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Everything posted by Hiccup23

  1. I am more nervous than I was in Avengers: Infinity War 30 minutes ago.
  2. I will abide by the predictions, reviews, real box office standards, and competition/release schedule. But calling it a sensation is more to do with the audience reviews and critical reviews. The film is destined regardless of box office performance to be a cultural landmark for cinema. I mean some of the most hallmark films didn't make millions in the box office. I hope it does well though
  3. Omg I am so sorry! I'll review in it 20 minutes! I swear!! Oh, well they came across serious. The Howling it felt out of place and kind of a sudden tonal shift. Gamera I guess in hide sight felt more natural in its comedy. Gamera was a fun over the top experience. Just wish the budget was higher China could have covered that budget increase
  4. We Are the Ants To Bring LGBT Stories to Middle America O$corp Pictures is targeting Middle America with their up-coming sci-fi high school drama We Are the Ants. The creative team is hoping this film will crack into the Midwest and rural America market that is typically limited to major blockbusters, war dramas, and Christian films. So how will it differ from other LGBT films. Takes place in the rural Florida Panhandle. Similar to Roseanne, the film will feature a Republican family however politics and religion will not be the focal point of the film. They family's political views will not be shown in a negative or mocking light. It will be an LGBT story centered around a lower class white family, struck hard by economic hardship. The film will not be centered on homophobia or bullying. Henry will already be out and accepted by his family, friends, and school. While Henry will be bullied, he will not be bullied because of his sexuality. Insiders, tell us that O$corp Pictures is torn on the rating for the film. Higher ups are worried a R rating will alienate the young adult audience and will lead audiences to view the film as an art house LGBT film. The film has been described by director Kelly Freeman Craig as: "Deeply powerful and insightful story. Much like Notes from the Otherspace, We Are the Ants brings you inside of the mind of an individual. You see their humanity and through that realize your own." When asked if it would be a cultural and critical sensation like Notes from the Otherspace, she responded: "Well I don't like to get ahead of myself. Both these films share similar ideals (both focus on main characters with anxiety and depression), however they are very much different in story and message. My main hope for this film like Notes from the Otherspace is that it will start an honest and open dialogue among its viewers. My goal is to give people with mental health issues honest/accurate representation and let them know that they aren't alone. While also educating their friends and family. I am just blessed by having two studios believe in my vision and two tremendous casts and crews to bring the stories to life." With a rumored budget of $40M-$70M, We Are the Ants is scheduled to open in August, Year 4.
  5. You deserve it! Thank you for writing that story.
  6. August Miraculous - Disjointed, chaotic, and lacking character development, Miraculous is a concrete idea that was completely mismanaged. I haven’t seen the source material so I don’t know if it is faithful but this is definitely not a good adoption of it. 🍷 Gamera - Gamera is over the top and the cast is forgettable but this was a good time at the cinema. Several moments that weren’t suppose to be funny where hilarious. How can you not laugh at that? The third act really struggles and just feels out of nowhere. I get the whole”god of children” thing but it just feels so random. Still, Gamera is very very entertaining and I do love a monster film. I had fun at the cinema and the visual effects were good. (Still think they could have spent more than $105M though) 🍷🍷1/2 Things Fall Apart - This film felt forgettable and dull. The 2 hours dragged by and the film just felt like a sloppy mess. The character development was subpar. I don’t have much else to say since I have already forgotten the film. 🥛 The Howling - Better than most werewolf movies (the bar is low haha), The Howling is a reasonably enjoyable horror film that occasionally is unintentionally funny and over the top (the ending). The third act struggles to keep the momentum going. While not scary per say, it does provide good entertainment value. The visual effects of the werewolf strike me as a little cheap. 🍷🍷1/2 Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad - After a rough start, Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad is helped by a good cast and brisk pace. This film was enjoyable and I had a fun time watching it. This film proves itself in a fairly high quality August and doesn’t get lost in the shadow. I am in a good mood and this film hit me well. 🍷🍷🍷1/2
