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Everything posted by Lucas

  1. I'm so shocked this isn't doing well. Wow. They were marketing it so well. Everyone knew this was coming out. It was all anyone was talking about for weeks.
  2. Can they get Cameron back in front of an interviewer please, I need some more banger quotes.
  3. Do some documentaries count on this? (thinking specifically Empire of Dreams) I might not have read the rules closely enough.
  4. Earliest public screening here is December 14 at 00:01. Absolute psychopaths seeing the 3+ hour movie at midnight on a weekday. *books ticket.
  5. Under no circumstances can I pretend that I'm not really looking forward to this.
  6. Oh this was really disappointing. Some very good moments but the titular Son is a flatline and the scripr has some serious issues.
  7. If this keeps building and developing the way it has then by the time the show is over it'll be the best piece of Star Wars ever outside of Empire.
  8. Oh dear, Robert Daniels review. I don't know when I'll have time to see it but will make sure it doesn't take too long.
  9. With there being so many more reviews left to go, this should end up in the low 80s wiith a low 7 average rating.
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