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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. Make sense, after so many of those audience could be more wait and see if that entry is worthy, than for Kingsman were liking the trailer/liking the first would be more than enough.
  2. I really strongly agree with this, very strong first act, become boring after a while (wish we could have followed Magneto killing Nazi storyline kind of). It is still competently done, same for Kingsman.
  3. It is harder to imagine the numbers of screening affecting legs yes, specially for a movie like that, no one could not buy a ticket for a screening except at the very first most in demand shows I would imagine. Even if it must have still some small effect, just in a mechanic way that almost no screening are empty, so more of them, more bo.
  4. For first weekend of blockbuster I could imagine, having less screening mechanically can affect it, say Wolf of Wall street first weekend, would a 2hours instead of 3 hours DiCaprio-Scorsese acclaimed movie with a very fun and one of the best trailer of the year open less than 20m ? After that, runtime can affect the subjective experience and the word of mouth, but that would be hard to assess, some movie have probably a shorter better version that could exist, the Tarantino`s since the death of is editor, etc... that could have made a bit better.
  5. I hope it is on the 150m+ plus giant extravagant spectacle, the more on screen the better, would be really rare for a movie like that. And it is not like a sequel is in play here.
  6. I think people disliked the ending of Now you see me a lot versus how liked Kingsman was, also it does not look like a movie you need to have seen the previous one or to remember it to possibly have a good time, resistance from audience could be low. It could a bit like Ted the first entry really overperformed with Now you see me and Kingsman, so there is room for a drop, but I would expected a different pattern, smaller domestic drop and not a worldwide grow like Now You See me.
  7. Must always be related to franchise (studio messed a franchise they like, studio is participating into movie making a rival franchise, etc...) and must be knew to the Internet/franchise obsess era. Specially now that studios are more and more irrelevant in the filmmaking. But I am not sure someone with a Avatar jpeg and Fox in the username would hate Century Fox, that would be misleading.
  8. Without any surprise, Dwayne Johnson was much better at analysing that movie first weekends result than the people calling it a flop. Germany being is best market is also unsurprising.
  9. Hard to tell how close to the truth those numbers are, but looking at the release date maybe it became more and more costly for WB to keep people away from the DVD revenues participation and had to accept into bigger money in advance. If you look at the negative cost/advance line here: http://deadline.com/2010/07/studio-shame-even-harry-potter-pic-loses-money-because-of-warner-bros-phony-baloney-accounting-51886/ We can assume than those movie ended costing them over 300m in generals anyway and it could have just changed when it did...
  10. I could see that work in a nice world hit for Sony. Like a Hart/Johnson comedy domestic but with a better oversea performance.
  11. Yes an older guy will never make a 180 degree on it either, taste are set pass a certain age. I'm saying movie you hate/find boring young can change a decade later, didn't liked the first Jurassic Park/Alien/2001 a space odyssey when I was a kid, some of my favorite watching experience now and it is not something one can predict.
  12. What crazy statement ? Global warming being a factor for them was a common statement made by a long list of people, United State is one of the very rare developed country were it would controversial let alone qualified as crazy. If they are below 30 right now it is possible, movie taste can change by a huge amount getting older (and not predictable)
  13. I imagine that it could be a mix of: ) Not much chance than the word of mouth from those specialty theater could attract the GA much, ) Betting on the small chance that a really strong reaction on social media could create some curiosity among some people. ) Announced to be wide before the festivals and betted on some better festival reception ? That movie was not much seen when those decision were taken maybe.
  14. Specially with a F cinemascore, cinemascore cannot be manipulated by a small group over voting online, they are paying customer picked, maybe it will go up overtime has it reach is natural audience, but with that general audience reaction, would expect very low score.
  15. How people are rated in school probably influence how they rate stuff like movies after. You can hear someone calling a movie average and give it a 7/10 instead of 5 for example, chance are good that he grew up in a system were the average students were getting 70% grade (or a letter equivalent) and not 50%
  16. It is not a rational industry trying to make a profit from every move they do (a bit like university and many others), some spent more on an Oscar campaign that what getting a bunch of nomations give to a movie added business. People do not finance Malik thinking that it will not fail commercially, Sony was pretty certain that Baby Driver would fail like all Wright project and did it to strengthen their relationship with Wright, because he would accept to direct commercial studio movie after. A lot of stuff can get into consideration, studio street creds, capacity to attract big names in the future, building relation with big name right now. Specially in that small budget type of projects, with enough brand power to open world wide, there is always a small possiblity that the end result would have looked a bit different (director has full final cut they cannot do anything to the product) or still connected getting in some strange positive vibe among world cinephile, but they didn't necessarily counted on it or did it for those reason. A bit like when they gave Bay is Pain&Gain or Warner Affleck/Dicaprio Live by Night.
