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Jake Gittes

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Everything posted by Jake Gittes

  1. I like the giant CGI scorpion just chilling in the background of one shot
  2. But it wins Best Screenplay because the story is so good.
  3. Right, I guess I spoke too soon. She's gonna play Amy Winehouse and be in Mann's new movie which is at the very least high-profile, and What Happened to Monday and Rupture sound intriguing. It's just that she's been stuck in box office flops, most of which were also terrible, ever since Prometheus.
  4. Rapace's Hollywood career just hasn't been working out at all. Shame.
  5. What really surprised me was Gone Girl not even receiving a Screenplay nom. Seemed like it would be as obvious as Pike's nomination.
  6. Slow expansion for Room. It's in danger of being in that Foxcatcher/Whiplash spot where it doesn't have enough momentum to really succeed in wide release, but also won't make much money just playing in a few hundred theaters for the next two months. Plus Spotlight and Brooklyn are drawing attention away from it now.
  7. Even movies you dislike you can learn something from, once you start asking yourself what exactly didn't work for you and why.
  8. Haven't seen Spotlight but, similarly to Argo, it definitely gives off '70s vibes - although it's not set at that time, it seems very much inspired by All the President's Men. Then again, I'll be really surprised if it's as fantastic as that movie, and ATPM didn't win BP. I still think Joy wins provided it's received as well by the critics and the public as DOR's previous three. If it's more divisive/disappointing, then that opens the door for Spotlight... or maybe The Revenant.
  9. It'll do what all Oscar contenders do, stay visible in limited and wide release till the ceremony, then sink like a stone in March whether it wins BP or not. I could see it doing like $40m, maybe close to $60m if it wins.
  10. Spotlight doing well. Definitely will end up closer to Sicario than to Jobs. The latter meanwhile is dropping again after last week's PTA surge, but I still think Uni will keep it playing until the nominations, just in case.
  11. So the Globes vetoed Mara and Vikander from contending for supporting actress. Might not mean anything in the end (Catherine Zeta-Jones was nominated for a lead Globe for Chicago, then won a supporting Oscar), but good to see, especially considering that the Globes have 10 Best Actress spots anyway (I'm guessing Lawrence will go comedy), but only 5 for supporting actresses. And I really hope JJL wins there now.
  12. That would be great for Spectre if it happened. No matter how different the audiences of Bond and Twilight might be, it definitely helps to not have a 70m opener (like QoS did) or a 140m opener (like Skyfall did) in your second weekend.
  13. I expect Carol's momentum will pick up once it's actually released. It's the biggest critical favorite of the season along with Mad Max and Spotlight, and Weinstein's behind it. From what I've seen already, Brooklyn and/or The Martian getting in over MMFR would be ludicrous.
  14. Speaking of which, a good point someone made is that, while the movie is called Brooklyn, we spend like half of the NY-set screentime in a kitchen of a boarding house. Aside from the Coney Island scene, there's little to no insight into what that specific area of the city was like in the '50s.
  15. Master and Commander is Weir's best. This is a close #2 for me, but I still haven't seen a few, including Last Wave.
  16. Yeah, that describes what happens in this movie very well.
  17. Yeah, the fact that the Oscars can get a lot of people to watch films they wouldn't have seen otherwise is practically the only way in which they are useful.
  18. If people didn't go see an awarded film it's not the Academy's problem. Box office shouldn't factor into this.
  19. Crowe was better in The Insider, sure, but I'd say his Maximus is still one of the best star turns of the 2000s. People loved it, and it remains well-remembered today. I still haven't seen anyone rave about Keaton in Spotlight. I'm sure he's fine, but if he wins, I don't even know how they'll be able to pretend that he did it for any reason other than his Birdman snub.
  20. Keaton winning would be one of the most nakedly obvious make-up Oscars in years.
  21. Courtney was OK in The Water Diviner (one of the few good parts of a terrible movie). Probably helped that he got to use his native accent.
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