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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. I doubt people would insist on that idea post release. Can you imagine calling Tenet breaking the billion dollar bar a financial disappointment, even in normal time........ (and in some article before you called Trolls a success with $0)
  2. And ? I do not follow why does that make statement of people suspicious that some reviewers that gain paid travel/access to talent-set/early access to the content/big party premiere and so on can be unconsciously or in a calculated way biased, bullshit ? Arguably it do show how soft journalist all that type of journalism can tend to be (sport, movies, video games, etc...)
  3. That suggesting they already do not have a lot of data from movie theater audience if they want them, anyone that pay a movie ticket with something else than cash is pretty much already tracked no ? And that is almost all of it by now. There is a lot of benefit to a membership model outside data that would be missing if you just track credit card purchase by people and just group for the cash one, Club Price-Costco was build on those back in the days. I do think that you are right about big tech not knowing what to do with their cash reserve to use it in that industry in 2020-2021, it is a natural fit, price will be good, some synergy to a lot in some case, competing with the studios for them. I think you prediction around blockbuster/Disney sound true, they will use Hulu-Disney+ branding when they will not support theatrical in a very natural way, that will not even be perceived much (specially if the pandemy stay a long time with us).
  4. Even with a $130M P&A and using just a 15% overhead cost to include the interest and general other cost he seem to include, to make $360M back from world theatrical alone is quite something. Imagine a Nolan breakdown a la Interstellar: 28% domestic 54% intl 18% China $800 WW BO give you: $224M dbo $432M intl $144M china $224M * .53 + $432M * .4 + $144M * .25 = 327.52M you are still short before giving any of the first dollar gross to Nolan he almost certainly has. Sony on Bond 24, when they were paying only for half the movie budget and half the releasing cost estimated they needed $525m WW to break even (having access to only the box office revenues), it is quite possibly a bit underinflated. It is just such an useless metric for almost all the time it was ever talked about, Sony-Bond deal and other case when theatrical is to someone and all future windows to someone else then it become relevant, but in that context you never fully pay for the movie and it is not the movie that break even in theater, it is your share of the spending.
  5. The article do not talk about the movie break even point, it did mention a bad approximation (50% rental from world wide BO seem quite high) of what it would need to do to break even in theater: Nolan’s film would need to gross $800 million worldwide in order to break even in theaters. I am really sure why it is mentioned too, is it by pure misconception-ignorance/online bo bad reflex talk or by purpose to sound more spectacular... A quick look seeing is experience in acquisition and is coverage of the multiple future windows of the movie Capone, I think is to break even in theaters, is to be taken literally, that he knows that it is not the break even point of the movie.
  6. It maybe upped at that moment, but the start of the game must have been like baseball/hockey about honoring the military since way before, NHL started doing it sporadically when soldier returning to play for there teams after WW1, MLB-NFL during WW2 I think. Maybe the TV edit was not showing it and started to show it after 9/11 ?
  7. I am failing to see the link with the team renaming process and honoring the military as well. The national anthem in most pro sport started for honoring soldiers in the crowd (and for ww1 returning veteran playing on the field/ice), the NFL it started during WW2 and became a rules in 1945, making the link between it and the military obvious, but here ?
  8. Specially if you consider that the above the line for an episode could be getting close to 10m, that only $5M left to produce. If those numbers are to be believed, that would make GOT season 8 episode costing half the episode of a series like Picard....... One way GoT save a lot of money versus movies is having a lot but a lot of cheaper scene of people talking to each other making most of the show, often interior or recurring gardens and it is far to be some quality not seen in films.
  9. Big series seem to cost around 100M a season (say an NCIS of this world): https://fastlaneng.louisianaeconomicdevelopment.com/public/search/ent http://film.ca.gov/wp-content/uploads/2.0-CFC-Approved-Projects-List.pdf Westworld season 3 went to 99.9 million in qualified expenditures in the state of CA alone. Star trek picard 2 was 101.3 million in qualified expenditure (a bit over 10m by episode before the outside CA spending and the not qualified expense like the stars salary and so on), Lucifer season 4 was $125M. Some rumors about GOT do feel strange (for example some salary rumors does not seem to match well with by episode budget rumors)
  10. Production budget we see around do include above the line spending but do tend to exclude bonus occuring after the release, even first dollar ones. https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/10068015/filing-history If you include the total actors remunerations it is probably way above 500m by movie, they created one number company for both the avengers 3 movie part 1 and 2, so I am not sure how to split it between the 2, but for the combined has of june 30 the spending on those 2 movies were of: In pound: from june 30 2018 to june 30 2019: £293M from june 30 2017 to june 30 2018: £430M before june 30 2017: £247.5M Total: 970.5 million pound At the current exchange rate, that's 1.21 billion (like someone said at the time, there is a 1 billion movie being shot in Atlanta: Dan T. Cathy, co-owner of Pinewood Atlanta, noted the films were "the largest film production ever with a [combined] $1 billion budget",[170]) was probably an bit of an exaggeration in a way and a downplaying of the cost in an other way at the same time. Before the end of this year will probably have an other update from july 1 2019 to now how much went to the above the line players, but I have never seen in the UK filing history something that big, even the famous pirates of the caribbeans movies was a bit above 400 millions, this will end up significantly more than 50% of that by movie. Before any bonus, Spider Man 3 net budget after the tax rebate was almost 300m, if something like EndGames with that cast is much cheaper than Spider Man 3 without even taking inflation into account, that would have been an really good deal.
