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Jake Gittes

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Everything posted by Jake Gittes

  1. I just saw that a few weeks ago. Good stuff but in the end I kinda wanted the entire movie to have been a 2-hour heist performed in real time.
  2. The pissing scene is the good kind of WTF, especially in a prestige movie, but the "God looks like me" bit and his All-American Beautiful White Family knocked me right back, del Toro is laying all this shit on ridiculously thick.
  3. I'm less than 10 minutes into The Shape of Water and it's already way too drunk on itself.
  4. How about bringing those bright popping (pun not intended) colors along with it too, cause this muted greyed out afraid-to-be-expressive bullshit that's going on in the current stills (and, well, in most of modern studio cinema) makes me nothing but depressed.
  5. I see the point about realism/true-life background, but I was talking about his framing of violence, and in that sense I don't see anything bad in his track record. Across his filmography, in nearly all the instances where the violence is tragic/painful, it is left mostly or entirely offscreen, and even if the style is otherwise broad, it is still used to communicate pathos, not thrill and entertainment (examples: all of Jackie Brown, the opening sequences of Kill Bill 2 and Inglourious Basterds, the flashback murders in The Hateful Eight, the violence against the slaves in Django Unchained, the shooting of the cop in Reservoir Dogs). When his violence is devoid of tact or restraint, it is only when the material itself is broad enough to allow it - see Kill Bill 1, the climactic rampages in Basterds and Django, shooting Marvin in the face in Pulp. In my eyes, Tarantino has proven time and time again that he understands different modes of movie violence, how it works and should be used in different contexts. There is not one scene of violence in his filmography that I think hits the wrong tone or goes too far (okay, one possible exception - a certain someone getting his head blown off in the end of Hateful Eight). So when it comes to his handling of violence in this movie, I find the "Tarantino is gonna mess this up" attitude to be pretty condescending (like he's some sort of child who we've allowed to play as he pleases before but now after 25+ years he suddenly doesn't know The Right Way); I don't see why he would look at this material and not adapt his sensibility accordingly, like he did all those times before. He's not stupid. And if he is, at least wait until the movie is done and has been in front of your eyes before you claim so.
  6. Everyone is repeating themselves and so will I: Tarantino has done plenty of scenes throughout his entire filmography where the violence was mostly or entirely off-screen. And in those cases it happened to fictional characters. Seriously, where exactly this did image of him as someone whose every movie is a tasteless bloodbath come from?
  7. C'mon man you didn't list one of the best I also think his brashness in Seven is exactly right for it. And him in Tree of Life is one of the most memorable performances in a Malick film.
  8. Since I've moved into my own place I've encountered a situation where I couldn't watch a movie right before bed because there was at least 30 minutes' worth of dirty dishes in the sink. I need to work on my time management.
  9. I'm curious how two of the biggest stars in the world acquit themselves in roles that sound pretty non-starrish, I mean a washed up struggling TV actor and his stunt double I imagine two pretty shabby, worn-down guys. Hopefully QT didn't cast Leo and Pitt just cause he's chasing names but because he honestly sees them in the roles.
  10. He's sorta wasted his 2010s post-Moneyball/Tree of Life but if anything can wake him up it's a Tarantino role, hopefully with this and Ad Astra he bounces back.
  11. The Avengers is known as "Marvel's The Avengers" on BOM. Never knew why but it's always mildly annoyed me.
  12. Attention all units Blank is liking posts in the November 6-8, 2015 weekend thread send help
  13. Days of Future Past was solid, Serena was shot way back in mid-2012, and mother! is better than everything Leo did in 1998-2001 combined (and even if you hate it, her commitment to that performance is self-evident, which should matter to the Hollywood execs and filmmakers who cast movies). The final two THG movies were successful and I don't really see them being widely derided. That just leaves Joy, Apocalypse, and Passengers, one of which got her another Oscar nod, and the other two made money and will hardly do her any harm. In other words, it is what a career looks like. With its ups and downs. She is not in 2013 anymore, and she never could have been.
  14. It got out of hand one day, and now there are two of them
  15. Had the same reaction my first time but this recent piece by Mike D'Angelo (one of my favorite critics) has had me itching to revisit it. Might be some hidden depths there.
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