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Posts posted by cax16

  1. This episode was fine but what’s with the over hyping online about how good this episode was? I understand differing opinions and what not and maybe I’m missing something but this was no better then any of the other episodes.

    Honestly it’s my fault for following certain people on social media and that’s gonna change today lol. 

    • Haha 2
    • ...wtf 1
  2. 39 minutes ago, dudalb said:

    Some people don't get how serous this is. Second degree assualt is a felony charge in Hawaii and is considered a violent crime which meand mandatory p rison time.

    I think Warners should go on the assumption that it's going to have to recast.

    And that is what they s hould do:recast. Just recast. No need to bring in a multiverse solution. Marvel recast the Hulk/Bruce Banner  after Ed Norton proved difficult, and did just fine.


    This whole movie is basically a multiverse movie so it would be a pretty easy solution if they do go the recast route. 

  3. On 4/9/2022 at 2:30 PM, cax16 said:

    Can now do a direct comp with The Batman,


    day 4 of sales for Dr Strange 16370 at nearest 24 theatres 


    day 4 of sales for Batman was 6032


    I’ll do a count again at like day 14 for another direct comp. 

    Day 14,


    Batman was 9427

    Dr strange is 18605


    Dr Strange has already surpassed The Batman final sales so I’ll do a comparison on day 21 which was the last day I had for Batman, then I can use those numbers for future comps.



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  4. 21 minutes ago, DAJK said:

    This site is genuinely the only place I've seen any of this controversy discussing miller in a negative light. Everything on tik tok/twitter I've seen today is defending them pretty hard. 

    Most of the stuff I see online is people just saying they hope Ezra gets the help they need and that WB should recast. If Ezra assaulted someone with a chair they should be charged and in jail imo. 


    If all the stuff I’ve read about the movie is true this is a big movie going forward for their slate so it’s not something that can just get dumped. Zaslav wants to utilize the DC IP even more going forward so I would assume if they can’t get things sorted out with Ezra they’ll end up recasting. 

    • Like 2
  5. 5 hours ago, BestPicturePlutoNash said:

    Taika is insufferable now and they have a new co-writer on this who isn't great. Given his knack for improv and recent reshoots, is it really surprising the movie could be a mess?

    I’m not worried about the movie being good cause I’m sure Feige won’t let that happen but I completely agree with the bolded part. I can’t stand him and his humour, I didn’t like Ragnarok that much, I liked the other Thor movies a lot more. I know I’m in the minority so I’m sure everyone will love this but I’m most looking forward to Jane and the guardians in this, not too excited to see Thor again. 

    • Haha 1
  6. On 4/6/2022 at 4:44 PM, cax16 said:

    Dr Strange day 1 sales at 24 nearest theatres, 11159 tickets sold, Batman was at  this number after 17 days of presales so we obviously have a big opening weekend coming as we all expected. The earliest tracking data I have for The Batman was day 4 of presales and that was at 6032 tickets sold. 

    Can now do a direct comp with The Batman,


    day 4 of sales for Dr Strange 16370 at nearest 24 theatres 


    day 4 of sales for Batman was 6032


    I’ll do a count again at like day 14 for another direct comp. 

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  7. On 3/28/2022 at 8:45 PM, cax16 said:

    Just checked my theatre for Morbius and ya it’s bad. Only 31 seats sold over 6 showtimes. TSS was 100 seats over 4 showtimes final numbers, not sure this is even gonna get close to that number tbh. 

    As I expected, numbers didn’t move much. Only 51 seats sold now over those 6 showtimes. Really bad numbers for my theatre but let’s see what happens over the weekend. 

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