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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. If the artist would have chooseen to end the movie with the: That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind Moment, put the foot on the surface said that, black screen to the generic would that have made the movie historically inaccurate ? Would Nolan Dunkirk not feature Churchill speech been historically inaccurate ? The issue with not showing a long moment in a very time restricted medium like movies, does not make them incorrect. And a choice that do not make the movie historically incorrect can still be criticized.
  2. Not exactly sure if this is a counter point to my statement, I didn<t say all WB slate were hits.
  3. I think they are independent offense, as a way to make it easy to charge with one of them if someone that look under the influence even if he score under 0.08 on the machine and to still charge him with one of the 2 if he score higher even without any symptom of being drunk. Making it strange in the case they charge him for both.
  4. That teaser make it sound a bit too late for that possibility (or going for a very different tone for the series if he get back has a supernatural entity). With the fact he seem to be death and that the season is called The final season, good luck.
  5. They will have what, eight 100 millions domestic grosser in 2018 ? Probably better than most predicted. With a bunch of Game Night / 12 strong / Tags / Teen titan that worked for what they were going for. Will see for Aquaman but possibly a flop free year.
  6. 9.7M for a thursday sound like a lot, I imagine some wednesday goes in this ?, look like a 45-50m intl debut is possible, with many countries yet to open. biggest opening day for a horror film in 18 markets.
  7. This: Would it not be strange for the winner of an honorary Oscar to win a competitive one ? Did it ever happened ?
  8. Those Oscar are better served for people that do not have a role that is rewarded by competitive Oscar unlike Kennedy or outside the Hollywood industry working in foreign language that can virtually never win like a Chan, Fellini (like 12 noms 0 win), Godard, etc.... But they also use it for the it is weird/circumstance and timing that made it so you never won like O'Toole, Sutherland, etc... The numbers of movies that marked their era is just really high, with 8 nominations without a win and executive producer on some winners like Schindler List. Schindler list E.T. Back to the Fuutre Force Awaken Color Purple Munich Rogers Rabbit Jurassic Park Twister Arachnophobia Indiana Jones Empire of the Sun A.I. All time estimated domestic ticket list among producer: Row Person (Click to view) Total Est. Tickets # Movies / Average #1 Picture Est. Tickets 1 Kathleen Kennedy 1,490.0 61 24.4 E.T. 141.9 2 Steven Spielberg 1,487.8 71 21.0 E.T. 141.9 3 Frank Marshall 1,146.9 59 19.4 Raiders / Lost Ark 88.5 4 Kevin Feige 1,116.4 33 33.8 The Avengers 76.9 5 Stan Lee 959.6 34 28.2 The Avengers 76.9 6 Jerry Bruckheimer 904.4 44 20.6 Beverly Hills Cop 67.2 7 George Lucas 863.5 22 39.2 Star Wars 178.1 8 Arnon Milchan 860.0 118 7.3 Pretty Woman 42.2 9 Brian Grazer 790.9 66 12.0 The Grinch 48.1 10 Thomas Tull 734.1 39 18.8 Jurassic World 79.0 11 Scott Rudin 723.5 88 8.2 The Firm 38.2
  9. Obviously over the performer or the stunt choreographers ? I guess so. But has for the coordinator could it not be an issue on some modern production ?, is there not often a different team that was making the cars stuff, completely different team that only did the air/parachute sequence on the movie and nothing else. Movie do tend to have multiple stunt coordinator with sometime saying that was the New-York stunt coordinator or stunt coordinator Canada. I have the impression that movie often use local stunts team and for International affair that mean a lot of different stunt team ( and very often being the same for all the movies).
  10. #39 on mine, Most of the movie on the IMDB top 250 are not R-rated (only 41% of them are R). Top 250 R-rated: 104 PG-13: 32 PG: 43 G: 17 NC-17: 1 Unrated: 53
  11. Most I am not sure (for the long movie type of watch), but using 1.0 is still the absolute worst case scenario and is presented by the author as being generous. A movie like that was not watched by a lot of family of 4 type of audience, so using a low average make sense, but 1.0 is low.
  12. I am not sure, I think it is a really high one among a lot of people. But I think that for almost all of them, the proposition of the movie is taken into account, they do not imagine R-rated Zootopia 2 would be of an higher quality, but if a movie want and need to make us feel the terror of close combat during war it could have an hard time to do so with a PG rating.
