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Everything posted by Lucas

  1. No real way of knowing how many reviews are in atm until RT sorts itself out in like 30 min to an hour.
  2. Jim has really gotta start fixing these writing problems going forward, but whoops probably already too late.
  3. Never seen this many reactions before, everyone's getting in on this lmao
  4. This is pretty definitively a middlefinger to the entire Hollywood industry, but a love-letter to what ends up on the screen (very curious if audiences will come away from it thinking "so it's all worth it"). On a technical level it's spectacular, but once the surface-level raucuous energy loses steam (partly on purpose), everything hangs on the characters and they're not strong enough. Partly baby's first Boogie Nights, (which is weird to say since Boogie Nights was baby-PTA's first Boogie Nights), and partly many other things, but it's a good, entertaining, and really well made movie. The screenplay, though not without a lot of merit, is a miss.
  5. Will be a problem for its MetaCritic score that both Bradshaw and Collins didn't like it.
  6. I'll speak for everyone in Sweden and say we're sticking with the fastfood chain.
  7. Seems like we've gotten a number from Evangelista. No idea if he's doing the SlashFilm review but it's fairly likely.
  8. I'll share whatever I can get, which might be nothing (but I assume a few things)
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