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Johnny Tran

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Everything posted by Johnny Tran

  1. Oh shit, I need to make a Ghostbusters post. Well, I'm not a huge fan of the originals. I thought they were fine and enjoyable but I do not have a huge attachment to them. We already had a ghostbusters 3. It was a pretty enjoyable video game. I don't care who the hell is in the movie, I just want it to be good. That said, all this controversy has me going to see it. Otherwise, I may have waited for Red Box or something. So maybe there will be more curious folks like me. I'm hoping for a big weekend!
  2. I was watching Eye in the Sky tonight. It's really good. Well acted, tons of great performers but holy shit I never want to see it again. Not much for replay value. I want to cry.
  3. Causalities of War is pretty heavy stuff. I had no idea what the premise was going in and man it just hit me really hard. Some of those images you can't wipe from your memory. I'd definitely recommend it but be warned it's tough to get through.
  4. the difference between Pets and Dory (which, I have no issues with either) and a CBM are obviously that pretty much everyone who buys tickets to a CBM is there to see it while with animated features it's more likely that the parent does not care to be there but they can't just drop off their two 11-year olds so instead of 2 people buying tickets, it's now 4.
  5. I might be the most excited person on these boards for this. Cannot wait. I like the tuna in this series. I really do.
  6. DC: Rebirth so far is fucking awesome. Batman has a little interesting thing going, Superman is starting out strong, Green Lanterns is very solid, Wonder Woman is outstanding. I still need to read Justice League: Rebirth and The Flash. Harley Quinn and Suicide Squad both start next month I assume to go with the release of the film. I'm actually going to pick up The Flintstones also. Why not. It's got cool art anyway. Let's see what the story is about.
  7. I'll buy that the animation at Disney is superior. That's a no-brainer. But the look and style only take it so far. The same grievances people have expressed with Illumination are present in MOST Disney animated features. No, not Zootopia. Don't go crazy on me, I loved Zootopia. Frozen though? People complain about the lack of interesting characters or a compelling story. Frozen tells the same story that every Disney animated feature has told before it. It's the same princess/Mr. Right story that they've always told. It's the same love ballads. It's fine for a new generation to experience that on the big screen but for people like myself who have been there and done that, I'm not going to pretend we are seeing something new there.
  8. Those 200-285 critics don't even register in my household. If they have others held hostage, that's on them. There's very few I will read. the others are bloggers with no real knowledge of film.
  9. I love that people are still acting like Frozen and the like are groundbreaking while Illumination's projects are a generic wasteland. Get over it Disney stans! Disney has the name. Other than that, there ain't much difference.
  10. SLOP's number is so awesome. So happy. Tarzan and its WOM proving critics have lost their mind. Very good weekend.
  11. Deadpool wasn't a family movie though I'd argue some of the jokes were not aimed at adults. At least it was R and did well. Thats nice.
  12. Why are so many Disney fans so overprotective of their films. If someone dare says they didn't like one of them... it's World War III
  13. Zootopia was awesome. Big Hero 6 was solid. So if we're just going by those two then I wouldn't disagree with you. Maybe they are on the right track. But Frozen, God no.
  14. This reads like sarcasm. Throw in a couple more exclamation points to make it clearer.
  15. And for good reason. PIXAR has had some gems, no question about it. Walt Disney animation has been lukewarm for two decades. Don't confuse the two.
  16. I forgot they are making a Frozen 2. My god, it can't be any worse than the first one. What a pile of trash that was. So terribly generic. Aladdin and The Lion King were the last great motion pictures from that studio.
  17. Even if it was mediocre most critics will claim it's great. There's a different standard for family films.
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