  17. Yes the how well it reached is natural audience (because of misleading marketing or otherwise) tend to be more an indication of the cinemascore, then the quality, it is normal for T4 to have a really good cinemascore, everyone in the theater is a transformer fans, a Brad Pitt movie can attract people not ready for a movie like this (in 2011 that is) or Boogie Night terrible test screening in the past, the movie Drive reception, etc...
  18. Maybe not proven, but everything suggest that he is, every movie he starred since the Lego movie overperformed a little bit or a lot for what they were, as yet to have any clear counter example of why he would not be one. Denzel tend to be paired with an actor that appeal to is least favorable quadrant, white female under 25 in particular, younger people in general, it was Chloe Moretz for equalizer, Ryan Reynolds for some movie, Mark Wahlberg for an other movie, Pratt for this one, etc... you are not comparing him to a vacuum when you compare him to the other movies, but those others draws the studio attached to them to fill Denzel voids. The movie did a little more than what was expected by the studio when it was a liam Neeson/Denzel project, both domestic and oversea despite a worst than expected exchange rate, lot to do with Byung-hun Lee making the movie do very well in south-korea but I think Pratt helped the movie overperform expectation (or least the expectation when Neeson was the second big supporter of Denzel) also. For Passenger, clearly Pratt augmented the box office and he scored very well in the exit poll (significantly lower than Lawrence but still very high for an actor). Not sure how much higher than Life that movie do if you removed both stars, it did more than a well reviewed big Ridley Scott Alien franchise movie domestic....
  19. Here's the 8 films, all time, with an "F" Cinema Score, and their Rotten Tomatoes score. 1. Killing Them Softly (78%) 2. Solaris (65%) 3. Bug (61%) 4. Wolf Creek (53%) 5. Darkness (4%) 6. The Box (45%) 7. Silent House (41%) 8. The Devil Inside (7%)
  20. I get that you do, do not take my response to you, as response to you necessarily, just for the fun to find out and for others that could read the threads as general info. Joy was probably for the director, a studio head personally proposing a no-ip mid budget movie in this day in age to a director/actor combo must be rare and feel special, studio accepting the creative control + final cut condition is really interesting to have. A story about a woman that is being gracious with her power with everyone (something that is probably a goal for a young actor getting used to power). The movie needed to be good to have any chance, but it did open like Hustle heavy assemble did and Leo-DiCaprio Wolf of Wall street opening around the same time of the year, if the movie would have delivered and connected it would have done really good business.
  21. Both King Arthur and Monster Truck do feel like bigger flop of the year imo. The promise in some way the biggest I guess (a nearly 100m movie that box office mojo do not even bother to enter is box office correctly and made 10m WW), but barely count because of is financing context, people were not trying to do any money with that movie and Imagine P&A was no where near the other movie we are talking about and could still have loss less money.
  22. I thought Napoleon was half joking with that Indie / foreign movie statement, and I was going a bit with it. Cloud atlas was not made by a studio even if Hanks pushed hard and the directors did invest some of their own money in the movie to be able to get done (mostly German financing), because yes it was a much less mainstream concept.
  23. Can I ask you for source, or you are just making stuff up ? Joy OW : The demographic breakdown for Joy was 66% female vs. 34% male with 77% being 25 years or older. In terms of playability, Joy over-indexed in the Midwest and Northeast. Passenger was 61% over 25, no indication that her movie play particularly young, Hunger Games was 5 year's ago, SLP/Hustle were not popular only among young people (nor were Hunger Games). Mockingjay part 2 was 62% over 25 and in 2013 Lawrence was a top 3 favorite among American adults according to the Harris polls and the academy that nominated her many times is in average above 60s. Actors are not really popular among teens nowadays (less than youtube stars)
  24. Girls that were 11+ when Hunger Games movie released will be 17+ in 2018.
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