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Jake Gittes

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Everything posted by Jake Gittes

  1. I didn't see Ant-Man till last year and honestly it struck me as one of their most tossed-off movies. With Rudd probably their blandest main character. A few isolated visually fun moments do not a good movie make.
  2. 1. Godfather II 2. Godfather 3. The French Connection 4. The Sting 5. The Deer Hunter 6. Rocky 7. Cuckoo's Nest 8. Annie Hall Funny thing is I wouldn't even have picked the top 2 to win in their respective years. (My heart belongs to Chinatown and Cabaret.) And it's gotta be the decade with the best track record for winners anyway. To add I think you can make a case for 1975 having the greatest line-up of nominees ever, with Barry Lyndon, Dog Day Afternoon, Jaws, Nashville, and Cuckoo's Nest.
  3. Worse than some of the forgotten winners from the '30s, or The Greatest Show on Earth? Worst one I've seen is probably Million Dollar Baby or Birdman, although if Three Billboards wins it'll overtake both. I guess I've had it easy so far. (Have 39 winners still unseen.)
  4. Leo absolutely. Vikander didn't (and still doesn't) have the reputation though, it was a welcoming Oscar, not an overdue one. Plus you could pretend they gave it to her as much for Ex Machina as for TDG.
  5. Between Oldman and Rockwell when's the last year we had at least two great actors win overdue Oscars for such blatantly unworthy, over-the-top performances? Closest answer I can see is Sean Penn and Tim Robbins for Mystic River
  6. Yeah I don't think Moonlight is very good but I'm sure its fans will continue to be many and passionate. It's why I said "great" and not "classic", because I still feel the former is subjective while the latter is to be decided by consensus, and I have no control over that.
  7. The Artist was good harmless fun. That alone is enough to put it in my top 3 of this decade's winners (alongside 12YAS and Spotlight). I still don't think we've had a winner since No Country that even begins approaching all-time great film status. This year won't break the streak, either.
  8. Argo is just kinda there as far as winners go. Not worth particularly strong feelings either way.
  9. I wonder how high the odds are of a Best Picture-winning Three Billboards being about as ridiculed a decade from now as Crash is today.
  10. Yeah I'm sure Black Panther is fine but does it - or anything in the MCU for that matter - have a line as good as that? I rest my case.
  11. Watched both The 400 Blows and The Graduate for the first time today. Today was a good movie day. Both are really bracingly modern in their technique and energy, you can clearly see the DNA/spirit of The 400 Blows in something as recent as The Florida Project, and Nichols' direction of The Graduate is amazingly inventive and witty without ever crossing the line into overbearing. Although I have to say I got detached from the story in a big way when it shifted from Ben's affair with Mrs. Robinson to his single-minded pursuit of Elaine. Even allowing for him being a doofus with severely misguided judgment that part felt pretty rushed and near-impossible to relate to. Not that I can relate to having an affair with an older woman, either, but that was a much more fascinating dynamic.
  12. Best movie of 2008. 2013 would be interesting too. I feel like Gravity's stock has gone down a bit since its release, and now it's a rare recent year without an obvious winner. If I had to guess I'd say Wolf of Wall Street would take it now but it'd be a close race no matter what.
  13. I seem to remember at the ceremony two years ago when they were calling out the cinematography nominees Deakins' name got easily the loudest applause. By this point even those in the Academy who normally wouldn't know or care must be well aware of his track record. Definitely gonna be one of the most interesting moments of this ceremony.
  14. And then years later return to the forum and yell at the new generation of 16-year-olds about it! The circle of life.
  15. If it happened 5 years in a row it doesn't mean they are tied forever now.
  16. Need to know if there's a staggering ending in there too. After three movies with those it'd be unfair if Chazelle just stopped trying to one-up himself with every new one. Be pretty funny if this took best picture while losing best director. (To Barry Jenkins.)
  17. You hear that Jennifer? MovieMan89 HIGHLY ADVISES you to not do what you feel like doing with your life
  18. The Intouchables' OS run deserves to be up there too.
  19. TalismanRing is also a big fan off the top of my head.
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