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Posts posted by cax16

  1. 53 minutes ago, belblazer said:

    After the reason why he canceled Wonder Twins, no way Batgirl will stay on Max. He better not cancel Black Canary and Green Lantern.

    If anything both would just get a theatrical release instead of being straight to max. It seems like he really wants to focus on DC, so I would just assume he wants to tie in off movies first rather then start something new on Max. I’m not against this thinking as long as he isn’t cheap. Gunn is coming back for Peacemaker season two and producing on that other project with Waller so I would assume both series would have a decent budget. Hopefully those aren’t axed lol

    • Like 1
  2. If they’re keeping budgets for movies for straight to streaming at 35m I think it’s a great idea, we’ve seen what making red notice has done for Netflix, absolutely nothing but waste 200m dollars. But if he’s gonna be tight on shows then that’s gonna be a huge problem for hbo. They’ve always been known for quality, and that’s not cheap. 

    I’m very curious to see what happens to JLD series and GL series for max. It seems like he wants to tie more into max from the movies. 

    • Like 2
  3. 8 minutes ago, ringedmortality said:

    All CW shows are terrible. I remember when people would talk about how good Arrow was back in the early 2010s, so I put on the first episode and it was dogshit. Anytime anyone says "oh this one is actually good" they're lying.

    People are lying cause they have different opinions then you? lol

    I loved the first seasons of both Flash and Arrow and right now for me S&L is easily the best comic book show besides Peacemaker over the last few years. 

    I can respect you don’t like the shows but saying people are lying cause you don’t agree seems pretty dumb. 

    • Like 4
  4. We really need to stop generalizing the board when it’s like 2 trolls who are saying the numbers aren’t good. Sure some people may not like the movie very much but they aren’t denying the numbers are fine. And even then, it’s ok to be personally disappointed if you had expectations for the movie(maybe doing better) if it was received very well. 

    I also can understand people just being disappointed in general if they didn’t enjoy the movie. When we’re fans of these franchises and you’ve been seeing trailers, set photos etc for years and then the movie comes out and you don’t like it that certainly sucks. While I liked the movie more then some this is nowhere near top quality marvel, it’s just I liked it more then what’s come out recently cause I haven’t really been that impressed with stuff after EG. 

    • Like 3
  5. 8 minutes ago, Krissykins said:

    Probably being more cautious. These big films can be unpredictable and there’s an element of “bandwagon jumping” for the late reviews. See Wonder Woman 1984’s top critics score: 71%.

    Dr Strange’s is 62% currently. So yeh I’d agree they’re being cautious before certifying it. 





    4 minutes ago, ringedmortality said:


    I think the problem with something like Eternals or Multiverse of Madness is that it feels like the Universe is too big now. There's so many moving parts and it's a little exhausting. It feels like expansion for the sake of expansion. I actually like Black Widow because it's self contained, but I guess I'm in the minority of that.


    This wouldn't be such a big problem if they just re-tightened their qualifications for "certified critics." Lowering the qualifications ruined them imo.

    Big time yes! 

    I don’t even care about reviews that much but some of the people who are allowed to be certified on RT is insane. 

  6. 13 minutes ago, Maggie said:

    I just checked youtube and see bad reviews and these are mostly fanboys. Movie will collapse by the end of the weekend. It may even miss 1B WW

    Omg it may miss a billion? Whatever will Feige do?


    Some of you are so dramatic. We’re talking about a Dr Strange sequel and a billion dollars, that’s absolutely insane that those two words are even in the same sentence. Wether it hits that number or not means nothing. The movies gonna make a shitload of money and every mcu fan will still be there on preview night for Thor in July. 

    • Like 8
  7. My whole family really liked this, myself, my wife and my younger son all agreed this is our favourite marvel movie/show in the last few years, by a long shot actually. And for my older son he said this is his favourite marvel movie ever. I really liked The first movie so maybe that’s why I enjoyed this so much, I really like the character.


    I don’t see why audiences would be mixed on it, it has all the stuff marvel fans should want imo but who knows lol.

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