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Jake Gittes

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Everything posted by Jake Gittes

  1. Looks like almost all of its audience decided to watch Beasts of No Nation at home. I wonder if Netflix will continue with these theatrical releases because from a business perspective it seems pretty pointless so far. Please don't tell me we've gotten to the point where The freaking Martian has a "slow burn pace".
  2. Jackie Brown is a textbook example of a movie that grows on you. It may not seem like much on first viewing but now I can't get enough of it.
  3. I totally enjoyed Hanks' over-the-top villainy in Cloud Atlas though. He was having a ball there, even if it wasn't menacing or anything.
  4. Eh, even playing a hitman he was still the guy we were supposed to root for, especially in comparison to the uglied-up over-the-top Jude Law. It's dark by Hanks standards, I suppose, but it's not Stewart going mad from obsession in Vertigo or Henry Fonda killing a child in Once Upon a Time in the West.
  5. I get where the Jimmy Stewart comparison comes from, but Hanks still hasn't come close to doing his own Vertigo, where he could unearth something seriously dark and fucked up from under his aw-shucks surface. I wish someone would give him a role like that.
  6. Nope. Lansbury was 20 when she got that second nomination, Ronan is already 21.
  7. Your grades are your grades but it seems to me you swing a bit too far in the other direction. Doesn't 40/100 basically mean that you enjoyed 40% of a movie overall? If I gave such a grade to a movie it'd be way too low for me to recommend it to anyone. Same with loving something but only giving it 60/100.
  8. It's probably between Rylance and Ruffalo, the former is getting raves but the latter is better-known and they could collectively decide that it's finally his time or whatever. De Niro is a dark horse at this point, but if he really delivers I could see him winning over both of them.
  9. I can see it pulling an Amour. Even though the director is the opposite of Haneke in terms of where he is in his career, the movie is by all accounts extremely impressive and the Holocaust theme will help. Right now I have DOR, McCarthy, Miller and Haynes as my top 4 and the #5 spot is between Inarritu, Nemes, Spielberg and maybe Boyle, but like I said on the last page, who the hell knows really. I still remember how WTF this category ended up being three years ago.
  10. All of those except Inside Out, Brooklyn and Room (and maybe Steve Jobs) look like overpredictions to me. Hateful Eight and The Revenant will only have 1 week in wide release before the nominations, I don't think either will even break 40m at that point.
  11. Bridge of Spies Carol Inside Out Joy Mad Max: Fury Road The Revenant Room Son of Saul Spotlight Steve Jobs
  12. Thanks for sharing that. I could listen to them shoot the shit for hours. And I got even more hyped to see Mark Rylance in this. The last time I was looking forward so much to the performance of an actor I've never seen in anything was probably when everyone was raving about Waltz in Basterds. Also it's cool to know that me and Spielberg agree The Spy Who Came in from the Cold is the greatest spy movie of all time.
  13. I disliked Pan's Labyrinth when I saw it, but at this point I barely remember why. I need to see it again.
  14. I suspect Bridge of Spies and Steve Jobs will be just as effective at home, but I guarantee you that The Walk won't. It's a movie made for a big screen and 3D.
  15. So he thinks it was good but not cinematic enough, which is nothing more than an opinion that you happen to disagree with. (And why the hell should he care how well-received it was by others?). And it's an opinion that has absolutely nothing to do with the movie's director being a black woman.
  16. Those are Ellis' words about Django being more forward-thinking. And QT says DuVernay "did a really good job" directing Selma.
  17. Fantastic Mr. Fox is nearly my favorite film of his, so anything else in that vein would be great.
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