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Everything posted by Lucas

  1. If you're gonna properly release a movie then you should probably release the movie properly. I haven't looked much into Magic Mike's overseas release, how's that gonna go that might be comparable to Evil Dead Rise?
  2. Both. For comparison on the number, Eternals ended at 61 and Black Adam ended at 66. Wakanda Forever at 81 and The Batman at 88.
  3. The plot details listed in the article sound like the best case scenario for following up War.
  4. I haven't read the book but after I saw the film I looked up things that happened in the book and there some things that are very different. A major part is apparently a Shyamalan change as it seems to have been closer to the book in the earlier drafts by the co-writers.
  5. I liked it. Some really good performances, a great first act, and it just about manages to not quite stretch itself too thin with the runtime. Within seconds I could tell that the two co-writers must've taken charge on the dialogue because it's not as clunky or weird as usual for Shyamalan (though there are a couple lines here and there). That becomes both a positive and a negative because it takes away some of the idiosyncrasies of a Shyamalan movie with his strange ways of writing characters. As a whole the movie feels a bit more generic as a result than something like Old, but it is a tighter watch that won't make the audience go "what?" as often. It gets too heavyhanded at times but thankfully he pulls away more than something like Signs (the closest film of his I can compare this to). It's a solid little thriller that doesn't pretend it's anything more than that.
  6. 90 min to go and I'm very ready. Hit me with some fun surprises.
  7. Seeing it on wednesday and have heard there will be an embargo so might be a couple of days until people can start dropping even social reactions.
  8. Scream Scream 2 Scream 4 Scream 5 Scream 3 There's wide gap after 5.
  9. I am so fucking down for all of this
  10. I'm sure there will be some pushback now after the novelty has worn off, but I'm very excited to see what Akela Cooper will do when tasked with expanding on her own ideas. I'm expecting them to go crazier, but the further they go, the further that % will drop from the first lmao. Though unlike most horror films of this nature, that's a hell of a lot of goodwill going into the sequels.
  11. This was solid. Gerard Butler acts as if he's in Shakespeare when it so easily could've starred someone just looking to pay off their mortgage.
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