  11. And I will ask again, source that outdoor activity like going to the beach isn't much better than an indoor one ? People quite knowledgeable in this like jason on this message board and everything I did read with study done seem to indicate that outdoor transmission risk is in a complete different level than a closed indoor environment.
  12. Well I am sorry to have misinterpreted you when you said (I never said that you said that indoors are better than outdoor, I say that you said that indoor isn't worst than outdoor): thousands of people in beaches in uk, is not better thasn going to movie theater That seem to imply that people not social distancing in outdoor activities is not better than going to the movie theater. Saying something is not better, is making a comparison.
  13. G4 already appears to have infected humans in China. In Hebei and Shandong provinces, both places with high pig numbers, more than 10% of swine workers on pig farms and 4.4% of the general population tested positive in a survey from 2016 to 2018. There is no evidence yet that G4 could spread from person to person -- perhaps the most promising sign so far, said Carl Bergstrom, a professor of biology at the University of Washington I imagine that if it was that prevalent year's ago among people working/eating pigs and didn't catch up among humans it is a strong very low to no spread from person to person, but I am not sure why it is a news now june 30, 2020, with the word new in it, it seem to be about a decade old and tracked actively for a long time. Reading the research abstract, it seem that the news is that the G4 seem to have gained more and more ability to infect swine worker over time (and the more humans has it, the more virus reproducing themselves, the more chance a variation that bring human to human transmission will occur)
  14. Well yes the internet search seem to be quite unanimous that outdoor transmissions is much rarer than indoor transmission: https://www.stltoday.com/news/local/state-and-regional/no-new-covid-19-cases-from-lake-of-the-ozarks-crowds-missouri-health-director-says/article_6f36ad32-d125-5382-b78f-74bd0f6510ac.html https://www.businessinsider.com/risk-of-coronavirus-transmission-lower-outdoors-evidence-2020-5
  15. Source ? It could very well be the case that thousands of people in beaches is a category above less spreading than in theater.
  16. How AC system work and filtration of air recycling is a very important metric for this, it could be possible that movie theater are specially bad (like cruise ship or some type of restaurant were). But has a general rules indication are that anything outside is much safer than anything inside, non take out/car service restauration and movie theater are obviously non essential
  17. In term of coronavirus, "worst case" (or the best for the sellers of ticket) is an important metric here, most of the shows (virtually empty) does not tell us much. But yes i could see if it is usually hot and nice outside during that time for France to have very low attendance numbers.
  18. I imagine a lot would be from the top 10% screen and from those screen a lot from the top 5% showing.
  19. Who said that it was forcely rape and not statutory rape ? Sorry obviously but reading her post there is no mention of force (or of the word rape), so I thought it was statutory (in a state like california that has no Romeo and Juliet type of close). You think he would go in prison for rape if it would have been a 40 year's old woman, from that short testimony of the event ?
  20. 100m doses of AZD1222, https://www.firstwordpharma.com/node/1727007?tsid=33 The production will start before all the phases are completed so if they achieve them they will be already be ready.
  21. It would quite something for a serious media outlet to publish a story about an anonymous twitter account without some validating work.
  22. In how many state that a 20 year old sleeping with a 100% consenting 17 year's old would be an serious accusation of something ?
  23. Reading about Uncle Ben's I am not sure how the origin are racist: Our namesake, Uncle Ben, was an African-American rice grower who harvested his rice with such care that he reaped honors for the full-kernel yields and quality. In fact, his rice was of such excellent quality that it came to represent the standard by which all other rice was judged. As the story goes, the proudest boast a rice grower could make was to claim his rice to be "as good as Uncle Ben's." Years later, Gordon L. Harwell launched a company offering to the public the same high-quality, nutritious rice he'd supplied to the armed forces in WWII through his company, Converted Rice, Inc. He chose the name "UNCLE BEN'S" to symbolize the high quality of his rice products. To this day, we preserve the standard that was set so many years ago by the Texas rice grower named Uncle Ben.
  24. Could be true that they have an hard time finding bail to pay: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/jun/10/minneapolis-looters-released-jail-without-bail/ Seem like 98% of people get out bail free.
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