  7. July Howling Commandos - God I wanted to like this film badly. I am sitting here making excuses for it. The dialogue is rocky, the characters are bland, and the tone is all over the place. It is kind of a big fat mess. But it is a mess I kind of enjoyed in a guilty pleasure way. I just wish we got more from Matthew Vaughn. Big step back for him. I was gonna give this a 1 glass of wine but I am feeling generous and I was entertained so…. 🍷🍷 Inversion - Cliche, cheesy, and predictable, Inversion takes a could be interesting concept and doesn’t go out of the box with it. This just feels like a big missed opportunity. Still it will please the fantasy romance audience. I just wish it would be more thought out. 🍷1/2 The Scavenger Wars – This was a long read. Divided it into three readings. Now I know I can go ahead with my 30,000 word, We Are the Ants Anyway, the best part of this was that each time I came back to finish where I left off, I didn’t need to reread the last paragraph to remember what happened. The story stuck with me so big props for that. The Scavenger Wars is a visual masterpiece and beautiful to look at. The world building is fantastic and it really pulls you into the film. The script is well written and the acting is good (not Oscar good but good). The weakness is the villain who is a bit cartoony. Kind of felt like a Marvel or DC villain who simply is there to provide an antagonist to our heros. The film did bore me at times and felt too long. Most of my problems are trivial and this is one of the better blockbusters of the summer. 🍷🍷🍷🍷
  8. 25. Halloweentown 24. My Peoples 23. Earth Defense Force 22. From Earth to Infinity: An Odyssey Through Space 21. Spark 20. Indigenous 19. Dazzled 18. Garden of Eden 17. Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad 16. Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive 15. The Cycle of the Werewolf 14. God of War 13. Street Sharks 12. Silent Hill: Innocence Lost 11. Lilo and Stitch 10. Island of the Blue Dolphins 9. The Scavenger Wars 8. Fatal Rendezvous 7. Student Film 6. Wolves of the Deep 5. Cataclysmic 4. The Chrysalids 3. The Odyssey: The Counsel of the Dead 2. Prince of Egypt 1. Notes from the Otherspace
  9. June Dan the Alpaca - There is really isn’t much to this film. I guess it was fine. Does its job and gets over with fast enough. Enjoyable for children but dull for adults. 🍷 Ripper - Not as good as a film as other reviewers claim. Tom Hardy is the star of the film hands down. Maybe an Oscar nominee? As for the actual film, it is component and thrilling is several moments. It just felt at times boring. Thankfully the run time was under 2 hours otherwise I might have wandered off mentally. 🍷🍷 The Odyssey: The Counsel of the Dead – The Odyssey: The Counsel of the Dead is a step up from the first installment (like there was really anything to improve on). There really isn’t much to say that already hasn’t been said by other reviews. The biggest feat this film accomplishes is the third act. F*cking fantastic. Let’s hope the third installment doesn’t disappoint. 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷 Finding Gobi - Heart warming at moments but altogether a forgetful summer film. I’d watch this on Netflix but not in theaters. 🍷🍷 Second Wind: Stormy Seas - I don’t remember the first film and see no reason for a sequel. This film is unfunny for a “comedy”. I literally didn’t even crack a smirk. 🥛 Call of Duty - One of the most popular videos games gets a meh debut on the big screen. Like BioShock, Call of Duty feels like a cash grab without any substance. This isn’t a bad thing if the film was self aware of it. The first step to getting away with a cash grab is admitting it. Call of Duty tries hard to be a good film but ultimately and very sadly falls short. So much potential. Still….it is entertaining and in my opinion worth a ticket………...on a $5 Tuesday. 🍷🍷1/2
  10. @YourMother the Edgelord Btw I like our first weekend of November duo. Year 1: Hiccup- Animated film | Your Mother- Live Action Year 2: Hiccup- Live Action | Your Mother- Animated film Year 3: Hiccup: Animated (A Wish For Wings That Worked- Penguin film) | Your Mother- Live Action (Treasure Island 2?)
  11. I copied the genre from 2.0 and forgot to edit it. My bad
  12. That's the name in the book. I didn't pick that
  13. My theater this weekend Showings Avengers: Infinity War 37 I Feel Pretty 6 Super Troopers 2 6 Traffix 3 Truth or Dare 2 Rampage 4 A Quiet Place 6 Blockers 6 Ready Player One 1 Black Panther 4 Avengers: Infinity War Previews Avengers: Infinity War 2,054 2,610 78.7%
  14. Good review for the Chrysalids! Sad for Bartimaeus But at least it wasn't a total pan. I am 100% confident the sequel will earn better reviews.
  15. The chrysalids and notes from outer space
  16. Thanks! I am hoping the sequel can improve. The first film is the roughest out of the three.
  17. I have already read it. You are safe my dear.
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