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Jake Gittes

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Everything posted by Jake Gittes

  1. Are we already past the deadline? I was ready to post everything I had 12 hours ago and then it was midnight and my Internet connection disappeared because I didn't pay in advance for May. Dumbass.
  2. POTC 4 has the biggest OW in dollars (and I don't see it being surpassed anytime soon), F7 in rubles with 857 million.
  3. Fuck yes Suspiria. My favorite horror score ever, though Jaws and Halloween have more memorable individual themes.
  4. Saw The Duke of Burgundy yesterday. It's possible there won't be a better film this year
  5. Pretty much all directors have to work towards big budgets. Nolan, Spielberg, Jackson, Raimi, Cameron, Tarantino etc. all started with very little and their creativity allowed them to move forward until they became big names.
  6. Spielberg had a ton of limitations on Duel and Jaws.
  7. Linklater had something of a creative decline there roughly between 2006 (A Scanner Darkly) and the back-to-back-to-back punch of Bernie, Before Midnight and Boyhood, but that doesn't mean anyone's "acting" now, it just means they either forgot or didn't know how good he can be. I'll take the Before trilogy over all of Nolan's films combined.
  8. If "range" is defined by the number of genres a director has successfully worked in, I'd say Kubrick wins. I'd also place at least Scorsese above Spielberg.
  9. This is probably never easy unless your favorite actor is John Cazale. Even with someone as picky (and brilliant) as, say, DDL, I have no intention to ever see Nine.
  10. I can believe that it might not be a 100% artistic decision and be at least in part motivated by politics, but Hollywood has been making bad decisions for the wrong reasons since its infancy, so I'd say making a good decision for slightly wrong reasons still counts as progress.
  11. Nolan also hasn't made anything better than Heavenly Creatures. He is more consistently good, though.
  12. Lincoln is in many respects a classic awards magnet of a big historical biopic, but ironically it was also as good or better than any other BP nominee of that year (except ZDT). Even with its disappointing ending, I would have easily picked it over Argo and Life of Pi.
  13. Good point. Then I'll predict Jon Hamm, Melanie Laurent, The Rock, Kristen Stewart, Gillian Anderson, Willem Dafoe and Peter Capaldi, because I would love to see that.
  14. I can see Di Caprio, Chastain, Bradley Cooper and Amy Adams winning before the end of the decade. And Joaquin Phoenix, no matter what he might have said about the Oscars before, probably won't go without one for too long if he continues the hot streak he's been on.
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