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Everything posted by Hiccup23

  1. Oh yeah the Academy...reviews were all over the place for that film. Feels like that film came out longer ago.
  2. What has been the most controversial films on here? Just curious
  3. MST3K: Expedecade Awkward, stupid, and unfunny, MST3K: Expedecade is a perfect example of a failed comedy. I honestly don't know what the f*ck I watched. 3%
  4. Ciaphas Cain It is a solid sci-fiction film with strong visuals and an entertaining script. It has more substance than Jurassic Knights and it does discover the film's universe. 76%
  5. Daisy Lemonade It is a cute feel good film that will put a smile on your face after you leave the theater. It is generic for sure and the acting isn't the best, but this is forgiven by the overall positive messaging. 70%
  6. Crusader With a strong cast, good script, and excellent visual effects, Crusader is a breath of fresh air to a year with below-average quality films. Liam Neeson definitely does a great job and I am glad the film was rated R so it could keep a realistic vibe. Another great job by @4815162342 93%
  7. Russian Roulette While one of the better action films of the year, Russian Roulette still suffers from a mediocre script and average acting. 44%
  8. Haha yeah your characters did. I just finished reading it. I actually had to censor and delete large portions (sex scenes) of Poison and Wine otherwise the post would get taken down or I could get warned.
  9. I already have it wide on the schedule
  10. E.S.P E.S.P is a beautiful, well-written, and fun animated entry to an otherwise dull year. It held my attention throughout the film and I was invested in the characters. Good job @rukaio101 89%
  11. On A Mountain Typically Keanu Reeves action garbage. The action sequences are decent but the writing and acting are terrible. 15%
  12. I'll probably just release it wide. There is a lot of things in the film (not bad things just controversial) that might hinder positive word-of-mouth
  13. Second to Singapore Franco and Rogen have undeniable chemistry. The story feels "been there, done that" and there are a few plot holes but otherwise it is a enjoyable and funny comedy. 66%
  14. Rhino Riders The rhinos look great but the story is dull and not very interesting. Feels like a generic horse racing flick but with rhinos. 34%
  15. Jurassic Knights This film has so much potential but wastes it all. The acting is good and visual effects are beautiful but the story falls limp. I wish we could have discovered more about the interesting universe created. 45%
  16. Black Friday Entertaining, weird, and fun, Black Friday is a breath of fresh air to horror. 79%
  17. I don't see the September opening weekend record falling. $35M/$95-$100M
  18. Just can't get over how good this looks. I really really want this to make over $100 million!
  19. I like that poster. I am a sucker for this type of movies. I'm already sold but I don't think the GA is. $27M/$70M
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