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Posts posted by cax16

  1. 5 hours ago, Tarintino said:


    Endgame apparently made 890m profit with a budget of 356m and advertising budget of 200m. Going by the 2x rules of production plus P&A, it would have needed about 1.1b to break even, leaving 1.7b extra in revenue. If they take 50% of that, it gives 850m so the math works out.


    Going by your rule of thumb, it's profit would have been higher than 1b, which sources say it wasn't. Even with Avatar, the budget + advertising was about 400m leaving it with a profit of around 1b give or take. According to your rule though its profit would have been around 1.15b which was too high. 

    2.5x production budget is just the rule of thumb to say a movie has done fine and will be profitable, none of us know the exact amount any movie makes.


    If you wanna believe grace be my guest. There’s a reason she’s a joke in the industry though.

    I’m not gonna continue going back and forth with you so this will be my last post about this. 

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  2. @DAJKis right about sales here for Morbius, not great so far. I’m sure it will pick up but not a lot of showtimes being offered right now but that will change obviously. 

    My 24 theatre count I do has 497 tickets sold so far in all the theatres.  I didn’t do full first day count of Batman and obviously that’s not really a fair comparison but Batman had more seats sold at 2 theatres then morbius has at 24. The earliest count I have for Batman was day 4 of presales and that number is over 6000. 

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  3. 4 minutes ago, Notthereverseflash24 said:

    Plus we're still getting two more DC movies this year (3 If you include super pets), on top of that we already got peacemaker and batman

    I get people being disappointed about movies they’re excited for but we are just coming out of an awful 2 and half years with the pandemic (which is still going on). 

    There’s been numerous reports online about vfx work being behind so if a movie being delayed because of covid is bothering someone then maybe that person should grow up. 

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  4. Avatar is obviously gonna open big and make a lot it money but that doesn’t really matter cause more then one movie can survive over the holidays.

    I don’t think it’s a fantastic spot or anything but we know now no other movies are gonna be ready cause of the vfx and they needed to put something there so that was Shazam. Hopefully it can do ok against Avatar cause the first Shazam was great and deserved better imo. 

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