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Posts posted by cax16

  1. 41 minutes ago, Rebeccas said:

    They have literally been violently attacking people throughout Hawaii for the last few months...

    They haven’t been charged yet so why do we need to keep discussing it is my point? And even if they are charged and nothing happens to their role then there’s really nothing to discuss in this topic. If you guys wanna talk about that stuff start another topic in the proper section of the forums. I’m not defending what Ezra has done, I just don’t think there’s really any point of discussing it till they’re charged or we have an idea of what is happening to their role in the movie. Also, I’m more talking about the latest “topic” that has come up about Ezra. 

    This is the same issue we had with the Aquaman thread with regards to Amber heard. 

    I just wanna add, I’m not trying to be dismissive or be disrespectful so I apologize if that’s how I’m coming off. I just think these specific topics can be discussed in another section of the forums. 

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  2. 3 hours ago, WittyUsername said:

    For the record, the main upload of the trailer on WB’s YouTube page reached 17 million views with over 300K likes. That doesn’t seem too bad for a movie like this. 

    Also, they released it on the main DC YouTube page as well on day 1 at the same time and that one has 5m views with over 300k likes, so overall it did ok imo. 

  3. 1 hour ago, SupermanLego said:

    What shang chi trailer ? loool

    I screwed up, this was my bad. 


    1 hour ago, SupermanLego said:

    it has only 1.6m views on twitter.....that is BAD.

    I never said the views were good, i didn’t even look at numbers. I just don’t think the views matter for this at this point, it seems like it was being discussed a lot on Twitter if it trended that long. I don’t know how things will work out for the movie but I wasn’t expecting this to be huge. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, SupermanLego said:

    Furthermore to say DC can't create any hype to the big marvel flicks is just absurd. Look at joker nearly 100m views on youtube (trailer) when that joker 2 trailer lands it's going to be huge......and if (which they won't) make a batman/joker crossover (Joaquin) movie it will do GANGBUSTERS......the bad thing about the DCEU it's really far behind. It just needs good consistency from it's movies to have the ingrained hype of the mcu

    Not sure any DC movie ever hits the highs of the mcu (box office wise)but consistency is key ya. 

  5. Just now, SnokesLegs said:

    Probably true, and I suppose I was seeing the hype from within my Twitter bubble, but compared to Black Adam’s social media imprint so far it was huge. I’m surprised by just how quiet Black Adam seems to have been.

    Black adam trended number 1 for a few hours and top 20 for like 9 hours in the states. I’m not even sure if TSS ever did that tbh. 

    • Like 1
  6. 8 minutes ago, Menor Reborn said:

    Trailer views for origin movies tend to be a bit dicier, especially unknown DC character without the benefit of MCU fanbase to boost the numbers. I won't put too much stock into trailer views for this without a good comp, but am not expecting anything huge from it anyway. If it's good, it should do fine. If not, it probably won't. 


    As for the trailer itself, it looks like it has potential, but still didn't totally grab me. 



    You can glean decent information from trailer views if you have the right comp. I am not sure what you guys are seeing that has Shang-Chi trailer views equal to Batman. Batman trailer 1 has significantly more views than Shang-Chi trailer 1, and Batman trailer 2 utterly destroys Shang-Chi trailer 2 in views. Batman trailer 2 has 54m views on YouTube as far as I can tell and Shang-Chi trailer 2 with just 29. Likes 1.2m to 556k. 

    This is my bad lol, I don’t know why my YouTube was saying those numbers for the respective trailers, I just updated my app and it says the numbers you guys are saying. My apologies @Fox20


  7. 12 minutes ago, BestPicturePlutoNash said:

    I always thought this was floppy.


    Rock is a star but his track record isn't flawless or even good lol. DC is not to be trusted. For every hit, they nearly followup with a disappointment. General audiences have no investment. Add in the fact the trailer turned out to be not "great", wasn't exactly hyped up or premiered during a sporting event, and Black Adam is a very obscure (for mainstream) character...

    I don’t think this will flop but I never understood the people saying huge numbers for this. Maybe for a second movie if this one turns out well it can do bigger numbers but your other points are right, DC hasn’t really been consistent so they don’t have that huge fan base to start off with. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Fox20 said:

    Other than niche like Birds of Prey or Shazam, DC movies do great on views, BvS, Man of Steel, Joker, Aquaman, The Batman all did great, even Wonder Woman 84 did good enough.


    You picked the worst example only one Shang Chi trailer did decent numbers, Batman had way more views, the highest Shang Chi trailer views are lower than the lowest watched Batman trailer... Eternals is below Batman as well.


    Besides it's not the point, the point is that Black Adam is doing bad in general, not even compared to Marvel.

    I’m not sure I understand what you’re saying? I’m not,  nor would I ever compare this to any marvel movies views, that was never expected and would never be expected from this movie or any dc movie in general.



  9. Look at today for example, black adam trailer views are low I guess that’s what people are saying in this thread, but it trended on Twitter since the trailer dropped at 9am and is still in the top 20 now, 9 hours later. What does any of that mean? I personally don’t know lol.

    I don’t worry about this stuff anymore, I just wanna see enjoyable movies, if it does good at the box office that’s even better but I don’t have any money invested in these so it is what it is. 

  10. 1 hour ago, SupermanLego said:

    Is it me or is Black Adam getting not traction at all. All of it's social media, youtube, instagram views are bad/mediocre for such a big movie ??

    It’s trended on Twitter(USA) at number 1 for a few hours and has been in the top 15 since 9am, so it’s done what it’s supposed to I guess, I’m sure they’ll attach it to all the big summer movies as well, it’s just too bad the trailer wasn’t better. I didn’t look at trailer views etc cause I don’t really buy into that stuff anymore and DC never does big trailer numbers. Even The Batman got “average” mcu movie trailer views and that’s considered big for a DC movie. 

    We won’t know how this is gonna do till closer to the release but if I had to make a guess right now I’d say 400-500m maybe. 

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