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Everything posted by Hiccup23

  1. Speaking of China. Spark should do very very well there.
  2. Rama should do very well overseas especially in China since it is heavy visuals and light on script. Hidden World should also do well since it also falls into the same boat. I am interested to see how Mara, Daughter of the Nile does.
  3. Nothing breath taking so far with the Justice League showings Justice League 63 870 7.2%
  4. @spaghetti! @4815162342 @cookie @Bastien @ChD @Xillix @Alpha @Rorschach Did we decide on which day this weekend Year 2 will open? I am in favor of Sunday afternoon since it is the weekend of Halloween and most of us I am guessing will be busy during the Friday-Saturday time frame. Also Thor 3 opens worldwide for our global players. What do you all think?
  5. Basically finished all of my films except David. Some a fairly short while other are lengthy (not P&W lengthy though). I think 9,500 words is my longest film. I feel pretty good about Year 2. Reviews I think should be slightly better than Year 1 for me and hopefully I'll have more involvement in the Oscars. Box office wise is a mystery again. I think I have more films this year that can compete with 200M than last year. I was very aware of my running times this time around and the longest film is David with a running time around 2 hours and 3 minutes. I am most interested to see everybody reaction to Academy, 56 Days of Love, Screwtape Letters, Island, Little Demons, and My Life to Waste.
  6. Sooooo @cookie what is the plan for November 2nd? Animation smack down?
  7. Add Little Demons - October 5th - Stop Motion Animation - dir Henry Slick
  8. 6. To the Moon @ChD To the Moon was in my opinion the best film in CAYOM history. I really don’t have much to say since I am familiar with the film already. This will no doubt be a sure fire hit critically, especially with me. I can’t wait to watch it again. The interesting thing of Year 2 will be if an outside film can defeat this film for #1! Top 25 Potential: 100%
  9. 7. Lance @cookie This is another film that intrigues me for some weird reason. It has a fresh and interesting premise. The summary of the film gives me a feeling the film is bound to be a fun and exciting ride. The cast looks very promising and Christoph Waltz is a very talented actor and will no doubt be a terrific villain. I loved Logan and love Indiana Jonas so I don't see a reason I'd dislike this film. It will be interesting to see if the is campy fun or a serious film...either way I am looking forward to it!! Top 25 Potential: 70%
  10. @O$corpPictures: "Jason Blum to produce Bloody Mary and The Academy"
  11. @O$corpPictures: "56 Days of Love to be directed by Ang Lee and the entire film shot from a POV perspective"
  12. I am hoping HDD can have a under 50% hold next week. I want Jigsaw torture porn shit to bomb away. HDD deserves more.
  13. Academy Interview! Welcome to Hiccup’s Critical Review and our exclusive interview with Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, and Dylan O’Brien for their upcoming film The Academy! Welcome boys! Harry, Louis, and Dylan: “Thanks! Glad to be here.” Interviewer: “Alright, so what is this film about?” Harry: “I can take this boys! So the film takes place at a military academy where us three are kind of the “mean boys” on campus. Not everybody likes that including the First Sergeant played by the amazing Jodie Foster. She has a different vision for the campus and wants us gone. On top of all of that a killer appears on campus and begins killing students. So basically everybody is a suspect then. There is more haha but it is kind of a long plot to try to describe because of all the storylines. If I were to sum it up it would be: Heathers meets Scream.” Interviewer: “Sounds interesting! Louis, this is your first film. What was the hardest part of jumping from singing to acting” Louis: “Well I was a bit hesitant at first to be apart of this project when Jason Blum approached me about it. There is a big difference between singing and acting and I was nervous obviously. I read part of the script and what my character would be like and I immediately was interested. My character was so much fun and I am very glad Harry and Jason convinced me to do it. You know, the hardest part looking back was trying to do the American accent. That was so hard!” Dylan: “Well Louis and I also had a hard time keeping a start face when Harry and Ariel were acting. Their characters both are so over the top and dramatic, it was virtually impossible to keep a straight face when watching them.” *Laughter from all three* Harry: “Oh god, yeah it was hard not to laugh.” Interviewer: “So I gotta ask this: Harry and Louis, do you guys have an original song that will be released with the movie?” Harry: “No, we don’t haha. But we do sing one of our songs in the movie so you can look forward to that!” Interviewer: “So how was filming?” Dylan: “It was a ton of fun. Michael really let us model the