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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. IF those low budget 150m rumors are true (the second one had a 235 million gross budget) it should make a good profit (specially that there is not much movie star getting first dollar gross point here to make it harder). It could even do movie budget + bonus before break even at the domestic box office alone, usually when you achieve that on a movie of a mid budget or more (say over 25m) you are in a really good position and you never loose real money, except if it changed recently that is the only box office rules of thumb that seem to be true in all eras, if you do over budget+bonus before Break even point at the dbo you should be ok bar a terrible home video performance + terrible oversea performance, but even then you should not loose real money. Almost none of the sony released movie between 2006 and 2014 lost money if they did that, and the exceptions are movie like those: http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=30minutesorless.htm Total Lifetime Grosses Domestic: $37,053,924 91.4% + Foreign: $3,493,516 8.6% = Worldwide: $40,547,440 On a 31 million budget + 45 million P&A, loosing 13m
  2. Could be a "freshness" level, Cloud Atlas was a book adaptation but few movie ever felt more "original" to those who didn't had read the book, same for Guardian of the galaxy vs Antman/Dr.Strange type of more classic SH origin story. I think people certainly already do in part what you are saying, they will consider has more "original" There will be blood/Cloud Atlas/Dunkirk/most biopic/historical event than an original script of a classic genre/tropes like an raunchy party comedy released after Hangover (The House, sister, etc...) or the usual Kevin James/Adam Sandler entry. A lot of a movie originality is the characters, so if those were already created in the pass (or are common archetype) it is hard to really give an high originality score. From a box office point of view, it is much more franchise/ip vs non franchise/ip that matter, original or adapted is irrelevant, if you are an adaptation of an unknown book or a remake of an unknown foreign movie for example that change nothing.
  3. This, we are so use to franchise dominating by now that people can make article like that, when: 1 Wonder Woman WB $392,888,706 4,165 $103,251,471 4,165 6/2 - 2 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 BV $387,572,407 4,347 $146,510,104 4,347 5/5 - 3 Spider-Man: Homecoming Sony $268,806,805 4,348 $117,027,503 4,348 7/7 - 4 Despicable Me 3 Uni. $224,999,905 4,535 $72,434,025 4,529 6/30 - 5 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales BV $170,858,161 4,276 $62,983,253 4,276 5/26 - 6 Cars 3 BV $145,699,093 4,256 $53,688,680 4,256 6/16 - 7 Transformers: The Last Knight Par. $128,389,479 4,132 $44,680,073 4,069 6/21 - 8 War for the Planet of the Apes Fox $111,287,629 4,100 $56,262,929 4,022 7/14 - 9 Baby Driver TriS $89,171,188 3,226 $20,553,320 3,226 6/28 - 10 Dunkirk WB $82,706,220 3,748 $50,513,488 3,720 7/21 - 11 The Mummy (2017) Uni. $79,529,695 4,035 $31,688,375 4,035 6/9 - 12 Alien: Covenant Fox $74,111,463 3,772 $36,160,621 3,761 5/19 - 13 Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie Fox $72,253,606 3,529 $23,851,539 3,434 6/2 - 14 Baywatch Par. $58,060,186 3,647 $18,503,871 3,647 5/25 7/27 15 Girls Trip Uni. $51,639,220 2,648 $31,201,920 2,591 7/21 - 100% of the summer top 8 are not only franchise entry, but many really old franchise. Only 2 non franchise in the top 10 and that was because Mummy/Alien were not that good movies or they would be there, only 3 non-ip in the top 15 Franchise movies have again completely dominated the summer, except for Dunkirk would not be surprising if not one original movie will do 33% of WW and Guardian or half of spider-man 6.
