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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. It is arguably normal for a 250m+ movies made to appeal for the world to generate more enthusiasm and support than a small budget among many others. There was many black assemble cast/production this year's like every year, that was really not what was special about Black Panther. Normal (English is a second language here), I am just saying that there is major difference between Black Panther or a Coming to America and the Men In Black / Independance Day type of blockbuster.
  2. That was a quote from a old message. But there is a difference from a black lead movie (specially in a colorblind cast type role) and a full on black assemble a la Black Panther, Coming to America being a better precedent than Will Smith blockbusters, everybody knew about long history of big blockbuster with a black male protagonist, assemble being rarer (and to young for some to remember that Eddy Murphy was once arguably the biggest movie star in the world and did black assemble movie that were giant blockbuster worldwide). Has for choosing what is hyped by the Internet hyper (I remember the director of the female produced/written/directed/assemble Rough Night talking about not feeling any support she saw some other project get), I think it is not totally unfair for them to want to see more than just presentation to go out "burning" support, can you have impact if you do it every month all the time
  3. That much ? Why think in any way ? EndGame release date: april 26, 2019 Disney stock price: Apr 12, 2019 130.06 (jump from Disney+ announcement) Apr 15, 2019 132.04 (just before the movie release) Today: 132.47 The price is exactly the same than before EndGame broke record. Either it performed exactly has expected and was already included in the price and in that sense it helped it from the movie announcement (or Infinity War success) in a small way, yes. But that not a Liongates/EuroCorp that single movie make change to the stock price on how they perform at the box office I imagine.
  4. I mean why are you saying the stock is up due to End Game (considering the stock is lower after than before End Game release), I am not sure when the stock was acquired change to the question (the question would be the same if you never bought it) Movies do not tend to make stock move for giant conglomerate.
  5. He changed for 75m a week later: https://www.forbes.com/sites/scottmendelson/2019/05/26/box-office-john-wick-keanu-reeves-pickachu-pokemon-hathaway-hustle-intruder-dogs-journey/#75dc47915294
  6. I doubt it, the movie will try sell how extraordinary the challenge was and for how far they come from to make it spectacular the trailer moment when he said, I have how many days to beat Ferrari ? With a Ford !?! Do seem to point out they consider starting from far behind.
  7. Ford die in 1947, the movie is quite after that. But yes, specially when they say in the trailer, this is war we know how to do it, it is a bit of an invitation to remind people for who Ford rooted for during WW2. That said Ford company infrastructure during WW2 was a big part of the Allied war effort and success.
  8. John Wick 2 qualified cost in new york: 23.17m (But it was an international shoot) / spent: 33m John Wick spent in the NY State: qualified cost 20m, spent: 29m First one was probably in the 40-45m gross budget type.
  9. It is not easy to get a lot of screen and good deal on Big weekends/holiday season for new release, I would not imagine for movie available on home video. And on the limited segment, you will compete on the Die Hard and other Christmas classic getting limited showing. I am not sure if it is common for a studio like WB to not have anything else in that window to start with, I think the last 5 year's all the studio had holiday release.
  10. A little bit from De Niro to Jackie Chan I remember being somewhat a thing in the past from time to time. But yes it is a really strange obsession (did Malek sang, Portman do all the dance....)
  11. Are they not clearly jokes ? What would have killed Cap instantly in Mission Impossible Fallout ?
  12. When it is at that superstar level, I would imagine if the actor themselves or Tarantino has an opinion about it, it could supersede what Sony want, but yes they could make like Julia Robert did on August: Osage County and push big actor with big role in supporting.
  13. Damon is first billed I think and Pitt would apparently be quite the category fraud, specially for an big actor. Has for the release date, Kaluuya got in and Get Out was a February release, Mortensen got in with a small july release, it is rare but it certainly does happen. If you stay in the spotlight (and I imagine the Golden Globe will make sure of that) it is possible.
  14. Is that ever mattered ? (he did got nominated the year he shit talked) George C. Scott went quite out of is way to do it and got nominated the year right after Patton, same for Brando in 74 right after the Godfather, Woody Allen, etc.... Saying he do not like the concept of pitting people against each other for something subjective, isn't going all George C.Scott either.