characters to our personalities and let us develop them. I remember what Michael first told me when I was handed the script. He said, “This script is an outline. I want you to read it and develop the character you think fits it best. Have fun and don’t be afraid to venture into crazy land with this.” Louis: “Yeah, that was one cool aspect I enjoyed. I also liked how the film really embraces the ridiculousness of itself and just runs with it.” Harry: “Well you two were lucky. I had a little less development with my character. As kind of the central character Michael had a specific vision for me. I multiple times walked up to Michael and was like “I don’t think I should say that on camera.” But he would say, “Go for it! That is who Alex is.” Interviewer: “So is this more comedy or horror? Harry: “Comedy!” Louis: “Comedy.” Dylan: “Definitely comedy!” Harry: “Well….I don’t wanna mislead you. There is horror elements and some pretty gruesome deaths but I won’t call the film scary per say. It isn’t trying to keep you up at night. It is rather trying to keep you guessing….. like the game of Clue.” Interviewer: “So this cast has a significant amount of singers on the list, you got not only you Harry and Louis but Shawn Mendes, Zendaya, and Lorde. I find it hard to believe this isn’t a musical. How big are their roles? Dylan: “Well this definitely isn’t a musical and thank god because I can’t sing” *laughs* Harry: “Zendaya is actually a main character. She has her own group that kind of is a rival to ours. It is her, Kimiko Glenn, and Tyler James Williams. I think she and Kimiko have a song they do actually sing in the film. Other than that and our song that is it for songs haha.” Louis: “Yeah and as for Lorde and Shawn their roles are pretty small but I think will be memorable. There are a significant amount of other cameos in the film too. That is what I think will make the film fun.” Interviewer: “So there are more? I was looking on IMDB and there is an uncasted role for a SGT West? Is that one of the cameos? *Boys look at each other and laugh* Dylan: “Yeah, we actually can’t reveal that one. That is a surprise.” Louis: “There are more but their roles are small so it is best to be just surprised.” Harry: “Well….we can give them one reveal boys? Taylor Swift is in the film.” Interviewer: “Taylor Swift?!” Harry: “Haha yep! I mean her role isn’t massive but it still something to look forward too.” *Louis nudges Harry and they laugh* Interviewer: “What’s that?!!” Louis: “Ah nothing haha I don’t wanna venture into spoils haha.” Interviewer: “So I got to ask the big question regarding the film. Is this film a critique on Trump’s movement and the left winged social justice? That is the rumors floating around about the film.” Dylan: “Sort of and I can definitely see why people think so. The film isn’t pushing for one side over the other. It isn’t a pro-left wing or right wing film in it’s social message, it really pokes fun at both sides while maintaining a morality about it. I think the film does a good job at striking a balance between becoming a social commentary and make fun of the modern political climate. I’d say the film is a close comparison to the film The Heathers.” Harry: “My character Alex definitely is like Trump in many ways but is also unique in his own way. He isn’t a character you are suppose to like ultimately.” Interviewer: “Who is the meanest out of the trio?” Louis: “Harry!” Dylan: “Oh yeah Harry for sure!” Harry: “Hahaha yeah I am kind of the meanie in the film” Interviewer: “Interesting...well I guess we will have to see. So last question for you all. Since this is a “who did it” film, how does the film keep the audience guessing?” Louis: “The fantastic script keeps you guessing. It doesn’t let you get ahead of our main characters and you grow with them. I know my character grows a ton throughout the film. In the beginning you might think he is the killer for a certain reason but then halfway through his “motive” to kill changes. The script is fantastic as I already stated so I gotta give credit to the behind the scenes talent. I love what they have done.” Dylan: “On top of that, you don’t learn everything about each character immediately, they grow throughout the film. Some grow more than others but as the film progresses you begin to learn why each character would or could want to go on a killing spree. I don’t know if you saw the character posters but each one of us has blood on our hands...kind of goes off the saying “You got blood on your hands”. Each character has a motive and something to hide.” Interviewer: “Well thank you all for coming one and talking about the with us! We can’t wait to see the film!” Harry, Louis, and Dylan: “Thank you!!”
  14. I am sorry. I guess it didn't come off as light hearted as I intended
  15. Hunchback had the most nominations of the year and won a solid amount so calm down hunny. Some of us didn't win a thing, so your good. Count your blessings darling.
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