  13. Almost no one watch netflix on a phone after the first month (were they test it just to see if it works / time to set up a tv) It is a giant majority of the viewing that is made on large HD TV on Netflix: https://www.recode.net/2018/3/7/17094610/netflix-70-percent-tv-viewing-statistics That netflix == phone and not an 50+ inch TV does not match the reality of anyone a know, in north america at least household without TVs are extremely rare.
  14. How is it generous to count only one person was watching the stream, that is an harsh worst case scenario. $5 average ticket price for the movie when making the comparison is an extremely low theater average cost also, probably overestimating the ticket buyer quite a bit. Strange premise use for the math there. If we count $8.50 by ticket and 1.5 viewer for Mudbound we have around 12 million viewer of the movie on Netflix, or 102m at the BO viewer type of run. Yes but at least if someone watch only 50% of it, it count for only that time and do not count someone that watch only 45 minute has a watcher, but only has 40% of a watched and so on.
  15. Obviously otherwise I would have said the most watched ever. But if it score a 35% of the market share, could be an about 100+m movie equivalent. With Netflix getting 130m users, with 2.5 viewer by account each 1% of the market share is around 30m in box office. Having the Oscar winner available to watch right away to watch at home "for free" will be an novelty, at least for the first 5minutes could have a good traffic. There is 13m latin america Netflix user.
  16. Will be on the suggested list off over 100m screens too seen by over 230m people, could be one the most watched fall release Oscar nominated movie at the time of the ceremony ever.
  17. 2001 a space odyssey was rated General, the Lords of the Rings were PG-13 https://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=lawrenceofarabia.htm Lawrence of Arabia is PG Gone with the wind of all masterpiece is G. Hays code studio system turned many masterpiece, from Casablanca to many other, no one is suggesting any of this. The limitation even often brought artist to find fun way to tell the story, take how creative the exposition that Captain Louis Renault is sleeping with the poor disparate refuge is done. A rock star was living a very non-pg live, thus the comments..
  18. Maybe a Reaction video to Avengers 4 special edition unboxing or Dwayne Johnson daily training on the set of Red Notice could win.
  19. Ex Machina was the only small movie at the box office in the last 20 year's to win no ? Matrix, Gladiator 3 lords of the rings Spider man 2 King King Pirates Golden Compass Benjamin button Avatar Inception hugo (185m) Life of Pi Gravity Interstellar Ex Machina Jungle Book Blade runner Outside Ex Machina, Hugo is the only movie to go below 250m at the box office, most are above 500m. With Button 330m, Runner 256m, Hugo 185m and Ex machina the only below 500m winner.
  20. At this point they must have a reason why they do not have the category, too small industry was a supposition in the past (some year SAG didn't go to 5 nominee). 1) Who get the price ? SAG simply declare a winning movie: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screen_Actors_Guild_Award_for_Outstanding_Performance_by_a_Stunt_Ensemble_in_a_Motion_Picture 2) If Tom Cruise stunt double go on the stage to pick an Oscar for stunt work, that do remove a bit of magic, maybe the action stars and action movie producer are not enthusiastic for it. 3) Ability of the voting body to have an opinion on the quality of the stunt work, specially with many of it being CG ? Weak argument obviously, that being true for many category like Sound's I would imagine.
  21. The small group of people at the head of the Academy that were going to make the best popular category is a different one than the 8,000 voters (don't remember the exact number, but giant numbers), many of new that have been involved in 0 popular movie in there life and not Americans. Unlike the globes (80 voters that hang around together and decide stuff together), that giant heterogeneous group of voters is not that coordinated and does not tend to do anything to appease people, we are talking about a group that nominated 20 white actor the year after #oscarsowhite. Many have paid to be a member and from time to time helped for free the Academy a large part of their life and really do not like to be told how to vote, that why they change the rules to try to change the outcome.
  22. That said they achieved to announce this: To honor all 24 award categories, six to eight categories will be presented live, in the Dolby Theatre, during commercial breaks. The winning moments will then be edited and aired later in the broadcast. Selected categories will be rotated each year. The Academy will collaborate with the show producer(s) to select these categories. Without 33% of the noise if would have made if it was not in the announcement they cancel best popular movie. Genius 4D chess.
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