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Everything posted by YM!

  1. I’m thinking Strange 2 has a modest increase, as the original was smaller, and the two year wait from Endgame. Think Thor 2 to 3.
  2. Fast 9 is about expected but I don’t see both Scoob and Sponge going over $100M DOM so close to each other. One will hurt and go sub $100M probably Sponge due to less novelty.
  3. Uncut Gems is fucking great. Go see it.
  4. Spies in Disguise is a fun but frustrating beast. It’s a good kids movie, but it could’ve easily been a good animated movie. Let’s start with the pros: - Will Smith and Tom Holland have absolute fun with their roles which help elevate the so-so script. Also Karen Gillian keeps her accent and that’s a plus. - The action and visuals is pretty gorgeous. I dig the 60s aesthetic they were going for in a few scenes, and the action is joyfully kinetic, while not reaching the golden standard of Kung Fu Panda/Incredibles/Spider Verse is still great. - The message about the dangers of fire vs fire and the endless sense of violence is handled well and pretty compelling while also showing some people in the rare case can’t change. Which is very rare for children’s film, which shows the life of carnage that an action hero does. - There’s a pretty cool Bond esque opening at the beginning which is pretty charming. Cons: - The script isn’t bad by any means but it’s the traditional kids animation script in that it’s pretty predictable, in you can get point A to point B within a few minutes. Like apart from the villain twist, I guessed a pretty decent amount of beats. - The humor is one of this film’s weakest point. In that you can feel executive meddling of adding jokes to be more kid friendly which sort of takes away the power of the message with grating jokes trying to be hip including a Millennial joke that I’m surprised wasn’t met with an OK Boomer. The pigeon parts aren’t dreadful like the trailers showed but I felt a much better thing would to have Lance lose his physical abilities in exchange for stealth based ones. - The main flaw with this film, is that it decides to be a kids flick instead of an animated one. There’s a lot of great films that have action while being animated be it, Dreamworks’ Kung Fu Panda, Pixar’s Incredibles series and Sony’s best Spider-Man, Into The Spider-Verse blends the kid friendly medium of animation in mainstream cinema while having adult themes and engaging characters and humor to make them excellent. Even Lego Batman does it better. Spies in Disguise has a strong theme and does show creativity but it’s biggest weakness is the lack of identity in that it wants to be like Pixar but fails to do anything unique and try’s to mask it with humor that elicits hit or miss. It tries to be a family film first and a spy film second, you can do both but it frustratingly chooses the safe and sure way instead of something bold. In short, Spies in Disguise is one of the better animated films in a lackluster 2019, and is a good kids film, but it’s not a good animated movie. It’s a good time killer but it’s sad that’s all it chooses to be despite some real effort. B-
  5. Spies in Disguise was definitely a fun rush but it’s a lot of problems of what’s wrong with mainstream animation, like it could’ve been something really great. I may post a review later but I’m seeing Uncut Gens now.
  6. @cayommagazine WhatAToon! Animation, announces its first film for Y7, as Agents of CHANGE has been pushed back to Y8, mainly due to story issues, as Heroes for Hire, directed by Bruce Timm and Alan Burnett (Justice League, Batman: The Animated Series) is scheduled Y7. The animated superhero comedy film, tells the story about Brie Finch (Awkwafina), a struggling henchwoman finds herself in a unique predicament when she has accidentally killed her boss, the notorious Black Fist (Mark Hamill) as she is forced to go on the run from both the criminal underworld and strangely enough, the media who decrees her a superhero. John Mulaney, Phil LaMarr, Yuri Lowenthal, Tara Strong, and more have joined the cast in undisclosed roles. Heroes For Hire will carry about a budget of $50M and will be traditionally animated. The next film in the WhatAToon lineup is animated R rated social satire from Olivia Wilde (Booksmart, Thirsty), about the bond between a teenager and her smartphone that has gained self awareness which will debut Y8. Infinite Studios will distribute the project as Endless Entertainment is reportedly putting as much marketing muscle for this as one of their animation.
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