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Jake Gittes

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Everything posted by Jake Gittes

  1. I can't really think of many outside seemingly hopeless cases like Taylor Lautner and the like. There are few actors who manage to achieve and sustain popularity while having little to no talent; it's a part of the job to figure out your limitations and learn to work well within them. Diesel may not be a great dramatic actor (though I haven't seen Find Me Guilty), but he's a perfect fit for Riddick and the F&F franchise; same with Keanu Reeves in his action roles. Then there are cases when a great director sees something in an actor that no one else has effectively brought out before, which has resulted in several generally-not-great actors giving great performances in Tarantino movies or Adam Sandler being wonderful in Punch-Drunk Love. Then there are people like Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson who become famous for bland lead roles but can actually do great work in character parts. It's much more often about actors just not getting the right roles than it is about them being completely untalented. Keira Knightley is probably the only popular, acclaimed working actor who hasn't done anything for me in any role I've seen her in. She's the only one whom I just don't get. At all.
  2. Tbh I was this close to thinking Mulholland wouldn't make it at all, somehow. People who love it REALLY love it, but many haven't seen it at all, so it's nice that it made it as high as #31.
  3. Man, Paul Dano was almost dangerously self-aware (but still perfect) casting for that role. I never wanted to kill any of his characters more.
  4. This will be a colossal fuck-up on Showtime's part if they don't just give him whatever he wants right now. There's no point in doing this at all if Lynch isn't directing it.
  5. F7's trailers sold the fuck out of it, so even without Walker's death it might have still done around 120. But there's probably 15-25 million there that's all Walker.
  6. Really glad A.I. made it in. I watched it recently for the first time in about a decade and it was a revelation - arguably Spielberg's darkest, and definitely his most thoughtful and most ambitious movie.
  7. A Serious Man is my favorite film of theirs so can't agree there. Burn After Reading is excellent too.
  8. O Brother is pretty wonderful. Easily my favorite Clooney performance, and I'll never get tired of that soundtrack.
  9. I have no problem with stupid films as long as they know they're stupid and don't pretend to be anything more. (See the last two F&F movies for example). The problems begin when the movies stop being fun and engaging.
  10. Pretty much all of it. The main character was so obnoxious and unlikable I wanted to torture him to death the entire movie, the performances ranged from mediocre to awful, there was no charm and personality to the entire thing, it felt like the action scenes were shot and edited by someone having a seizure, and the ending is still one of the most ridiculous cases of "we're totally gonna set up a sequel, even though we've done nothing to earn it" I've ever seen.
  11. One of the first movies I remember truly hating.
  12. Do you mean Doyle has proved himself in blockbusters or in general? Because he was already doing great work on Branagh's films over 20 years ago.
  13. 1) Will FF7 make more than 7.5 mill for the early shows? Yes 2) Will FF7 open to more than 42 million on Friday (including early shows) Yes 3) Will FF7 fall less than 25% on Sunday? No 4) Will FF7 open to more than 100 mill? Yes 5) Will FF7 open to more than 250 mill WW (yes I'm aware it opens early in many markets....whatever number is reported Sunday from all markets since it opened will count)? Yes 6) Will Get Hard drop more than 46%? Yes 7) Will FF7 open to more than 13.5 mill in UK? Yes 8) Will FF7 open to more than 6.5 mill in Brazil? Yes 9) Will FF7 open to more than 12 mill in Australia? Yes 10) Will Kingsman fall less than 30%? No What films finish in which spots? 4 Insurgent 5 Cinderella 7 Kingsman 8 Do You Believe? 10 While We're Young 2) Will FF7 gross more than 850 mill WW? Yes 4) Will FF7 gross more than 7 million in midnights/early shows? Yes 5) Will FF7 gross come within 40 million of Jurassic World (it can be higher or lower than JW but it has to be within 40 mill)? No
  14. Movies shouldn't reflect anything other than what the filmmakers are interested in.
  15. Moonrise, Kill Bill 2 and Llewyn Davis are the only ones I had in my list so far.
  16. I'm actually pleasantly surprised that Frozen is so low.
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