  15. I wonder what are the chance for most of the logical answer to not be from south America, Asia or maybe Europe. Like a Min-sik Choi in OldBoy, Binoche in Bleu If you are having a really baity role in a very successful Hollywood movie that got an Oscar campaign like Prisoners and do not get nominated for the Oscar, change are good you are not even the best not nominated for an Oscar performance of that year. I imagine being quite impossible to answer, people simply go among recent one that was probably in the top 10 in vote but missed and not among all the millions of performances not nominated.
  16. A bit like the second movies those are really not for me, did struggle to stay awake all the way through a little bit. The fight were too much against no faced people, there was only one enemy a little bit fleshed out, the movie watching become way too passive for me in this too complicated world, I never question what would I do, have never any opinion on what anyone should do, I have no moral judgement on anyone action, I do not know what the hero goals are a lot of the time and not sure how to evaluate is progression, is goal seem fleshed out a bit magically one after the other about stuff/people we never heard before. And not helping all the regular humans in the story do not seem to care for one second about any of this, never grounding anything going on in any semblance of reality. All that Casablanca talk to ask some question to someone making coin, how / why the desert guy was above the table. Some of the new fight (knife, with horse, with dogs) were nicely done but I am not sure Reeve have the explosiveness to sales all of them, but I would take a bit more poetry and heavy music almost dance numbers like Asian movie often do them, the score/music felt overlook to me. It seem to not have any character arc much anymore or much of anything happening, the movie start Wick is running for is life, the movie end Wick is running for is life, almost nothing change, one less finger/one more enemy in the hotel manager being the only thing I can think of.
  17. One good element Pikachu has going for is having done well domestic, but still saying it is underperforming is not some outrageous claim either. Some example of the latest sony projection in their leaks Movie / net production budget / net budget + bonus at break even / break even point / Return point Sinister Six: 170m / 210m / 394m (124m dbo / 270m intl) / 588.8m Uncharted: 121m / 121.6m / 290m (111m dbo/178m intl) / 392.6m (151m dbo/242m intl) Barbie: 51m / 55m / 114.7m / 159.8m Candyland: 100m / 107m / 178.7m (99.3dbo / 79.4 intl) / 294.3m (163.5/130.8) Angry Bird Target: 150m dbo / 250m intl 400m WW In budget ratio break even / good return point Sinister 6: 2.32 / 3.46 Uncharted: 2.4 / 3.25 Barbie: 2.25 / 3.133 Candyland: 1.79 / 2.95 Not sure how it played out, but they did expect for movie to need a significantly higher box office to turn a nice profit than in some different era and outside a very domestic heavy affair seem to have project that movie would need to make a bit over 3.0 to has high has 3.5 time their budget (when they give a lot of bonus/have partner that took a big risk on it and get rewarded) to turn a good profit (a 12% to 25% ROI depending of the project risk). If pikachu was a 150m movie with a 120m+ P&A, it would not surprise me if the success bar / budget projection in the studio<s excel sheet was set between 450m and 525m.
  18. It really depend on type of deal, there goes with absolutely risk free with low reward when the producer pay you a fix fee to distribute, to more risker model (there is a lot of different model used) Source ? It is not common that we can have full detail on distribution deal.
  19. That a bit of revisionist history I think, Twilight success was mostly a surprise to most, there is a reason Paramount lost the right to the book because they didn't made a movie in a 3 year's window and that you could see 30m OW prediction the month of it's release. To put the surprise in perspective, none of the actor were signed for a sequel. There is a parallel universe with a Solo that did well and us thinking that the casting was irrelevant to it's success thinking of course it is a Star Wars movie featuring the sere most popular character it was certain to work. In what way was the dude attractive, was is look/mood/energy selling to that fanbase the character they like, to the GA being a Vampire. And for Twilight case we are talking about a movie for which the sequels grew, giving an argument about decision about the franchise being responsible for it's success over just the book phenomenon. IMO there enough popular franchise failing at the box office (and the list growing), that we cannot automatically attribute all of something success on the strength of is build popularity from other media.
  20. A bit like a Pitch Perfect 2, May release, both with really big OW for what they were, both driven by solid wom from Netflix watching.
  21. 45 was said a bit has a joke but yes in some market it get around that (in Canadian dollar at least), London for example have 25-30 pound 4DX ticket, specially for an EndGame type of affair the first days I imagine it could have went quite high.
  22. OW so big that they achieved to have people forced to buy $45 ticket not finding free place in cheaper option ?
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