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Everything posted by druv10

  1. Best episode of the season. Reese is a ass kicker of epic proportions.
  2. Great number for BD1. It continues to gain on New Moon and has a legitmate shot at taking down NM/DH1.
  3. Unless he has some documents that are notorized he has a filmsy case. Also why wait for 2 years?
  4. Another good hold for BD1. It is in line for sub 50% drop this weekend.
  5. BD1 is looking good for sub 50% drop.
  6. Okay Sunday number for BD1.
  7. I think Friday number is 5,421,390 .
  8. I was off with my Sunday prediction of BD1. It had worse drop on Sunday compared to New Moon.
  9. Pecisely so claiming your opinion as fact is ridiculous. This is one reason why I am rooting for BD1 against DH1. Potter fans with almighty atititudes even though none of their movies are classic.
  10. Fact is GL had similar OW to Thor, CA but made substancially less than them. Meaning people gave it go but movie was crap and results show it. I do prefer Marvel over DC but facts are the facts.
  11. What is this based on? Your opinion or something else. Fact is BD1 satisfied its fanbase while GL did not. Green Lantern is much more known than THOR,CA, and IM yet it made substancially less than them.
  12. Now wait a minute Twilight BD1 is better than the turd Green Lantern. I agree Muppets should be having better drops but it could be just a down year for kids movies period. Now if Alvin makes substancially less than the last one than for sure its not the movies but the market.
  13. True but I want it gain as much on New Moon as possible.
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