no defense for the Domestic market from me as far as opening goes but we do have to see the legs and actuals.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Barnack said:

    When you global opening include the China opening and almost all market, big drop for a sequel are to be expected, Guardian 2 had "good" legs in china for what it was, 70% drop in China.


    It could do better than the 67% drop, but 442m just from the weekend ? (So a what 600m oversea total) is way too optimistic.

    This is a comic book film and we have no idea how it will play in those markets.

    BVS crashed in all markets starting with its Saturday’s around the globe.

    Sure its opening less but so far I haven’t read anything about crashes (so far/ yet lmao)

    I also remember BVS Global Mon-Tues being a crazy number then Wendsday it fell.

  3. 26 minutes ago, Subzero said:

    Yeah at this point anything over $750m WW is a win for this I think .... the more the merrier ... hopefully legs will carry it over 850m WW.

    It was a best case scenario as I just remember BVS horrible legs 

    GOTGv2 2.8x

    Logan 2.4

    SM:HC 2.6x

    Wonder Woman 3.22x

    Thor (Already)2.7x


    If JL is a crowd pleaser then it can look like this 






    If it’s not then 








    I’m hoping for a 3.0xThen JL will hit A Billion even without hitting 300domestic .

    I know the film also may end up over estimates which will sway the multipliers.


    • Like 1
  4. Just now, Barnack said:

    as an eventual $215M-$235M overall overseas opening weekend.


    BvS made 254 with a couple more markets (BvS had a 4.5m in Japan for example), we could see more something like a 10% or less drop oversee, for an around 500m result (instead of 545m) if it start with 225.


    If so, an above 750m would be locked.

    Don’t forget BVS had horrible drops across the broad.

    I love the film but I do at least acknowledge Its 69%drop in NA and a 68% drop (can’t remember exact number ) in the foreign market.

    After the following Tuesday the film fell off in all markets .

    JL just needs to hold better,Taking a 50%drop each weekend can look like this 




    32(-60%TLJ)= 442 and that’s a possibility without the Weekdays.

    An “A or A- Cinema Score is a must


    • Like 2
  5. Just now, YourMother said:

    Not getting a 3x.

    I said “Im not saying it’s ginna do that”

    I think we all get so caught up in o.w numbers we forget these films also have to have legs.

    BVs opened to 166 but it means nothing when you look at other films that didn’t open that huge but passed it at the Boxoffice.

  6. Just now, Rebeccas said:

    Even a WW level multiplier only brings this to like $121m OW, which is just barely lower than Thor3.

    121 with Fantastic Beast Multiplier with bring it to 382.

    Not saying it’s gonna do that but I ask you this one question.....What’s more important ,O.w or final Gross?

  7. Just now, somebody85 said:

    I'm not saying there is.

    But looking at the preview numbers for JL, Thor, and SM: H, there doesn't seem as big a rush to see them as there once was.

    13 and 14.5 isn't a huge difference. All I was saying that these numbers are a big dropoff from the first two: 

    BvS $27.7m

    SS $20.5m

    The weekend could easily make up for it.

    What was GOTGv2 preview as I don’t think that film even hit 20mil.

    Maybe CBM are gonna start to get less front


    Only time will tell for JL.


    #JusticeLeague  grossed $18M THU from intl mkts raising total to $27.3M ahead of wknd. Matching or beating #ThorRagnarok  in many countries. China opening day FRI heading to roughly $15M today, 25% behind #BvS, but about even with latest #Thor .

  8. 4 minutes ago, JohnnyGossamer said:

    I didn't mean that. I more so meant we may see the ceiling OW/TOTAL start to gradually dip for these MCU, DCEU, etc. Of course a lot of people will see it next weekend. That's the same case for just about any tentpole released the weekend before Thanksgiving.

    I’m sorry I was in a conversation with Subzero I didn’t mean to tag you.

    (About your point for next weekend) We May see an incredible hold next week and then again we may not .

  9. Just now, somebody85 said:

    Maybe people are finally starting to get burned out. My theaters were packed for Thor and JL...but slower for Wonder Woman and Homecoming. I think there were only 2 other people in the theater for Wonder Woman when I saw it. Shame because that's by far the best one out of all of those.

    Avengers: IW will see a big bump of course but I dunno about Black Panther.

    Another thing when comparing JL to BVS ,SS and WW we also have to look at the dates.

    BVs has Good Friday the day after so much bigger preview.

    SS was in Summer also WW.

    It May not be saying much but I think it’s something to take into consideration.

    • Like 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, Subzero said:

    I think opening a team up superhero movie right after THOR:R (basically another semi team up) is a mistake ...perhaps it was just too much superhero movie in a short span...so folks are not in a hurry to watch it.

    I can't wait to see how it pans out next year with a full year fill with ComicBook Super movies....


    1 minute ago, JohnnyGossamer said:

    Curious about this too.

    I have also heard a number of folks saying they are gonna catch it Next weekend.

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