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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. That sound a bit ridiculous. If you are talking about this: Look at the date, to 12/31/2019, the television line (the biggest one usually for a movie like this) is not even open yet, the UK tax credit is not fully in yet arrived either.... no one is saying to anyone that the movie lost 87.7m. I feel that person has even the gross participation point of the big name counted against is Defined net proceeds calculation which again that type of contract and calculation is not saying the movie lost money if it end up with a negative number, not at all, but that bonus calculation pre-approved by both party is still negative. If we would look at the sheet Dan Boyle receive, we would see a large profit and giant participation bonus.
  2. I think it is easy to conflate different Hollywood accounting and profitability claim. For example of that leaker WB Distribution report, I suspect the reason the negative cost on the movie grew by 20% of the gross of the last 12 month (or 33% of the gross after fee), in some Hollywood accounting going to the big name the movie profitability did not matter (gross point). Residuals are base on gross revenues on the post theatrical windows and are directly set by the guild, that sound impossible to not receive them. Prowse did not get a profit participation bonus, but I am almost 100% certain no one ever claimed to him that the movie was not profitable, those contract are almost virtually never claimed to be on profit (or gross), they are on defined profit (or defined gross) with a detailed formula on how they will be calculated. People that never been on a big movie before and-or do not have a good agents-lawyer team will tend to sign a contract with a terrible formula to define profit or gross, which the studio will then use correctly to calculate the absence of bonus, without ever saying some ridiculous like the movie was not profitable. Forest Gump writer had a very famous case, he signed a contract that let the studio put a slate of like 6 movie to calculate the profit, they put Forest Gump with there 5 biggest looser of the year and the formula ended to a lost, they never ever told him in any way that Forest Gump was not a profitable movie (and Hanks made one of the biggest payday ever in the history of Hollywood with is profit participation deal on that one). The studio invited him to look directly at the book and he saw that everything was ok, he got "f...." when he signed the contract not after. They paid him a fortune for a sequel that was never made after that to be fair (which is apparently an extremely cynical and angry script). I would guess that on many of those high profile case, would we read the contract we would say... oh... right. In some others case (say Big Greek Wedding) there can be a vast misunderstanding between talents and the producer about the impact of pre-selling markets to finance the movie to reduce risk or just been able to finance it, when it turn out in a giant surprise hit and you had pre-sold almost all of the potential revenues, you can be left with very little versus what some expect.
  3. He made so much on the first trilogy that apparently he started to give it a lot of it away to the crew and others participant, the rumors around goes has high has a quarter of a billion that he would have made on them and in the conversation for the highest payday ever on an actor, with the Willis-Cruise-Arnold-RDJ-Hanks forest gump previous giant fall of money. And the rumors of how much he decided to share goes from the 40m to 70m: Each member of these teams received $1 million dollars per person, instantly making them all millionaires. He also gave the entire stunt team on the "Matrix" sequels Harley Davidson motorcycles. Him involved change everything for that project and he could have had the ego move to ask for 20M+15%, just to stay on that list.
  4. China not changing their summer black out season this year to accommodate Disney schedule could be spinned has a hard push back, but I really do not know enough to say if it is accurate, I do not even known when the blackout would usually end, some year's of the past it would have been over early august I think (some member here could know)
  5. You need to not overdo it, to do it correctly, you need to have a high percentage of the lowest brown affair that you like, Michael Bay output being a good and frequent candidate. For example going through is list, Cole really liked F9, Ford V Ferrari, Knive Out, Hobbs&Shaw, Spider Man Far From Home, Godzilla King of the Monsters, Shazam, Spider Man Into the Spider-Verse, Green Book, he gave a perfect score to Creed. On the MCU, Doctor strange, AntMan,
  6. That a strange way to perceived things. The fact it is a low cost anyone can do it endeavor and that yet someone distinguish themselves from a giant mass (instead of a small gatekeeper one) does not make it a less impressive exploit but an bigger one in general (like being really good among world soccer player versus being really good among world alpine skier or other expensive rarer sport). Few popular mainstream music are made with so few people getting involved in their production (I think they are 3 people involved) Has for the album in question being rubbish, both peaked number one in most market, well received by the critics and the academy has well. Maybe you are both trolling, but if you both think that any reasonable definition of talent was being involved (do you think that is just a giant amount of work more than others, at such a young age ?) Or that you could write one let alone 10 hits, but just prefer by laziness not doing so, that seem something a teenagers would say.
  7. In the western world, older people are way more vaccinated than younger one. Specially in the USA if goes to over 85% for the older population to around 50% for the 25-39 or 18-24. Seem similar in India: Maybe there is a appearance of it, because of how much those who are aware talk versus silent elderly, but in fact in India it seem to older population is much more getting vaccinated. In India, maybe there is an actual lack of vaccine for the younger group explain it, but I doubt the population more at risk and know people that had big issue with it (the elderly) is less aware, they maybe have less platform or care about talking about it has much than the energic younger people that do.
  8. Seem potentially worst box office impact wise or quite equivalent than the previous Black Widow and others $30 movie + Raya was a March 5 release and D+ on june 4 (90 days) Black widow july 9, D+ release is October 6 (90 days) Half the windows time, but no $30 options.
