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Posts posted by cax16

  1. 9 minutes ago, Krissykins said:

    Variety have been going hard on this for a few weeks now. 

    “NEGATIVE reviews” for days when it was 55% lol. 

    It’s easy clicks when a comic book movie has bad reviews, who can blame them honestly. Though I get what you’re saying. 

    • Like 2
  2. 19 minutes ago, Maggie said:

    According to this Variety article, BA was projected to do $328 million domestic. I knew they were full of it when they predicted 130M for Halloween Ends



    Sick source for those numbers btw. 


    Black adam was probably never touching 200m tbh so that fact that anyone took that article seriously is laughable. 

    • Haha 1
  3. 1 minute ago, WittyUsername said:

    This movie could’ve used some better editing. That’s my big takeaway. All in all, it’s a pretty standard superhero movie. There’s nothing really unique about it or noteworthy about it. It really does feel like something that should’ve been made back in 2014 or so. 

    I’m not entirely sure how general audiences will respond to this. I think the crowd at my theater liked it, and the mid-credit scene got some reactions, but I don’t know if this is the kind of movie that would get a strong rating on Cinemascore. 

    Ya, I kinda agree with this. My theatre liked it but I assume if you’re there on preview night you’re either a dc fan or cbm fan in general. Maybe this gets a B+? 

  4. 4 minutes ago, Potiki said:

    Have not seen Black Adam but your first place and last place are my top 2 lol, don't know what that will mean for my enjoyment of Black Adam.


    As for the rest I thought MoM was fine, Superpets was cute and funnier than I thought I would be, couldn't make it through Morbius. 

    I don’t want to derail the thread too much but I despised Thor, literally like bottom tier cbm ever for me. I’m glad you enjoyed though. 

    Black adam is just a dumb fun action movie. I get the criticism but it was fun for me. 

    • Like 3
  5. 27 minutes ago, Maggie said:

    Even though Shazam didn't set the BO on fire, it had a very good reception from critics and audience. That's why it's getting a sequel. They know there's potential there. If Black Adam does average numbers, that combined with a supposedly mediocre reception, puts it in danger of not getting the sequel. But let's wait before we bury it

    I’d be shocked if they didn’t use the rock again after this in another movie no matter what the box office is. If this underperforms or whatever that will probably just kill any spin-offs they may have had “planned”. 

    Either way it is what it is, the movie is made now and it’s gonna do what it’s gonna do. 

  6. 5 minutes ago, Grebacio said:


    People probably think a poor box office will make the execs panic and change course again, I can’t blame anyone for thinking like that but if they truly wanna build out they need to stick to the plan and continue to tie things into other movies. We have Shazam coming early next year then The Flash, so they should just continue with whatever plan they may have. But again, who knows how they’ll react to the box office(if it doesn’t meet whatever goal they set for the movie). 

  7. 1 minute ago, excel1 said:

    Aquaman benefited heavily from the holiday release no doubt, which is clearly the premiere release date of the year. Batman, Superman, Aquaman, and MAYBE Flash are still big enough to carry themselves. Wonder Woman, hard to say coming off the widely hated WW1984. 

    I don’t think ww84 is as hated as the internet makes you think it is. With that said, The third movie will have to be much better obviously and people will wait for reviews this time around where that probably wouldn’t of happened with ww84 cause of the good will from the first movie. 

    • Like 1
  8. 9 minutes ago, excel1 said:

    In all seriousness, I would hope that everyone knows that Zaslav has access to all sorts of data and generally has much more informed opinions than any of us. He very well may be looking at the performances Shazam, Birds of Prey, Wonder Woman 2, and The Suicide Squad and concluding that the "DCEU" brand is virtually worthless. If BA underperforms, the notion is simply reinforced even further. 


    No doubt that means they will need to be EXTREMELY careful of what product they actually put out to not further diminish what brand equity the DCEU has left. BA is so high profile and expensive that it has to be released, but smaller projects are a very different story. Of course the 2 popular, big hit DC films are unrelated to the DCEU. 

    Aquaman made more than both and Wonder Woman made more then Batman. BA box office should only impact what they decide to spin off from BA, not other projects. Time and time again we’ve seen DC movies can stand on their own when they’re good.

    I’m pretty confident that Shazam FOTG and the flash are at least good movies from what I’ve read about them so they just have to see how those are received and go from there. 

    • Like 2
  9. 2 minutes ago, Potiki said:

    This is the main thing, I enjoyed Jungle Cruise (same Director and Star) even though it got middling reviews. 


    I'm hopeful I will like Black Adam when I get around to watching it in hopefully a couple of weeks as well. I've seen enough movies that have awesome reviews that I've hated and a bunch with low reviews that I've loved to know that it dissent inform my decision on what to watch.


    Also I think DC doesn't see a huge impact from critical response with movies like 2016 Suicide Squad making a bunch of money even with poor reviews, so don't know why everyone seems to be...



    I respect what critics do but I’ve said for a long time now I don’t care about reviews or read them. The only reason I even follow it is to see if it has any impact on the movies box office.

    I think these reviews may hurt opening weekend a bit if someone was on the fence but if they have a friend who actually saw it and liked it then maybe they’ll go see it another time. 


    I don’t blame anyone for seeing a RT score and deciding to see or skip a movie but that’s not what I do. 

    • Like 5
  10. 4 minutes ago, Porthos said:


    Oh, I know all too well about RT Watch Dog Piles.  Nearly a pastime on this board.  But I do feel on occasion the need to push back against it a tad before moving on to other subjects.

    Certain people have been saying stuff for weeks/months leading up to this so it’s nice to see some push back, just for me at this point I prefer to just block people. 

    • Like 1
  11. 5 minutes ago, Porthos said:


    Given some of the comments here, one would think this was getting Morbius level reviews instead of, oh say, Venom level.


    Quite likely it sinks to the low 40s (or maybe even high 30s), but that's hardly a death sentence for this type of film.

    This always happens, I don’t know how anything surprises anyone anymore in these threads. 

    Obviously this comment is not a shot at you lol, but  I can’t even build up the strength to care anymore about this stuff. I’ll just watch the movie Thursday and hopefully enjoy myself. 

    • Like 4
  12. 2 minutes ago, Lighthouse said:

    I can't bump my comment because that certain mod keeps deleting my posts and giving WP.
    But I can't believe there were some people in the last pages (before the reviews) still predicting +60% and 70%. Did you not see the reactions? LOL, I didn't know there were many delulus fans of the rock, no wonder they're saying those box office estimates are great.

    It will struggle to reach 50% on RT as expected..

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