  4. A bit like for John Wick 2, the movie felt like an excuse to go from action scene to action scene that I watched a bit numb not even trying to understand what was going on that much. As great as the long "sequence" scene was, it felt a bit in a different movie, specially the children of men car sequence and the slow motion did kill what it was building. And when we got out of the car it felt like we got back to the movie, not has bad as the action scene with lot of horse in A Million Ways to Die in the West that felt like they were not directed by MacFarlane, but still in and out. Felt very different than the other action scene, and even those were uneven they were by moment the standard late 90 early 2000 Hollywood standard cheap fast cut heavily edited tight camera shot action sequence, to some time a more longer you see more of it action sequence, with some that felt forced (wait for the cops to come and fight in the apartment didn't felt necessary with time to flee, why enter the building with all the bad guys for the stair case fight). - Even thought it felt like it missed time to clearly tell the story, a lot of filling was used (fly over shot of city showing night traffic), artistic shot of a bar, other effect like that, could be connected to the lower budget - Bombastic use of music and little score - Lack of budget was felt a little bit by how much time was spent in Theron character neon room (or other characters rooms) or the almost free to do testimony room - Didn't like the editing at all, the transition scene to scene didn't had much coherence and felt like an bunch of scene played one after the others, to the a bit of suicide squad like of playing London calling for the character going to Paris. - Multiple ending syndrome a little bit to me ?, we have the end of the interrogation that feel like a movie ending, followed by something that feel like a sequel setup instead Most of this could be me, because the plot was confusing me even thought it is the ultra classic Mission Impossible list of agents microfilm, with everyone involved wanting it. I prefer my excuse to go to set piece to set piece (when it feel that is the case) to be simpler like John Wick 1 and not JW 2 or like the Raid 1. If the story become complex I prefer if the people involved have heart in it, like The raid 2. Big deception for me with how much it was hyped month's ago, I would not expect great legs or a big audience for a sequel like JW 2 had.
  5. I don't know about that it is opening above Keanu Reeve John Wick (14.4) that had better review and an high concept and not that far than some Denzel action movie flick. A movie like Haywire (big name director, bigger assemble co-cast with Fassbender, McGregor, paxton, Tatum, Banderas, Douglas) good reviews, did 8m it's opening weekend on 2,349 theater. Didn't have a real draw in the lead. Spy genre outside comedy is not easy either. Man From Uncle (franchise name, big budget, director, cast) did 13.4 million on 3,639 screen, Spielberg/Hanks bride of spies did 15.3m ow (december but still), Pine Jack Ryan did 15.4, Cruise Jack reacher did 15.2 the sequel 22.8 Has for AB promo having been insane, really ? It was a Focus feature release, it did get the best screen in the multiplex I saw it, over Dunkirk second weekend thought http://variety.com/2017/digital/news/the-emoji-movie-tops-studios-tv-ad-spending-1202505688/ Est. Lifetime TV Spend: $18.45M Seem really standard, nothing crazy like Live by night or Moneyball. I think that for a focus release with that type of theater, those reviews, not much of a hook except here Theron John Wicking, it is a solid opening weekend and show some drawing power, I suspect if we get cinemascore result they will point toward that.
  6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Papers Plot A cover-up that spanned four U.S. Presidents pushed the country's first female newspaper publisher of The Washington Post, Kay Graham (Meryl Streep) and its hard-driving editor, Ben Bradlee (Tom Hanks) to join an unprecedented battle between journalist and government in publishing the Pentagon Papers. Look at the key words in the first Trump year Oscar, U.S. President cover up, first female newspaper publisher, journalism against government, those pentagons paper were about US military and political involvement of Vietnam and were part of the Watergate scandal involving Nixon: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentagon_Papers My prediction is that will be the movie seen as important this season, it was rushed to be made because of the current environment.
  7. She is releasing a movie with a nearly 0% RT this weekend (one month after it got a DirecTV release) and you are picking on Atomic Blonde between the 2.... Producing/leading an action movie after Fury Road and getting David Leitch to do it (with him quitting John Wick 2 to do this one) after he just did an acclaimed action movie like John Wick, with Goodman and Mcavoy co-staring, getting a nice wide release (it is on the biggest screen of my multiplex) from Universal is not bad at all, really not bad at all in today environment. In fact few movie getting wide release were better opportunity for an actor this year imo.
