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Posts posted by Brainiac5

  1. 4 minutes ago, TwoMisfits said:

    2nd local has already added 3 late showings for JL tonight to bring its showings to 17 for today (from 14) - that's a good JL sign even if presales sucked last night:)...(Thor lost last 2 showings and Bad Moms lost the other)...

    I think JL will play much like a Family film.


    Only time will tell if it can pull a Wonder Woman or a SS.In between the two will land the film above a 3x.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Olive Skywalker said:

    Competitions will be weak, definitely way better legs than BVS.


    2 minutes ago, fmpro said:


    Thats what im thinking yes.

    JL should have 20-25% screens next weekend wich will prevent it from dropping 80-90%.

    Mayby more like 65-75%

    It would  be sweet for it to earn 110+.I know it’s too early to call but JL May Be DCs Bighest hit In China ever.

  3. 11 minutes ago, Squadron Leader Tele said:



    This thread is for tracking and numbers, not discussions about audience reactions or support.

    I was implying the reception to make a point that the film should have good internal Legs.

    I shared the post only because it seems like everytime I post a Postive some seem to give me a negative about my positive.

    As of now we don’t have much Boxoffice to work with at least until tommorw.

  4. 5 minutes ago, TwoMisfits said:

    So, one things everyone always forgets when they compare BVS Thursday previews and JL Thursday previews - for many families, BVS preview day was a day off...it was Holy Thursday, and all Catholic schools have that day off...and b/c they do, many public schools plan spring break the week before Easter (my large county school system does), not the week after it.  Plus, almost everyone has that Friday off, so no worries about staying up late.  And then, many folks had to account for Easter services and family time, pushing forward demand even more.  


    So, comparisons to BvS previews have always been unfair to JL on their face, b/c JL is opening on a 100% non-day-off w/ a 100% non-day-off the next day.  When we say DC always has higher previews (and so it needs them to open to similar Marvel #s), we should probably drop BvS's numbers from the calculus and compare from there...maybe DC still needs higher previews to get the same weekend #...I guess we'll definitely find out this weekend in a head-to-head with Thor from 2 weeks ago...

    This is true as a smaller preview Number don’t have to mean smaller opening.

    JL can do 17mil in previews and it’s Weekend can still be on par with BVS because of its internal multiplier.

  5. 2 minutes ago, bangbingchan said:

    Manhunt doesn't have strong buzz.Douban is around 5.8 now.JL is 7.6 on Douban.JL will be down certainly.But Not bad.JL won't face strong competition in its 3rd week.Hanabi might be only wide release and competition.Hanabi is not a strong hit as Your Name.1.9-2 multiple is fine this year

    So 100mil In China is on the table as long as the film does over 51mil?

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