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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. Considering still almost 6 month of CGI work that will go on on this.... maybe it will end up by then working in theater. Just imagine if this was not based on some very popular property, an original that we didn't had clue about what it would be and what the title Cats was for.... and that would be the trailer ! It would have been quite insane.
  2. Maybe not a new strategy, just that they gained a lot of power over theater chain since that would normally have an harder and harder time to say no to their conditions.
  3. Not sure about that (what is your source ?) 1) Negative Effect of climate change started earlier in many non first world countries and are usually bigger. 2) Outside first world countries a giant % of the population are farmer or have other form of making a living directly from nature and know/follow/directly feel climate related news quite more than the average first worlder, if they are not farmer they often have one in the family or know some. For example: https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2019/02/10/climate-change-still-seen-as-the-top-global-threat-but-cyberattacks-a-rising-concern/pg_2019-02-10_global-threats-2018_0-13-2/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_change_opinion_by_country % of people very concerned that climate change will harm me personally: Latin America: 63% Africa: 61% Asia-Pacific: 37% Europe: 27% Middle east" 27% US: 30% Climate change is a serious problem Africa: 61% Latin America: 74% US: 45% Europe: 54% Percentage of each country polled who agree with : Climate change is a serious problem Brazil 86% Burkina Faso 79% Chile 77% India 76% Uganda 76% Peru 75% ..... Russia 33% Ukraine 29% Pakistan 29% Israel 24% Poland 19% China 18%
  4. It is magnificent, So how your 71 billion deal is going ? Bad........ we should have not done it, you know the the small movie about an Uber driver ? It isn't making it worth it at all !
  5. Titanic 3D re-release made a giant amount in China, I doubt there is any rules about that.
  6. Seem like that sentence is missing word, what would that even mean ?
  7. Fudging usually isn't taking away, but counting the money 2x no ? From what I understand, you sell a drive-in double header say 14$ and you count that 14$ toward both movies instead of taking away from the older one and attributing most of the sales to the newer release. That it is way more fudged that one would initially thought.
  8. Sometime it is because they say hold in what is lost and not in retention rate stayed. It made 49% of the first weekend instead of 38%, look like that it is a big 29% better. Looking at 62% instead of 51% is 21.5% In this case the hold is so much better in whatever way you look at it...
  9. By a good 50 cent (versus mpaa average), could be 2D (or at least non-Imax) ticket price or like a lot of those list, very loosely made.
  10. Not sure if that one was one or a dying multi billionaire that wanted to use a movie for a political/educational goal not mending the expense. Lot of movie are made without the notion of cash being made with them even being a remote possibility.
  11. April 2017 I think This page was last updated on April 25, 2017. Around 2013 it looked like this apparently (price taken between 2011 to 2014):
  12. I would imagine in most of the "rich" world, movie ticket are much more expensive than the US (in pretty much true for everything, that what make american so rich) https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/the-most-expensive-movie-ticket-prices-around-the-world.html
  13. I am not sure where you got that data (and if it was more up to date than the MPAA report) because I am not sure it is yet the case https://www.mpaa.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/MPAA-THEME-Report-2018.pdf Per capita average annual attendance: 2018: 2-11: 3.0 12-17: 5.1 18-24: 5.1 25-39: 4.3 40-49: 4.3 50-59: 3.2 60+: 2.5 They are still the number one demo by capita I think, but it is true they have been bleeding from that audience enormously and that it is an audience that do no work (and drive and/or date) like they did in the past. I think almost all the downdrop in ticket sales by capita over time is from that demo. in 2009 for example: 2-11: 4.1 12-17: 7.9 18-24: 8.4 25-39: 4.3 40-49: 3.9 50-59: 3.0 60+: 2.4 Above 25, 2018 sold has much or more ticket by capita than 2009, 100% of the drop if from that giant around 8 time a year in theater to above 5 for the younger crowd.
  14. Not sure if I agree with the premise that offering to pay hundreds of dollar of cinema ticket for $10 a month and nothing else was such a great idea that failed because of execution and/or customer service. Lot of people that knew or lived the terrible customer service experience stayed because of how good the offer was. A better executed with a better service that would have more delivered on is promise (and not mysteriously stop to work the weekend Avengers get in theater) would have probably run out of money and closed much sooner. Outside some sort of fraud/blackmail attempt that maybe did work, it was not a good idea.
  15. Those 2 seem optimistic..... Force awaken: 124m Rogue One: 69.5m Last Jedi: 42.5m Solo: 16m Would be quite the come back for Skywalker, and Joker above Logan/BvS ?
  16. That would be stupid to laugh at, trades did develop system grabbing public traffic/camera stream and use that type of information: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/investing/article-quandl-and-the-invasive-use-of-data/ Or using satellite: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2019/05/stock-value-satellite-images-investing/586009/ By tracking parking lot of say home depot they can try to predict the next quarter result. For theater parking lot the different from big nights/big movie and regular one is so high that it must be a really good one to use.
  17. Assuring success Making you a member of the team $30M would be on the low side for this.
  18. Considering Tarantino recent non holidays release legs (tend to be about 3.2) and recent oversea multiplier (about 1.6), a 30M start could be pushed to 100m and make 260m, without China. Would feel underwhelming if it play like that imo. Bastard made 38m in August 2009 and was an R-rated /2h32 non studio release. That said Nazy are powerful.
  19. At least it is low awareness and not low first choice among aware if I read it correctly, making a lot of room to rise has advertising rise,
  20. DiCaprio studio movie tend to have rumored budget over 100m.(Gatsby, Revenant, Django, this, Blood Diamond, Aviator, Gangs, Inception, etc...) Now many of those are only rumors, Django on the Sony leak did seem to say 86m and that matched Lousiana tax credit information better than the rumored budget if I remember correctly. Always take numbers like those with a grain of salt and with so much first dollar gross flying around anyway, it is really a "budget".
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