  8. Yes I know you think it will win (and I have no issue with you thinking that it is likely it will win). But I do not believe you at all when you are saying that: Game is over. poeple can deny this fact all they want cause having the oscar race wrapped up so early is boring but that's what it is. It's won. And the fact that you will not bet answer my question that I was right to not believe you, that it was simply saying Internet hyperbole, if it would have already be certain to win, you betting would not make you a gambler, it would be you having fund a loop hole of people accepting bet about a certain event (that they foolishly think is uncertain) and you having find an easy way to become rich with certainty and you would without a doubt doing it (nobody would not do it, that would make no sense at all it is way too easy money). Why would a movie like The Papers could not win ?
  9. How much will you bet if the odds are over 10 ? (if you do not bet a big amount you are trolling because you do not really think that it is a safe bet, you are just exaggerating how much you are confident it will win on the Internet). If you do not bet a really huge amount (and considering taking a loan to bet more than what you own), with those odds it is obviously not true that you consider that it is a done deal Detroit will win. So my question is: How much will you bet and if the answer is 0 (or a small amount below $10,000) why not bet more if it is certain Detroit will win ?
  10. That a bit harsh, it has been a while since I watched The big blue (1988) and Nikita (early 90's) but I remember liking them, and Leon the professional is certainly a worthwhile movie. Screenplay wise the first 2 Taxi were a lot of fun.
  11. Did anyone expecting anything else than a result between John Wick 1 and John Wick 2 (and pretty much close to the middle) gave an argument for that ? That movie had really good recent comparable.
  12. They curate a little bit the invite to earliest screening. Many would not, many would wait or just see the news of the movie getting an RT score when it would, it is certainly to help the movie that are the most rotten it would remove a bit of noise (almost no movie would have a starting at 100% on RT either like many do)
  13. Well I semi expected (like 2% chance) he would need to go unrated like Requiem of a dream, maybe it will not be less disturbing and the difference is just studio release vs non-studio release.
  14. I did not understood that from that comments, I thought it was waiting X-review (like they do for the consensus or certified fresh) to calculate an RT score, the reviews with a link toward them would still be listed, just not a score calculated (people would do it themselve and some website would publish the current estimate, just not RT themselve).
  15. Not really about order, the statement is should. It would be a bit like they wait before certified fresh or consensus, wait to even calculate the RT score (people would have to scroll at the reviews resume to have an idea before 50), they cannot order them and a competition will start doing what RT does, but RT is partly own by a studio I think (or a ticket re seller) and have some studio access and get paid by studio that use their certified fresh stamp in marketing, thus it is possible to pressure them. They are far from an industry independent entity.
  16. I think The Papers will be the Important movie of the year, the previous 2 early BP winner candidate, with a big advance were Boyhood and La la land, both did loose at the end. It has been a while since a movie that was predicted to win BP in advance won, who were predicting Birdman, Spotlight or moonlight before there release ? Those who did made a fortune. I doubt you are believing what you are saying and not just trolling. If you are serious thought (even just a little bit) you should bet on Detroit, it is giving 14 time your money right now (favorite Dunkirk, Phantom Threads and The paper are below 10) Bet just $10,000, you will make an easy $140k, if you do not, it is because you know you are just trolling.
  17. Isn't pretty much all that matter when talking about box office, how it did feel ? And ? He was not in Jurassic world, we cannot use nothing from JW2 (that was maybe not even planned not that it would matter) to talk about JW 1.
  18. A sequel of which movie ? Jurassic Park 3 ? Didn't saw that one, so you could be right, but it felt like a reboot to me, I didn't had the impression to have missed much of the story because I had not seen JP3, same could be said for JP2 to it is in fact probably better for continuity to not consider them. Felt a lot like a reboot to me. That would be like not calling Ghostbuster a reboot just because the studio didn't want to use the word (while they were calling it a reboot internally)
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