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Posts posted by cax16

  1. 15 minutes ago, WittyUsername said:

    Now KC Walsh is claiming that his source told him Cavill isn’t in BA. God, this constant will they, won’t they is beyond tiresome. 

    @grim22 is the only scooper that matters.














    I’m kidding btw so don’t yell at me. I don’t think anyone knows anything for sure yet it seems. 

    • Like 2
  2. 13 minutes ago, Porthos said:


    Outside of memes (and hopes/dreams) on this board, is there actually any indication Apple is looking in that direction?  I know they were rumored to be interested in A24, but I haven't actually heard much about Apple looking elsewhere.


    Or is this more a "Apple should be looking for more content for their service", and a DC acquisition is as big as any they might see in the near/medium term future.

    Ya, this is just my hopes(cause I’m not impressed with Zaslav at all), I’ve seen no indication that they’ve shown any interest.

    I guess I just think they have so much money they could make a very good offer for an IP like DC. It could be huge potential for them, games for their IPhones, shows for their streamers and they could make movies, honestly if they’re interested I’d prefer they just buy all of WB but again, this is all just me hoping. 

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  3. Lot of this article seems like recycled stuff we already knew, with a few extra details. I guess Ezra is good for getting clicks now to sites so I understand why they keep digging. While I think Ezra needs plenty of help I truly believe we’ll never know the real truths out of any of this cause no one will be allowed to talk about it anymore.


    As long as Ezra stays out of the spotlight till the movie releases with nothing new coming up the movie should be fine. Articles like these will continue to come out and be forgotten in a few days. 

    As I’ll continue say, I hope Ezra can get the help they need, I hope they’re truly serious about getting that help.

    • Like 4
  4. 11 minutes ago, JWR said:

    So baffling how they think it’s a good idea to shop around pieces of their biggest IPs. I don’t get it tbh. These shows were “supposed” to be set in the dceu but obviously that’s not happening anymore. So strange. 

    • Like 4
  5. 2 minutes ago, JWR said:


    It would almost be funny if it wasn't for the destruction he's leaving in his wake.

    You’re right, it’s not funny, tons of people have lost jobs. I’m just speaking from the standpoint of being a huge dc fan and I love hbo, he’s done so much bad in such little time. 

    But I will admit, I do like the people in charge of WB studios now, I think we’ll keep seeing DC movies green light so I’m happy for that. I hope Superman is next. 

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  6. 2 hours ago, grim22 said:


    Ok, with the caveat that I AM NOT A SCOOPER. I am just conveying what I have heard and please please please don't take this as anything apart from this is what I have heard


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    Apparently they have filmed like 10 seconds of footage for Black Adam post-credits. We see his face.


    We are about a month away from confirmation.


    Again - NOT A SCOOPER. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't take this as anything more than office talk.



    Thank you! I hope they have a movie planned for him also. 

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