  9. I am not sure about the we live in a world that worship tiktoker or influencer, I would suspect that influencer would be even under owner of the social media platform on pool like this: I would not be surprised if it is not the opposite with those 2 being among the most hated and least respected people in our society. We tend to worship nurses, farmer and firefighters in the west and will attribute to them a long list of positive attribute they are likely to have and do the exact opposite to an influencer. Billie Eilish and her brother not having talent sound like someone that do not thing for himself and try to sound cool would say, what next Christina Aguilera has no singing talent ?
  10. And ? They are used here to show that he just made good movies has a way to predict the rest of is career and a way to predict how relevant is filmography will be. Gunn Beezel segment in movie 43 was quite good (like most of the movie)
  11. Johansson contract was in 2017, Shang-Chi was cast in 2019 and filmed in 2020, Disney+ was announced fall 2018 and launched fall 2019, we could imagine that contract by then fully took it into account and if not they should be able to strike a deal with those names (if they had large BO bonus to start with).
  12. Vinyl and tape and other analog are inherently "different" than the digital version, because of the giant cost and giant size of a equivalent for movies (to have has good if not better for some than the digital version) it will be harder. And the vinyl comeback is impressive but it is less than 3% of what CD sales were, i.e. something very niche would also exist physical movie wise at the very least almost for sure.
  13. With I imagine less than half studio time for your average album has well. This is what people fear, could happen (and has in good part happened already): With much cheaper (in time and effort put in them, budget, etc...) production but cheap to watch becoming the norm to adjust to the revenues reality.
  14. ? Hollywood blockbuster machine are quite all about making audience live emotions, including an obvious example like Avatar. What do you thing spectacular induce to a watching audience (and the first in theater 3D experience) ? I could be misunderstanding what you mean there.
  15. Like the music industry had to seek streaming-youtube and so on, that not mean that the CD model was not much better for them. That 2 different subject, how much should it goes on the theatrical one is also still a subject, even if obviously studio need streaming, so is are they (individually and the industry has a hole) better of everyone starting their own or selling to netflix-D+ like a Sony.
  16. ? Depend where, often it will include verizon-Roku and others cut on it when talking about annual SVOD revenues I feel like, but in both case it is almost never movies streaming revenues that people talking about when talking big SVOD numbers, but global SVOD revenues that need to be compared to the $200B pay tv industry has well not just the $80-90b movie one. The error people on purpose seem to often do, is take Disney+ global revenues and compare them to movies future windows revenues one moment and the next use the same total number with TV. Gross sales numbers often yes is what we are often exposed too gross sales on-the-numbers and so on (not if you go see an actual studio annual report too), same has for streaming or box office. For the home video sales of 2003-2004 in the USA alone: https://www.immagic.com/eLibrary/ARCHIVES/GENERAL/MPAA_US/M050309M.pdf Including the relatively really expensive unit bought by blockbuster and other to rend out: in 2004, in the USA, 148.7 millions VHS was sold and 1,462.2 billion DVD according to Adams Media research, movies like Spider-Man, Potter, Passion of the Christ, Return of the King, Shrek 2 sold from 11 to 22 million unit, average price was over $20 USD that year. I feel gross sales were over that in a single market, without VOD/PVOD. In 2004 a movie like Spider-Man 2 would do in gross / net revenues From theater: 399m / 159.3m Home Ent: 403.4m / 206m TV: 172.8/171m If a single window get exclusivity and not only reduce theatrical but replace the 2 usual windows, its net revenue need to be compare to the combination of them I feel like. it was not uncommon for the studio revenues (not the gross sales) to be 2 time bigger (sometime 3-4) than theatrical rental on smaller movie, on giant theatrical success like above that 40% bigger being close to the norm. That was $526 millions of revenues for the studio, 377m net income ($828 millions/$542m in 2021 dollars)
  17. I think there is major difference between the 2, Nielsen has a very small but attempt to be somewhat random and representative Nielsen home (like some thousand) and extrapolate for the country. SambaTV are on like 20 brand of smartv and is tracking 20-40 millions TV and extrapoling that to the country by doing a small multiplier. The hooked up part is build in the sony, roku os, LG, etc... from what I understand
  18. The way Gunn career is going, is filmography could stay somewhat relevant for a very long time, let alone DC entries. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (pre-production) 2022The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special (pre-production) 2021The Suicide Squad (directed by) 2017Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (directed by) 2014Guardians of the Galaxy 2013Movie 43 (segment "Beezel") 2010/ISuper 2006Slither Is pretty much batting 1000% imo for 15 year's
  19. Specially if 100% of the HBO max audience had access to it relative to now only premium paying on (just learned about that couple of minutes ago) GvK was more a going to see it in theater experience too.
  20. Well yes how good a movie is going purely relative to what movies are doing in the same context, if it was just one movie like GvK or Wonder Woman on a 43m HBO max market doing more, but if no big popular movies released to compete with and a small movie was bigger, on what metric are we based on to say that it did good (or bad)?
  21. That an important point ( It is always said has free when reported, but $50 if you were interested in just 1 to 3 of the expected movies is not an insignificant price)
  22. It can sound good if presented like that, until you learn that it was a small Mortal Kombat movie being #1 And in that context: Date US HBO max in millions 06/30/20 26569 09/30/20 28731 12/31/20 37665 03/31/21 40628 06/30/21 43528 It was one of the few movie that was a fully fair competition, SS 2.8 million would be less than 6.4% (depending on how the grow was in july) of the user base watching. While Godzilla Vs Kong 2.6m in march was 6.9% and Wonder Woman 2.2 was 12.8% of what the user base was after it's opening and around 25% of what it was before it's opening.
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