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Posts posted by cax16

  1. I can’t speak for anyone else and while I’m sure Avatar is gonna do huge business I could never get my kids to watch the first one so I doubt we’ll seeing the sequel in the theatre as a family.  My wife and I will probably see it alone after we see Aquaman as a family if they do end up releasing the same time. My kids are very open to most things but we tried watching it twice and they just couldn’t get into Avatar for whatever reason. 

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, BadOlCatSylvester said:

    I know people like @EmpireCity are going to (somewhat deservedly) give me shit, but this would have been better served as a hybrid release IMO. A goofy, non-consequential spinoff cartoon that's just a couple of weeks after people blow their salaries on Doctor Strange is a tough sell to say the least. An HBO Max component would at least ensure it has some purpose, especially since theatrical animation hasn't even come close to profitability just yet.

    They’re making hbomax specific movies, there’s really no point in doing hybrid releases for them anymore. Theatres need content and WB needs other sources of revenue also cause they’re gonna be spending a lot on content for max as well. 

    • Like 3
  3. "The GCDP thing, that story has story has kinda evolved. We've actually now [moved] more into the realm of exactly what would happen in the world of Arkham as it relates coming off of our movie, and some of the characters…… almost leaning into the idea of.. it's like a horror movie or a haunted house that is Arkham. The idea, again the way that Gotham is a character in the movie, I really want Arkham to exist as a character. You go into this environment and encounter these characters in a way that feels really fresh. And so in our work on Gotham, that story started to evolve, and it started feeling [like], 'Wait, we should really lean into this.' And then that's kinda where that's gone."

  4. Loved the movie, best cbm since IW. 

    Just some context for the joker thing for you guys to read if you haven’t. I’ve heard he’s supposed to be in the Arkham spin-off on hbomax, not as a main villain for a sequel. Here’s some stuff reeves said in an interview.



    You’re right,” Reeves says. “It is the Joker.

    It’s not an Easter egg scene,” he says. “It’s not one of those end credits Marvel or DC scenes where it’s going, like, ‘Hey, here’s the next movie!’ In fact, I have no idea when or if we would return to that character in the movies.

    I thought he would be really insecure about this and he’d probably want to find some way to get into the [Riddler’s] mindset, like in ‘Manhunter’ or ‘Mindhunter’ — this idea of profiling somebody, so you can predict his next move,” says Reeves.

    So Reeves shot a scene in which Batman snuck inside Arkham, arriving at the door of a specific inmate. “And this guy says, ‘It’s almost our anniversary, isn’t it?'” says Reeves. “You realize that they have a relationship, and that this guy obviously did something, and Batman somehow got him into Arkham.” As they talk, Batman tells Joker he wants to know how Riddler thinks. Joker’s reply, as relayed by Reeves: “What do you mean, you want to know how he thinks? You guys think the same.

    I never was trying to say like, ‘Hey, guess what, here’s the Joker. Next movie!'” he says. “The idea was more to say, ‘Hey, look, if you think that trouble is going to go away in Gotham, you can forget it. It’s already here. And it’s already delicious.

    Reeves and Marino turned to the original inspiration for the Joker: Conrad Veidt’s performance in the 1928 silent film “The Man Who Laughs,” based on a novel by Victor Hugo.“It’s like ‘Phantom of the Opera,'” Reeves says. “He has a congenital disease where he can’t stop smiling and it’s horrific. His face is half-covered through most of the film.” While it’s barely perceptible in the movie, Marino’s makeup evoked Veidt’s, giving Keoghan an unceasing rictus grin.

    What if this guy from birth had this disease and he was cursed? He had this smile that people stared at that was grotesque and terrifying. Even as a child, people looked at him with horror, and his response was to say, ‘Okay, so a joke was played on me,’ and this was his nihilistic take on the world.

    Whether Keoghan will keep playing the Joker remains an open question. “There might be places,” Reeves says. “There’s stuff I’m very interested in doing in an Arkham space, potentially for HBO Max. There are things we’ve talked about there. So it’s very possible. It also isn’t impossible, that there is some story that comes back where Joker comes into our world.

  5. 1 hour ago, ThomasNicole said:

    Warner have an entire multiverse to do others Batmans, in fact they will do in November and since it's a flash movie the tone will be way lighter and with "Young" appeal 


    WB don't need to change anything in Reeves universe to do that

    This is exactly what I was gonna post. Nightwing was “apparently” already cast and will be in Batgirl as well.


    All I know is I just watched the best cbm movie I’ve seen since Infinity War. The Batman to me was perfect, the cast was amazing and Pattinson is by far the best Batman ever on screen but I need to see more of him as Bruce. Reeves totally understands what a Batman movie should be. I can’t wait for the second one. 

    Two Batman movies now in my top 5 cbm

    • Like 4
  6. I just wanna add one thing, if you’re disappointed by this opening(when it comes) with whatever bar you set for yourself that’s completely fine, I wasn’t trying to be disrespectful to

    anyone with my opinions. I set my bar a long time ago hoping for a 100m weekend. It’s fine if others don’t think that’s good but for me it works. I’m just looking towards the future movies with optimism. 

    • Like 2
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  7. 2 minutes ago, EmpireCity said:


    Thanks for posting that.  I hadn't even read that, but there is no way they have any accurate data from ComScore at this point and it is very very likely that someone from WB is giving them some select numbers and a range.  The industry source for raw data has been down all day, so getting an article out first with numbers will get them the most attention and clicks.  


    Again, they could be right, but it is a pure mostly blind guess.  

    It would make sense for WB to feed them

    those numbers then if it goes higher it looks even better for the movie. I’m not saying that’s happening of course and as you said the 55 could be right. 

    • Like 1
  8. Just putting this here so people see what was said in the article. I Bolded the last part cause it’s basically confirming what @EmpireCity is saying imo, they’re basically guessing or just being fed some crumbs from WB. I’m not saying what the number will come in at cause I have no idea about this stuff, I’m terrible at these numbers. 



    “Comscore is back online, with numbers trickling in and industry estimates are seeing at least $110M for The Batman over three days after what is expected to be a $55M Friday (including previews). The anticipation by many is that these numbers for the near-three hour movie should grow. 

    • Like 5
  9. 3 minutes ago, Villain Legion said:


    Updated detail view:

    splits Prev % 39.27%
    TueWed $4,000,000  
    Th $17,600,000  
    True Fri $33,400,000 1.55
    Sat $39,078,000 17.00%
    Sun $27,745,380.00 -29.00%
    Total $121,823,380.00 3.0007
        True IM ^
      IM-> 5.639971296

    Lol I’m happy with those numbers so I don’t care if people are having meltdowns. 

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  10. 6 minutes ago, excel1 said:



    The perception of this film, if it does open to $110m, is that it is a rather large disappointment relative to the general expectation. That is the takeaway.

    I mean if you read the article it doesn’t sound like it’s a disappointment at all, it’s all about perception and WB is coming off it’s hbomax year and this is their first full run movie so having the second largest pandemic opening is still a big deal. 

    I do get what you’re saying though but in the grand scheme of things there’s such a small percentage of the population that actually cares about box office. All WB wants to see is what this makes in the end. 

    • Like 2
  11. 1 minute ago, HouseOfTheSun said:

    Which is quite surprising that fans can’t find happiness in some absolutely beastly performances like Joker and Aquaman and great/good ones like WW and Shazam 

    I think most fans can tbh, you just have a louder minority of fans online always making comparisons and are never happy unless things make “marvel” money. 


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